Есть сканы всех четырех томов задачников Graded Go Problems (качество сканирования ужасное, но читаемое, здесь:
http://narod.ru/disk/16955004000/graded.zip.html ), а так же литература, список которой представлен ниже, могу что-нибудь выложить. Из нее была прочитана книга "Go - A complete introduction to the game", и прорешан почти весь первый том graded problems, но с живым человеком я ни разу не играл, а программу вот осюда:
http://www.nihonkiin.or.jp/lesson/index2-e.htm так ни разу победить и не смог (естественно на минимальном уровне сложности), после чего примерно на год все забросил. Сейчас читаю Сomplete introduction to the game по второму разу, с надеждой на то, что все у меня будет хорошо.
ваннаби ментальным маньяком-кун Go - A complete introduction to the game - Cho Chi Kun.pdf
All About Life And Death Vol. 1 - Cho Chikun.pdf
All About Life And Death Vol. 2 - Cho Chikun.pdf
Encyclopedia of Life and death - Advanced - Cho Chikun.pdf
Encyclopedia of Life and death - Elementary - Cho Chikun.pdf
Encyclopedia of Life and death - Intermediate - Cho Chikun.pdf
Bozulich R. - Get Strong at Joseki 3.pdf
Bozulich R. - Second book of Go.pdf
Bozulich R. - The Second Book of Go (Kiseido).pdf
Elementary Go Series Vol. 1 - In the Beginning.pdf
Elementary Go Series Vol. 2 - 38 Basic Joseki.pdf
Elementary Go Series Vol. 3 - Tesuji.pdf
Elementary Go Series Vol. 4 - Life and Death - scan.pdf
Elementary Go Series Vol. 5 - Attack and Defence - scan.pdf
Elementary Go Series Vol. 6 - The Endgame (yose) (pdf).zip
Andrew Grant's Go History Pages.doc
Chinese go - Guo Juan - chapter3.pdf
Encyclopedia of Life and Death - 900 Elementary problems.pdf
Fairbairn transl. - from the Xuan Xuan Qijing (with ocr, excellent).pdf
Gentle Joseki.pdf
Get strong at attaking.zip
Get strong at handicap Go.rar
Get strong at invading.rar
Get strong at the opening.rar
Go Art and Philosophy.pdf
Go Winds 013 (1997).zip
Go Winds 014 (1998).zip
Go Winds 032 (1999).pdf
history of baduk.pdf
Kages Secret Chronicles of Handicap Go.pdf
Kaoru Iwamoto, The 1971 Honinbo Tournament.pdf
Learn to Play Go Vol. 1 - A Master's Guide to the Ultimate Game.pdf
Learn to Play Go Vol. 2 - The Way of the Moving Horse.pdf
Learn to Play Go Vol. 3 - The Dragon Style. Kim & Soo-hyun.pdf
Mastering the basics vol.3 - Making Good Shape - scan.pdf
Mysteries of Weiqi - The King's Golden Rules.zip
NieWeiping - Go Winds - Lessons 8-11 (rus).rar
Sakata Eio - Killer of Go.pdf
Sakata Eio - Modern joseki and fuseki -1.pdf
Sakata Eio - The Middle Game of Go - vol.1.pdf
Sakata Tesuji.zip
Shikshin V. 11_PrakticheskiiKursTesuji, Segoe Kensaku.doc
Shikshin V. 12_EnciklopedijaTesuji1.doc
Shikshin V. 13_EnciklopedijaTesuji2.doc
Shikshin V. 1_TeorijaIPraktikaSemiai.doc
Shikshin V. 2_TeorijaIPraktikaForm.doc
Shikshin V. 7_Playing analiz.doc
Shikshin V. 8_UchebnyiPlan.doc
Shuzo Ohira - Appreciating Famous Games.pdf
Shuzo Ohira - Shuusaku vs Shuwa.pdf
Speculations on the Origins and Symbolism of Go in Ancient China.pdf
SteveFawthrop_How to study life and death.htm
Strannyi smeh v nochi.pdf
Strategic Concepts of Go.pdf
Strategic Go.doc
Stronger Player 1.pdf
Stronger Player 2.pdf
Takeo Kajiwara - The Direction of Play.pdf
The Analyzed Games of Go Seigen.pdf
The Classics of Weiqi in Thirteen Chapters.doc
The Classics of Weiqi.pdf
The Way to Go.pdf
Toshiro Kageyama - Lessons in the Fundamentals of Go.pdf
Toshiro Kageyama Ch1.pdf
Toshiro Kageyama Ch2.pdf
Toshiro Kageyama Ch3.pdf
Vital Points of Go - Shukaku Takagawa.pdf
Vital Points of Go - Shukaku Takagawa.zip
Wilcox Bruce - Metaphorical Go.pdf