>>167120Но ведь это очень простая и незамысловатая песенка, с ней неплохо и машина справляется. Есть даже две версии для сравнения. Если у тебя все еще останутся вопросы по тем или иным строчкам песни - напиши по каким, переведу вручную. Но в целом там и так все более-менее ок.
Вот British версия:
I travel in my dreams to see you
I'm sure I'll find you in this colourful world
I look up at the sun and it's shining in the dark
The sun shines through my body and reflects it everywhere
A little piece of me that I lost a long time ago
Find it, hurry up, I'm right here
If we could see each other again
I'll do anything! Please!
Why don't we make a miracle here?
Before we wake up
Before you know it, the earth will keep turning
And one day, even the view in front of me will turn to sepia
Because I want to be colorful until I meet you
I'll sing a song to reach you with my prayers, forever and ever
I'm sure the two of us are like one, a mysterious power
Someday, we'll naturally be drawn to each other
Soon, if I can see you again
I'd do anything! Why not?
Why is it that morning always comes so soon?
I can hear your voice
If I could see you again
I feel like the world would change
I feel like you're still with me when I wake up from a dream
I don't want to leave you
If I could see you again
I'd do anything! Please!
Can't we have a miracle here?
Before you wake up
If I could see you for real
I don't care if it's in the morning
I'll pass you on the street as usual
I can't wait for you to notice