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No.288802 Reply
File: snapshot_12.jpg
Jpg, 285.31 KB, 720×720
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File: snapshot_11.jpg
Jpg, 344.70 KB, 720×720
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File: snapshot_15.jpg
Jpg, 296.73 KB, 720×720
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File: snapshot_13.jpg
Jpg, 315.17 KB, 720×720
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File: snapshot_16.jpg
Jpg, 222.97 KB, 720×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

Небольшой ликбез макросы и демы можно делать прямо на доброче, достаточно нажать рядом с пикчей на кнопку Edit. Генератор настолько прост что мой умственно отсталый дедушка разобрался бы, алсо незабывайте кадрировать пикчу оставляя самое главное (мимика, жесты...).

Старые треды с тоннами пикч: >>263258 >>267843 >>272292 >>282898
>> No.288805 Reply
File: macro-школьник-смищной.png
Png, 856.11 KB, 720×720 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.288817 Reply
File: А ТО.jpg
Jpg, 40.26 KB, 500×320
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
А ТО.jpg
File: А ТО - 2.jpg
Jpg, 70.27 KB, 821×857
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
А ТО - 2.jpg
File: Офис.jpg
Jpg, 64.36 KB, 720×416
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: Побитый Петр.jpg
Jpg, 266.76 KB, 1200×635
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Побитый Петр.jpg
File: Погоня.jpg
Jpg, 19.00 KB, 400×216
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

Поросенок Петр приходит в этот тред
>> No.288818 Reply
File: Пулемет.jpg
Jpg, 230.56 KB, 560×334
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: Ресторан.jpg
Jpg, 49.36 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: Сириус бизнес.jpg
Jpg, 11.39 KB, 330×248
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Сириус бизнес.jpg

>> No.288822 Reply
File: macro-поросёнок-пётр-одобряет.png
Png, 568.15 KB, 598×583 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.288825 Reply
File: macro-установим-здесь.png
Png, 492.94 KB, 560×334 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.288826 Reply
File: macro-а-то.png
Png, 334.57 KB, 500×320
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: macro-а-то.png
Png, 921.80 KB, 821×857
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: macro-поросенок-п...
Png, 485.80 KB, 560×334
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: macro-поросенок-п...
Png, 457.34 KB, 720×416
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

>> No.288828 Reply
File: macro-поросенок-пётр.png
Png, 128.92 KB, 330×248 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Забыл, простите!
>> No.288830 Reply
File: motivator-поросёнок-пётр.png
Png, 1004.35 KB, 710×660 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.288831 Reply
Я эпичный идиот. Точки над "ё" только в одном месте.
>> No.288834 Reply

Из сраной итальяшки.
>> No.288837 Reply
File: Без имени.jpg
Jpg, 178.64 KB, 710×660 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Без имени.jpg
Руками кошерней, но кривее
>> No.288838 Reply
В две строчки бы.
>> No.288843 Reply
File: Just as planned.jpg
Jpg, 53.40 KB, 656×440
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Just as planned.jpg
File: Завод.jpg
Jpg, 53.31 KB, 656×440
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: Петр готовит рево...
Jpg, 39.49 KB, 400×242
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Петр готовит революцию.jpg
File: Троллоло.jpg
Jpg, 49.76 KB, 656×440
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

>> No.288844 Reply
File: macro-it-s-danger...
Png, 457.90 KB, 450×420
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File: macro-shame-on-yo...
Png, 785.47 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: macro-все-мы-тут-...
Png, 479.18 KB, 642×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: macro-добрее-блдж...
Png, 339.23 KB, 656×481
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: macro-ебал-её-рук...
Png, 152.64 KB, 337×339
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

>> No.288847 Reply
File: macro-лурк-—-там.png
Png, 381.97 KB, 642×482
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: macro-не-делай-ни...
Png, 527.63 KB, 864×480
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File: macro-u-mad.png
Png, 306.43 KB, 629×480
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File: macro-лучи-баттхё...
Png, 277.01 KB, 640×480
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File: macro-доброчан.png
Png, 281.40 KB, 712×394
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>> No.288848 Reply
File: macro-поросёнок-п...
Png, 489.46 KB, 656×440
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File: macro-gtfo-bitch.png
Png, 224.21 KB, 400×242
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File: macro-just-as-pla...
Png, 478.88 KB, 656×440
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

>> No.288849 Reply
File: macro-болеете.png
Png, 138.22 KB, 386×302
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: macro-no-f-king-w...
Png, 235.13 KB, 712×394
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File: macro-злочан-же.png
Png, 309.88 KB, 592×394
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File: macro-супертиреч-...
Png, 224.13 KB, 712×394
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: 126398991738647.png
Png, 849.53 KB, 1280×720
Your censorship settings forbid this file.

>> No.288850 Reply
Петросяны заполонили тред. Пичаль.
>> No.288852 Reply
File: macro-хуи-сосёшь.png
Png, 127.79 KB, 275×283
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: macro-welcome-to-...
Png, 262.32 KB, 640×354
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: macro-it-s-danger...
Png, 270.31 KB, 712×394
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: macro-нет-д-артан...
Png, 376.17 KB, 512×384
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: macro-s-w-is-deee...
Png, 221.30 KB, 626×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

>> No.288853 Reply
Все, уже ухожу. Могу даже пост тот с собой забрать.
>> No.288854 Reply
Не опошляйте Порко Россо. Я конечно понимаю что выходит смешно, но всему же есть предел.
>> No.288858 Reply
File: macro-сириус-бизн...
Png, 210.94 KB, 490×394
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File: macro-есть-более-...
Png, 515.92 KB, 1280×720
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File: macro-больно-трог...
Png, 403.28 KB, 852×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: motivator-милиция...
Png, 1606.74 KB, 560×810
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: macro-её-рука.png
Png, 430.29 KB, 806×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

>> No.288860 Reply
То есть, это аморальнее той девочки с разбитым носом?
Доброчан, ты такой Доброчан...
>> No.288862 Reply
File: macro--кто-кто-ра...
Png, 1168.73 KB, 702×651
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: macro-добрее-будь...
Png, 652.48 KB, 1280×720
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File: macro-proceed.png
Png, 779.49 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: macro-ты-недостат...
Png, 580.46 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

>> No.288867 Reply
File: macro-отличный-тр...
Png, 532.17 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: macro-шучу-тред-г...
Png, 554.39 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

Там типа постоянная покорная готвность к бану.
>> No.288868 Reply
File: macro-улыбайся-сука.png
Png, 523.70 KB, 720×720 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.288902 Reply
На счёт девочки я вообще молчу. Мудаку, который может над этим ржать, ничего не объяснить.
>> No.288904 Reply
Во-о-от оно как...
>> No.288947 Reply
Переведи слоупоку 3 и 5е пикчи, пожалуйста.
>> No.288950 Reply
Как же вы заебали, ньюфаги...
>> No.288952 Reply
File: macro-поросенок-пётр.png
Png, 528.58 KB, 720×416 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Ага, так ты еще и моралфа-а-аг!
>> No.289040 Reply
File: macro-нургалиев-разрешил.png
Png, 431.23 KB, 393×420 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Забыл запостить в предыдущем треде
>> No.289074 Reply
Здесь тебе не двач.
>> No.289075 Reply
В том-то как раз и дело, что мне здесь - Двач.
>> No.289132 Reply
File: [Leopard-Raws] Se...
Jpg, 25.20 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[Leopard-Raws] Seikon no Qwaser - 01 Director's Cut ver (640x360 H.264 AAC)[(001101)01-08-02].JPG
File: [Leopard-Raws] Se...
Jpg, 33.75 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[Leopard-Raws] Seikon no Qwaser - 01 Director's Cut ver (640x360 H.264 AAC)[(001234)01-08-08].JPG
File: [Leopard-Raws] Se...
Jpg, 24.59 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[Leopard-Raws] Seikon no Qwaser - 01 Director's Cut ver (640x360 H.264 AAC)[(001478)01-08-30].JPG
File: [Leopard-Raws] Se...
Jpg, 23.84 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[Leopard-Raws] Seikon no Qwaser - 01 Director's Cut ver (640x360 H.264 AAC)[(001664)01-08-42].JPG
File: [Leopard-Raws] Se...
Jpg, 23.96 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[Leopard-Raws] Seikon no Qwaser - 01 Director's Cut ver (640x360 H.264 AAC)[(001691)01-08-45].JPG

>> No.289138 Reply
File: [Leopard-Raws] Se...
Jpg, 22.03 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[Leopard-Raws] Seikon no Qwaser - 01 Director's Cut ver (640x360 H.264 AAC)[(017334)01-10-08].JPG
File: [Leopard-Raws] Se...
Jpg, 47.13 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[Leopard-Raws] Seikon no Qwaser - 01 Director's Cut ver (640x360 H.264 AAC)[(017516)01-10-22].JPG
File: [Leopard-Raws] Se...
Jpg, 57.94 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[Leopard-Raws] Seikon no Qwaser - 01 Director's Cut ver (640x360 H.264 AAC)[(018417)01-10-56].JPG
File: [Leopard-Raws] Se...
Jpg, 20.70 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[Leopard-Raws] Seikon no Qwaser - 01 Director's Cut ver (640x360 H.264 AAC)[(023795)01-12-25].JPG
File: [Leopard-Raws] Se...
Jpg, 39.66 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[Leopard-Raws] Seikon no Qwaser - 01 Director's Cut ver (640x360 H.264 AAC)[(036407)01-16-27].JPG

>> No.289140 Reply
File: [Leopard-Raws] Se...
Jpg, 42.96 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[Leopard-Raws] Seikon no Qwaser - 01 Director's Cut ver (640x360 H.264 AAC)[(036473)01-16-31].JPG
File: [Leopard-Raws] Se...
Jpg, 38.22 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[Leopard-Raws] Seikon no Qwaser - 01 Director's Cut ver (640x360 H.264 AAC)[(036658)01-16-47].JPG
File: [OWA Raws] Sora n...
Jpg, 62.28 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[OWA Raws] Sora no woto - 01 (TX 1280x720 h264 AAC)[(024572)19-56-19].JPG
File: [OWA Raws] Sora n...
Jpg, 61.48 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[OWA Raws] Sora no woto - 01 (TX 1280x720 h264 AAC)[(026963)19-56-30].JPG
File: [OWA Raws] Sora n...
Jpg, 53.01 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[OWA Raws] Sora no woto - 01 (TX 1280x720 h264 AAC)[(033161)22-02-53].JPG

>> No.289142 Reply
>> No.289145 Reply
File: [OWA Raws] Sora n...
Jpg, 59.64 KB, 640×480
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[OWA Raws] Sora no woto - 01 (TX 1280x720 h264 AAC)[(035684)22-03-08].JPG
File: [OWA Raws] Sora n...
Jpg, 24.95 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[OWA Raws] Sora no woto - 01 (TX 1280x720 h264 AAC)[(040441)19-58-46].JPG
File: [OWA Raws] Sora n...
Jpg, 29.30 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[OWA Raws] Sora no woto - 01 (TX 1280x720 h264 AAC)[(040478)19-59-00].JPG
File: [OWA Raws] Sora n...
Jpg, 32.95 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[OWA Raws] Sora no woto - 01 (TX 1280x720 h264 AAC)[(043934)19-59-43].JPG
File: [OWA Raws] Sora n...
Jpg, 48.34 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[OWA Raws] Sora no woto - 01 (TX 1280x720 h264 AAC)[(044672)20-00-41].JPG

>> No.289148 Reply
File: macro-выход-там.png
Png, 456.53 KB, 640×480 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.289149 Reply
File: [OWA Raws] Sora n...
Jpg, 47.41 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[OWA Raws] Sora no woto - 01 (TX 1280x720 h264 AAC)[(044707)20-00-44].JPG
File: [OWA Raws] Sora n...
Jpg, 45.01 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[OWA Raws] Sora no woto - 01 (TX 1280x720 h264 AAC)[(048173)20-01-37].JPG
File: [OWA Raws] Sora n...
Jpg, 48.22 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[OWA Raws] Sora no woto - 01 (TX 1280x720 h264 AAC)[(048365)20-01-52].JPG
File: [OWA Raws] Sora n...
Jpg, 57.56 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[OWA Raws] Sora no woto - 01 (TX 1280x720 h264 AAC)[(049404)20-02-35].JPG
File: [OWA Raws] Sora n...
Jpg, 33.54 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[OWA Raws] Sora no woto - 01 (TX 1280x720 h264 AAC)[(066969)20-05-02].JPG

>> No.289154 Reply
File: macro-субкота-же.png
Png, 375.27 KB, 640×358 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.289155 Reply
File: [OWA Raws] Sora n...
Jpg, 32.10 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[OWA Raws] Sora no woto - 01 (TX 1280x720 h264 AAC)[(101959)20-10-31].JPG
File: [OWA Raws] Sora n...
Jpg, 28.69 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[OWA Raws] Sora no woto - 02 (TX 1280x720 h264 AAC)[(027173)18-16-06].JPG
File: [OWA Raws] Sora n...
Jpg, 29.92 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[OWA Raws] Sora no woto - 02 (TX 1280x720 h264 AAC)[(036407)18-18-13].JPG
File: [OWA Raws] Sora n...
Jpg, 40.48 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[OWA Raws] Sora no woto - 01 (TX 1280x720 h264 AAC)[(130622)20-15-04].JPG
File: [OWA Raws] Sora n...
Jpg, 62.65 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[OWA Raws] Sora no woto - 01 (TX 1280x720 h264 AAC)[(138171)20-16-21].JPG

Эти ЩЁКИ... Ну зачем так делать.
>> No.289157 Reply
File: [OWA Raws] Sora n...
Jpg, 62.96 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[OWA Raws] Sora no woto - 01 (TX 1280x720 h264 AAC)[(138261)20-16-55].JPG
File: [OWA Raws] Sora n...
Jpg, 62.39 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[OWA Raws] Sora no woto - 01 (TX 1280x720 h264 AAC)[(138275)20-16-42].JPG
File: [OWA Raws] Sora n...
Jpg, 61.71 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[OWA Raws] Sora no woto - 01 (TX 1280x720 h264 AAC)[(138283)20-17-01].JPG
File: [OWA Raws] Sora n...
Jpg, 62.34 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[OWA Raws] Sora no woto - 01 (TX 1280x720 h264 AAC)[(138289)20-17-05].JPG
File: [OWA Raws] Sora n...
Jpg, 61.07 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[OWA Raws] Sora no woto - 01 (TX 1280x720 h264 AAC)[(138307)20-17-15].JPG

>> No.289161 Reply
Соус, молю!
>> No.289162 Reply
Соус, молю!
>> No.289163 Reply
File: [OWA Raws] Sora n...
Jpg, 28.48 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[OWA Raws] Sora no woto - 02 (TX 1280x720 h264 AAC)[(027949)18-16-32].JPG
File: [OWA Raws] Sora n...
Jpg, 34.79 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[OWA Raws] Sora no woto - 02 (TX 1280x720 h264 AAC)[(035322)18-17-48].JPG
File: [OWA Raws] Sora n...
Jpg, 32.59 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[OWA Raws] Sora no woto - 02 (TX 1280x720 h264 AAC)[(035356)18-17-53].JPG
File: [OWA Raws] Sora n...
Jpg, 44.28 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[OWA Raws] Sora no woto - 01 (TX 1280x720 h264 AAC)[(133737)20-15-41].JPG
File: Sora no woto - 03...
Jpg, 39.25 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Sora no woto - 03 [x264, 800x448][(013911)21-28-03].JPG

>> No.289164 Reply
File: macro-ток-кокоё-там-ното-дольше.png
Png, 436.44 KB, 640×480 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Для /mu/?
>> No.289165 Reply
>> No.289167 Reply
File: [OWA Raws] Sora n...
Jpg, 41.51 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[OWA Raws] Sora no woto - 02 (TX 1280x720 h264 AAC)[(058450)22-04-25].JPG
File: [OWA Raws] Sora n...
Jpg, 34.27 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[OWA Raws] Sora no woto - 02 (TX 1280x720 h264 AAC)[(027696)18-16-24].JPG
File: [OWA Raws] Sora n...
Jpg, 30.25 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[OWA Raws] Sora no woto - 02 (TX 1280x720 h264 AAC)[(111955)18-29-41].JPG
File: [OWA Raws] Sora n...
Jpg, 28.47 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[OWA Raws] Sora no woto - 02 (TX 1280x720 h264 AAC)[(111960)18-29-44].JPG
File: [OWA Raws] Sora n...
Jpg, 35.59 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[OWA Raws] Sora no woto - 02 (TX 1280x720 h264 AAC)[(111153)18-29-05].JPG

>> No.289169 Reply
File: macro-до-ре-ми-забыла-что-дальше.png
Png, 413.28 KB, 640×359 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.289172 Reply
File: [OWA Raws] Sora n...
Jpg, 57.61 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[OWA Raws] Sora no woto - 02 (TX 1280x720 h264 AAC)[(113006)18-30-17].JPG
File: [OWA Raws] Sora n...
Jpg, 55.59 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[OWA Raws] Sora no woto - 02 (TX 1280x720 h264 AAC)[(113041)18-30-20].JPG
File: [OWA Raws] Sora n...
Jpg, 48.06 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[OWA Raws] Sora no woto - 02 (TX 1280x720 h264 AAC)[(113242)18-30-31].JPG
File: [OWA Raws] Sora n...
Jpg, 57.62 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[OWA Raws] Sora no woto - 02 (TX 1280x720 h264 AAC)[(121307)18-31-36].JPG
File: [OWA Raws] Sora n...
Jpg, 41.57 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[OWA Raws] Sora no woto - 02 (TX 1280x720 h264 AAC)[(122841)18-32-04].JPG

Семен, боюсь разочаровать. Стигматы квайзера, или как-то так, режиссерская версия анценз(на торрентс.ру нету). Не режиссерская это анима без самой сути этой анимы, то есть никаких тебе сисек и крови, ни о чем.
>> No.289173 Reply
Тебе больше на тирече понравится или на ычане. Шёл бы туда.
>> No.289174 Reply
>> No.289176 Reply
File: Happy_Lesson_01[(...
Jpg, 79.10 KB, 1280×720
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File: Devochka.pokorivs...
Jpg, 53.37 KB, 1280×720
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File: Happy_Lesson_06[(...
Jpg, 52.21 KB, 1280×720
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File: [D.A.S.]Kage_Kara...
Jpg, 87.70 KB, 1280×720
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[D.A.S.]Kage_Kara_Mamoru! 02[Rus_Jap][XviD 640x480 23.98fps][(029562)14-03-08].JPG
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Jpg, 71.91 KB, 1280×720
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>> No.289177 Reply
>> No.289179 Reply
File: [Leopard-Raws] Se...
Jpg, 20.59 KB, 640×480
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[Leopard-Raws] Seikon no Qwaser - 01 Director's Cut ver (640x360 H.264 AAC)[(032764)01-15-32].JPG
File: [Leopard-Raws] Se...
Jpg, 41.72 KB, 640×480
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[Leopard-Raws] Seikon no Qwaser - 01 Director's Cut ver (640x360 H.264 AAC)[(028619)01-14-05].JPG
File: [OWA Raws] Sora n...
Jpg, 23.25 KB, 640×480
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[OWA Raws] Sora no woto - 02 (TX 1280x720 h264 AAC)[(128472)18-33-24].JPG
File: [OWA Raws] Sora n...
Jpg, 16.16 KB, 640×480
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[OWA Raws] Sora no woto - 01 (TX 1280x720 h264 AAC)[(078162)20-06-40].JPG
File: Sora no woto - 03...
Jpg, 28.49 KB, 640×480
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Sora no woto - 03 [x264, 800x448][(032045)21-38-27].JPG

На еще парочку.
>> No.289181 Reply
File: Sora no woto - 03...
Jpg, 36.65 KB, 640×480
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Sora no woto - 03 [x264, 800x448][(033452)21-39-41].JPG
File: Sora no woto - 03...
Jpg, 25.05 KB, 640×480
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Sora no woto - 03 [x264, 800x448][(032106)21-38-39].JPG
File: Sora no woto - 03...
Jpg, 27.32 KB, 640×480
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Sora no woto - 03 [x264, 800x448][(025651)21-34-53].JPG
File: Sora no woto - 03...
Jpg, 29.01 KB, 640×480
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Sora no woto - 03 [x264, 800x448][(023774)21-33-25].JPG
File: Sora no woto - 03...
Jpg, 25.58 KB, 640×480
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Sora no woto - 03 [x264, 800x448][(032093)21-38-37].JPG

>> No.289182 Reply
У меня что-то с глазами, но на твоих пиках я сиськи вижу.
>> No.289183 Reply
File: [OWA Raws] Sora n...
Jpg, 104.68 KB, 640×480
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[OWA Raws] Sora no woto - 01 (TX 1280x720 h264 AAC)[(084753)20-07-43].JPG
File: [OWA Raws] Sora n...
Jpg, 55.70 KB, 640×480
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[OWA Raws] Sora no woto - 01 (TX 1280x720 h264 AAC)[(084805)20-07-52].JPG
File: [OWA Raws] Sora n...
Jpg, 52.41 KB, 640×480
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[OWA Raws] Sora no woto - 01 (TX 1280x720 h264 AAC)[(087173)20-08-23].JPG
File: [OWA Raws] Sora n...
Jpg, 92.53 KB, 640×480
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[OWA Raws] Sora no woto - 01 (TX 1280x720 h264 AAC)[(087376)20-08-34].JPG
File: [OWA Raws] Sora n...
Jpg, 39.68 KB, 640×480
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[OWA Raws] Sora no woto - 01 (TX 1280x720 h264 AAC)[(115396)20-14-29].JPG

>> No.289184 Reply
File: macro-orly-you-know-something-about-owls.png
Png, 175.13 KB, 640×480 - Click the image to expand
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Классика же.
>> No.289185 Reply
File: macro-уныние-и-печаль.png
Png, 503.62 KB, 1280×720 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.289186 Reply
Не Семен. Кроме него еще я просил.
>> No.289187 Reply
File: Sora no woto - 03...
Jpg, 48.20 KB, 640×480
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Sora no woto - 03 [x264, 800x448][(006593)22-01-03].JPG
File: Sora no woto - 03...
Jpg, 39.23 KB, 640×480
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Sora no woto - 03 [x264, 800x448][(006691)22-01-10].JPG
File: Sora no woto - 03...
Jpg, 45.17 KB, 640×480
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Sora no woto - 03 [x264, 800x448][(004079)22-00-29].JPG
File: [AKROSS_Con_2009]...
Jpg, 44.83 KB, 848×480
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File: [AKROSS_Con_2009]...
Jpg, 40.86 KB, 848×480
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Это анценз версия. А по ТВ показывают ценз, что является полным бредом.
>> No.289190 Reply
File: 4.Тао.jpg
Jpg, 30.50 KB, 230×480
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File: 15Диана.jpg
Jpg, 32.20 KB, 316×480
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Держите по няшке и оба оставайтесь здесь, только не сритесь больше Ну доброчан же!
>> No.289191 Reply
File: [AKROSS_Con_2009]...
Jpg, 37.50 KB, 848×480
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File: [BSS]_Darker_Than...
Jpg, 80.66 KB, 1006×516
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File: [BSS]_Darker_Than...
Jpg, 79.22 KB, 1006×516
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File: [BSS]_Darker_Than...
Jpg, 82.20 KB, 1006×516
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File: [BSS]_Darker_Than...
Jpg, 86.42 KB, 1006×516
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>> No.289193 Reply
File: [BSS]_Darker_Than...
Jpg, 76.50 KB, 1006×516
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File: [BSS]_Darker_Than...
Jpg, 40.23 KB, 1006×516
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File: 16] [gg]_Hetalia_...
Jpg, 20.50 KB, 640×352
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16] [gg]_Hetalia_Axis_Powers_-_44_[Webcast]_[2DE58342].mkv_20100120_222218.jpg
File: 16] [gg]_Hetalia_...
Jpg, 22.57 KB, 640×352
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16] [gg]_Hetalia_Axis_Powers_-_45_[Webcast]_[7686EF66].mkv_20100120_222817.jpg
File: 16] [gg]_Hetalia_...
Jpg, 18.85 KB, 640×352
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16] [gg]_Hetalia_Axis_Powers_-_45_[Webcast]_[7686EF66].mkv_20100120_222808.jpg

>> No.289196 Reply
Откуда эта? И о чем анимо?

Аноны-шоперы, в прошлых тредах валялись 2-3 пака(два больших достаточно), поиском на rghost найти быстро.
>> No.289206 Reply
File: macro-rage-never-looks-so-cute.png
Png, 355.72 KB, 1006×516 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.289218 Reply
>> No.289227 Reply
File: macro-если-парень-тебе-даст-знай-он-педараст.png
Png, 416.72 KB, 640×480 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.289228 Reply
Вам в /mad/.
>> No.289267 Reply
File: macro-noooo.png
Png, 226.73 KB, 403×355
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File: macro-превед.png
Png, 411.02 KB, 519×323
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File: macro-што.png
Png, 97.22 KB, 209×188
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>> No.289300 Reply
File: motivator-осознание.png
Png, 299.68 KB, 750×690 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.289362 Reply
File: 2eaad_Freaks_38.jpg
Jpg, 21.66 KB, 375×500
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Jpg, 44.03 KB, 544×600
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Jpg, 37.81 KB, 375×500
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Jpg, 34.45 KB, 375×500
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File: 722c6_Freaks_21.jpg
Jpg, 27.82 KB, 333×500
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>> No.289363 Reply
File: 10908_Freaks_06.jpg
Jpg, 37.12 KB, 333×500
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File: 37286_Freaks_45.jpg
Jpg, 42.33 KB, 478×600
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File: 96474_Freaks_30.jpg
Jpg, 40.51 KB, 500×337
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File: aea89_Freaks_19.jpg
Jpg, 43.88 KB, 500×375
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>> No.289365 Reply
>> No.289393 Reply
File: macro-толстый-тролль.png
Png, 510.62 KB, 544×600 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.289394 Reply
File: macro-peace-bro.png
Png, 544.91 KB, 478×600 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.289395 Reply
Эх, надо было его еще озеленить...
с:вы лошадь считала
Капча считает что я лошадь.
>> No.289399 Reply
File: macro-будь-добр-ж...
Png, 392.99 KB, 375×500
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File: screen0.png
Png, 1.29 KB, 197×15
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>> No.289454 Reply
эта вин, я щитаю.
>> No.289548 Reply
File: Sargento Keroro -...
Jpg, 30.73 KB, 640×480
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Sargento Keroro - 17 [H264 640x480 400][(013698)21-00-27].JPG
File: Sargento Keroro -...
Jpg, 43.59 KB, 640×480
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Sargento Keroro - 14 [H264 640x480 400][(027218)02-41-01].JPG
File: Sargento Keroro -...
Jpg, 42.78 KB, 640×480
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Sargento Keroro - 07 [H264 640x480 400][(007068)17-15-41].JPG
File: Sargento Keroro -...
Jpg, 39.22 KB, 640×480
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Sargento Keroro - 08 [H264 640x480 400][(012381)23-22-18].JPG
File: Sargento Keroro -...
Jpg, 44.13 KB, 640×480
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Sargento Keroro - 13 [H264 640x480 400][(007319)02-05-49].JPG

>> No.289571 Reply
File: macro-ну-сколько-можно-уже.png
Png, 446.86 KB, 640×480 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.289580 Reply
File: macro-будь-добрее-сестра.png
Png, 380.64 KB, 640×480 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.289638 Reply
File: snapshot_17.jpg
Jpg, 389.30 KB, 720×720
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Jpg, 249.95 KB, 720×720
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Jpg, 229.17 KB, 720×720
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Jpg, 293.69 KB, 720×720
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Jpg, 303.79 KB, 720×720
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>> No.289641 Reply
File: snapshot_22.jpg
Jpg, 312.70 KB, 720×720
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Jpg, 251.61 KB, 720×720
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Jpg, 278.18 KB, 720×720
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Jpg, 245.49 KB, 720×720
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File: snapshot_26.jpg
Jpg, 199.61 KB, 720×720
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>> No.289645 Reply
>> No.289646 Reply
File: motivator-я-няшка.png
Png, 506.55 KB, 830×750 - Click the image to expand
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Первое что пришло на ум.
>> No.289648 Reply
Откуда в этом треде столько криворуких добряков? Вам уже и инструментарий запилили, так нет же блин, им лень выставить границы или пережать пик перед загрузкой.
>> No.289649 Reply
Да хрен с ней, криворукостью. Но петросянские надписи ввергают меня в пучину отчаяния. И так уже пятый тред.
>> No.289651 Reply
Откуда в этом треде столько Лебедевых, блджат?
>> No.289653 Reply
к чему это?
>> No.289654 Reply
Сперва добейся.jpg
>> No.289656 Reply
К этому >>289648
Озаглавлено же Мэдскиллз.
>> No.289657 Reply
Предлагаю вам мой дорогой добрячек устроить нам холопам мастер класс и показать как православней всего делать подписи и да это не сарказм - просто подругому писать не умею, прошлое у меня было плохое... ну вы поняли...
>> No.289660 Reply
Сравни первый тред и этот, падение качества налицо.
>> No.289661 Reply
А я, ежели чувствую, что не в настроении или просто не могу хорошую шутку придумать, я и не буду вымучивать жалкую надпись на макрос, который все равно никому не нужен. А вы видимо этого не понимаете и у вас 83% треда забито Аншлагом и Ко.
>> No.289666 Reply
В твоем воображении. Как было говном, так и осталось. Или ты ищешь элитизм даже здесь?
>> No.289669 Reply
Ты бы мог просто скрыть тред, ведь все равно все скатится в говно же.
>> No.289670 Reply
Ну почему же, я с вами согласен, но в тоже время вы забываете что макро это не демотиватор, это же наподобие смайла - выражает отношение, настроение и шуток в нем вполне и не может быть. И конечно я не имел ни чего против вас, да согласен петросянства много, но если ты говоришь об этом то сделай одолжение покажи как намного намного лучше будет...
>> No.289680 Reply
File: 2.jpg
Jpg, 209.88 KB, 648×892
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File: duke-mascot.jpg
Jpg, 53.62 KB, 800×450
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Jpg, 173.48 KB, 500×432
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Jpg, 36.11 KB, 340×383
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File: 6.jpg
Jpg, 49.91 KB, 580×388
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>> No.289716 Reply
Опасно идти одному!
Возьми меня [с собой].

Волчица и Специи глубока.
>> No.289745 Reply
File: macro-вот-тебе.png
Png, 538.02 KB, 580×388 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.289765 Reply
File: 2] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 34.38 KB, 640×480
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2] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep01_(E417B157).mkv_20100121_015956.jpg
File: 2] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 32.46 KB, 640×480
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2] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep01_(E417B157).mkv_20100121_020029.jpg
File: 2] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 19.61 KB, 640×480
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2] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep01_(E417B157).mkv_20100121_020040.jpg
File: 2] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 33.21 KB, 640×480
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2] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep01_(E417B157).mkv_20100121_020252.jpg
File: 2] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 21.39 KB, 640×480
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2] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep01_(E417B157).mkv_20100121_020224.jpg


Сейчас будет вайп тремя сериями Экселя.
>> No.289766 Reply
File: 2] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 26.78 KB, 640×480
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2] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep01_(E417B157).mkv_20100121_020233.jpg
File: 2] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 29.25 KB, 640×480
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2] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep01_(E417B157).mkv_20100121_020320.jpg
File: 2] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 31.96 KB, 640×480
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2] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep01_(E417B157).mkv_20100121_020335.jpg
File: 2] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 34.98 KB, 640×480
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2] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep01_(E417B157).mkv_20100121_020346.jpg
File: 2] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 28.83 KB, 640×480
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2] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep01_(E417B157).mkv_20100121_020355.jpg

>> No.289769 Reply
File: 2] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 24.42 KB, 640×480
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2] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep01_(E417B157).mkv_20100121_020407.jpg
File: 2] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 27.45 KB, 640×480
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2] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep01_(E417B157).mkv_20100121_020453.jpg
File: 2] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 27.79 KB, 640×480
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2] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep01_(E417B157).mkv_20100121_020608.jpg
File: 2] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 27.54 KB, 640×480
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2] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep01_(E417B157).mkv_20100121_020712.jpg
File: 2] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 28.67 KB, 640×480
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2] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep01_(E417B157).mkv_20100121_020726.jpg

>> No.289770 Reply
File: 2] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 21.87 KB, 640×480
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2] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep01_(E417B157).mkv_20100121_020733.jpg
File: 2] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 24.53 KB, 640×480
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2] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep01_(E417B157).mkv_20100121_020747.jpg
File: 2] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 27.77 KB, 640×480
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2] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep01_(E417B157).mkv_20100121_020834.jpg
File: 2] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 25.34 KB, 640×480
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2] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep01_(E417B157).mkv_20100121_020852.jpg
File: 2] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 24.65 KB, 640×480
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2] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep01_(E417B157).mkv_20100121_021105.jpg

>> No.289772 Reply
File: 2] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 23.35 KB, 640×480
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2] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep01_(E417B157).mkv_20100121_021122.jpg
File: 2] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 30.02 KB, 640×480
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2] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep01_(E417B157).mkv_20100121_021146.jpg
File: 2] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 24.80 KB, 640×480
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2] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep01_(E417B157).mkv_20100121_021254.jpg
File: 2] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 21.37 KB, 640×480
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2] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep01_(E417B157).mkv_20100121_021332.jpg
File: 2] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 26.21 KB, 640×480
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2] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep01_(E417B157).mkv_20100121_021438.jpg

>> No.289774 Reply
File: 2] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 29.03 KB, 640×480
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2] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep01_(E417B157).mkv_20100121_021517.jpg
File: 2] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 24.29 KB, 640×480
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2] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep01_(E417B157).mkv_20100121_021526.jpg
File: 2] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 32.15 KB, 640×480
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2] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep01_(E417B157).mkv_20100121_021555.jpg
File: 2] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 26.56 KB, 640×480
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2] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep01_(E417B157).mkv_20100121_021636.jpg
File: 2] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 21.63 KB, 640×480
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2] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep01_(E417B157).mkv_20100121_021844.jpg

>> No.289775 Reply
File: macro-русская-душа.png
Png, 519.88 KB, 640×480 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.289776 Reply
File: 2] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 28.01 KB, 640×480
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2] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep01_(E417B157).mkv_20100121_021937.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 28.40 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep02_(1728A5D1).mkv_20100121_165105.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 29.68 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep02_(1728A5D1).mkv_20100121_165120.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 31.06 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep02_(1728A5D1).mkv_20100121_165815.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 22.56 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep02_(1728A5D1).mkv_20100121_165300.jpg

>> No.289778 Reply
File: macro-двачую.png
Png, 492.24 KB, 640×480 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.289779 Reply
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 34.48 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep02_(1728A5D1).mkv_20100121_165309.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 35.12 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep02_(1728A5D1).mkv_20100121_165315.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 25.04 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep02_(1728A5D1).mkv_20100121_165355.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 20.25 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep02_(1728A5D1).mkv_20100121_165430.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 20.11 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep02_(1728A5D1).mkv_20100121_165438.jpg

>> No.289784 Reply
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 23.91 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep02_(1728A5D1).mkv_20100121_165617.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 26.05 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep02_(1728A5D1).mkv_20100121_165543.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 30.53 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep02_(1728A5D1).mkv_20100121_165749.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 29.09 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep02_(1728A5D1).mkv_20100121_165759.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 31.92 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep02_(1728A5D1).mkv_20100121_165805.jpg

>> No.289786 Reply
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 25.59 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep02_(1728A5D1).mkv_20100121_165838.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 26.77 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep02_(1728A5D1).mkv_20100121_165849.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 19.97 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep02_(1728A5D1).mkv_20100121_165924.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 33.61 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep02_(1728A5D1).mkv_20100121_170132.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 25.74 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep02_(1728A5D1).mkv_20100121_170138.jpg

>> No.289787 Reply
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 21.18 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep02_(1728A5D1).mkv_20100121_170214.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 19.79 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep02_(1728A5D1).mkv_20100121_170236.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 29.58 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep02_(1728A5D1).mkv_20100121_170242.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 23.64 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep02_(1728A5D1).mkv_20100121_170254.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 27.84 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep02_(1728A5D1).mkv_20100121_170350.jpg

>> No.289788 Reply
File: macro-хомячки.png
Png, 442.86 KB, 640×480 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.289791 Reply
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 26.51 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep02_(1728A5D1).mkv_20100121_170410.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 29.02 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep02_(1728A5D1).mkv_20100121_170417.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 30.12 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep02_(1728A5D1).mkv_20100121_170429.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 31.59 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep02_(1728A5D1).mkv_20100121_170444.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 23.64 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep02_(1728A5D1).mkv_20100121_170516.jpg

>> No.289792 Reply

Присобачьте к этой желтой фигне втачке ёба-фейс.
>> No.289796 Reply
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 37.33 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep02_(1728A5D1).mkv_20100121_170525.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 30.44 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep02_(1728A5D1).mkv_20100121_170552.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 25.20 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep02_(1728A5D1).mkv_20100121_170643.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 32.90 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep02_(1728A5D1).mkv_20100121_170650.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 34.28 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep02_(1728A5D1).mkv_20100121_170706.jpg

>> No.289797 Reply
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 28.70 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep02_(1728A5D1).mkv_20100121_170717.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 24.37 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep02_(1728A5D1).mkv_20100121_170733.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 26.06 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep02_(1728A5D1).mkv_20100121_170804.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 20.48 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep02_(1728A5D1).mkv_20100121_170807.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 15.98 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep02_(1728A5D1).mkv_20100121_170810.jpg

>> No.289798 Reply
File: macro-толсто.png
Png, 503.32 KB, 640×480 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.289801 Reply
File: macro-хомячки.png
Png, 336.92 KB, 640×480 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.289802 Reply
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 63.35 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep02_(1728A5D1).mkv_20100121_170901.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 23.11 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep02_(1728A5D1).mkv_20100121_171005.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 27.09 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep02_(1728A5D1).mkv_20100121_171124.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 16.87 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep03_(5830DC4B).mkv_20100121_191508.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 21.69 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep03_(5830DC4B).mkv_20100121_191600.jpg

>> No.289803 Reply
File: macro-ты-недостаточно-добр.png
Png, 425.54 KB, 640×480 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.289806 Reply
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 22.34 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep03_(5830DC4B).mkv_20100121_191640.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 18.39 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep03_(5830DC4B).mkv_20100121_191754.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 24.98 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep03_(5830DC4B).mkv_20100121_191816.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 17.13 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep03_(5830DC4B).mkv_20100121_191936.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 20.88 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep03_(5830DC4B).mkv_20100121_192018.jpg

>> No.289807 Reply
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 22.58 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep03_(5830DC4B).mkv_20100121_191914.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 23.44 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep03_(5830DC4B).mkv_20100121_191959.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 16.13 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep03_(5830DC4B).mkv_20100121_192022.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 19.38 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep03_(5830DC4B).mkv_20100121_192045.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 23.46 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep03_(5830DC4B).mkv_20100121_192110.jpg

>> No.289809 Reply
Я извиняюсь, а кадры без полей никак нельзя?
>> No.289810 Reply
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 21.67 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep03_(5830DC4B).mkv_20100121_192121.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 23.50 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep03_(5830DC4B).mkv_20100121_192103.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 19.78 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep03_(5830DC4B).mkv_20100121_192150.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 18.27 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep03_(5830DC4B).mkv_20100121_192412.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 19.89 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep03_(5830DC4B).mkv_20100121_192416.jpg

>> No.289811 Reply
File: macro-веди-себя-прилично.png
Png, 388.70 KB, 640×480 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.289813 Reply
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 23.11 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep03_(5830DC4B).mkv_20100121_192426.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 12.74 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep03_(5830DC4B).mkv_20100121_192459.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 22.50 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep03_(5830DC4B).mkv_20100121_192556.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 22.37 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep03_(5830DC4B).mkv_20100121_192630.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 12.60 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep03_(5830DC4B).mkv_20100121_192706.jpg

>> No.289815 Reply
File: macro-клоуны-блдж...
Png, 412.88 KB, 640×480
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File: macro-surprise.png
Png, 406.61 KB, 640×480
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File: macro-словно-это-...
Png, 346.42 KB, 640×480
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File: macro--means-yes-...
Png, 335.00 KB, 640×480
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File: macro-сделай-обяз...
Png, 385.08 KB, 640×480
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>> No.289816 Reply
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 19.69 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep03_(5830DC4B).mkv_20100121_192728.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 22.57 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep03_(5830DC4B).mkv_20100121_192744.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 21.65 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep03_(5830DC4B).mkv_20100121_192809.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 25.67 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep03_(5830DC4B).mkv_20100121_192907.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 23.06 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep03_(5830DC4B).mkv_20100121_192931.jpg

>> No.289819 Reply
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 20.63 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep03_(5830DC4B).mkv_20100121_192934.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 21.74 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep03_(5830DC4B).mkv_20100121_193031.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 15.44 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep03_(5830DC4B).mkv_20100121_193041.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 13.47 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep03_(5830DC4B).mkv_20100121_193050.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 17.29 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep03_(5830DC4B).mkv_20100121_193112.jpg

Битчез донт кноу обрезание пикч? Плеер так сохраняет.
>> No.289820 Reply
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 20.47 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep03_(5830DC4B).mkv_20100121_193141.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 16.70 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep03_(5830DC4B).mkv_20100121_193153.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 22.29 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep03_(5830DC4B).mkv_20100121_193202.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 20.79 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep03_(5830DC4B).mkv_20100121_193307.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 24.99 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep03_(5830DC4B).mkv_20100121_193343.jpg

>> No.289822 Reply
File: 7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep03_(5830DC4B).mkv_20100121_193506.jpg
Jpg, 39.15 KB, 640×480 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep03_(5830DC4B).mkv_20100121_193506.jpg
>> No.289827 Reply
>> No.289829 Reply
Я понял. А что за плеер-то?
>> No.289832 Reply
File: macro-гыгы.png
Png, 253.39 KB, 640×480 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.289842 Reply
File: macro-ты-меня-ого...
Png, 232.28 KB, 639×405
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: macro-съеби.png
Png, 431.30 KB, 640×480
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File: motivator-я-выеб-...
Png, 304.45 KB, 750×690
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: macro-туга-струя-...
Png, 327.90 KB, 429×480
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File: macro-жги-исчо.png
Png, 322.25 KB, 403×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

>> No.289849 Reply
PotPlayer. Но только догнал, что это не плеер, а сама анима. Там пародировали третьесортные боевики, ну ты понел.
>> No.289855 Reply
File: macro-тугая-струя-блевоты.png
Png, 312.19 KB, 407×480 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.289858 Reply
File: motivator-олдфаг.png
Png, 225.33 KB, 513×512 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.289863 Reply
File: macro-мэдскилз-итт.png
Png, 496.17 KB, 588×516 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.289868 Reply
File: macro-не-бойся-уже-всё-хорошо.png
Png, 371.06 KB, 640×480 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.289872 Reply
File: macro-в-треде-обнаружена-еда.png
Png, 462.77 KB, 640×480 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.289876 Reply
>> No.289879 Reply
File: 1231.png
Png, 247.08 KB, 704×396 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.289882 Reply
File: macro-кот-бы-посмотрел.png
Png, 110.46 KB, 246×324 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.289885 Reply
File: Air the Movie (20...
Jpg, 70.11 KB, 1280×720
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Air the Movie (2005) DVDRip[(027264)09-21-24].JPG
File: Air the Movie (20...
Jpg, 62.60 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Air the Movie (2005) DVDRip[(068941)09-39-50].JPG

Капча "пропьешь себя" пугает меня забавными перспективами.
>> No.289886 Reply
File: motivator-доброчан.png
Png, 644.37 KB, 830×750 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.289889 Reply
File: macro-где-мой-двач.png
Png, 768.90 KB, 720×720 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.289892 Reply
Лучше бы налепить эту подпись на скриншот из Эврики 7, там где главная героиня проявила свои безумные умения. Жаль, я удолил, может, есть у кого?
>> No.289896 Reply
Oh wait... shi~ если я такой очевидный олдфаг, то какие сейчас ньюфаги? Твой пост поверг меня в пучины отчаяния.
>> No.289898 Reply
File: macro-а-где-двач.png
Png, 723.43 KB, 720×720 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.289900 Reply
File: motivator-тиреч.png
Png, 595.82 KB, 830×750 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.289902 Reply
File: motivator-традиции-имеджборд.png
Png, 524.53 KB, 889×794 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.289903 Reply
File: macro-добро-пожаловать.png
Png, 877.91 KB, 720×720 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.289909 Reply
File: macro-веди-себя-прилично.png
Png, 520.26 KB, 720×720 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.289946 Reply
File: macro-мне-тут-нравится.png
Png, 261.55 KB, 640×480 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.289949 Reply
File: motivator-добро-пожаловать.png
Png, 281.09 KB, 750×690 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.289951 Reply
Вин же
>> No.289952 Reply
>> No.289967 Reply
File: 1254059480389.jpg
Jpg, 9.53 KB, 309×226
Your censorship settings forbid this file.
> имЕджборд
>> No.289968 Reply
File: motivator-традиции-доброчана.png
Png, 436.88 KB, 674×633 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.289970 Reply
File: motivator-добро-пожаловать.png
Png, 593.00 KB, 510×510 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.289972 Reply
Не фейспальм - пофиксь.
>> No.289973 Reply
Безумные умения.
>> No.289976 Reply
Да было бы что фиксить, мне лично не нравится ни один из мотиваторов этого автора.
>> No.289990 Reply
File: motivator--r.png
Png, 238.68 KB, 567×553 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.289993 Reply
File: motivator-сублимация.png
Png, 810.65 KB, 830×750 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.289995 Reply
File: macro-няшку-жалко.png
Png, 282.41 KB, 640×480 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.290003 Reply
File: Luchi.jpg
Jpg, 103.15 KB, 800×557 - Click the image to expand
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>>289858 >>289886 >>289902 >>289993

Oh LOL, принимай лучи.
>> No.290004 Reply
File: co2 phase diagram.GIF
Gif, 155.73 KB, 1600×1056 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
co2 phase diagram.GIF
Ты о чем?
>> No.290007 Reply
В психологии есть такое понятие - сублимация. Это когда ты вместо фапа делаешь полезные дела.
>> No.290015 Reply
> вместо фапа
Вместо траха. Фап тоже форма сублимации, ибо отсрочка природной реализации желания путем превращения его в другую форму.
>> No.290018 Reply
> отсрочка природной реализации желания путем превращения его в другую форму
Ты сделал меня грустно. Неужели все-таки придется?
>> No.290020 Reply
File: macro-зойчем.png
Png, 171.95 KB, 480×327
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File: macro-зойчем.png
Png, 168.89 KB, 602×322
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File: macro-зойчем.png
Png, 70.37 KB, 213×202
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File: macro-зойчем.png
Png, 210.78 KB, 411×477
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File: macro-зойчем.png
Png, 217.93 KB, 525×480
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>> No.290023 Reply
>> No.290028 Reply
Подожди. А разве не для лулзов? Я что-то пропустил?
>> No.290030 Reply
Для лулзов как раз фапают. А если профит нужен - делают нофапофон и сублимируют.
По крайней мере, я так делаю.
>> No.290065 Reply
Ну и какой же профит от нофапофона?
>> No.290067 Reply
А черт его знает. Я просто суеверный.
>> No.290135 Reply
File: macro-чмошник.png
Png, 434.40 KB, 640×480
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File: macro-черная-кошк...
Png, 601.14 KB, 720×720
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File: macro-присядем-на...
Png, 655.17 KB, 720×720
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Суеверный = необразованный, доверчивый, туповатый, верящий в "судьбу" пессимист.
>> No.290142 Reply
Ну и ладно.
>> No.290168 Reply
File: macro-i-cant-beli...
Png, 360.14 KB, 848×480
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File: macro-i-cant.png
Png, 321.02 KB, 725×480
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File: macro-i-cant-beli...
Png, 189.87 KB, 521×352
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>> No.290222 Reply
File: macro-давай-запиливай.png
Png, 295.11 KB, 640×352 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.290234 Reply
File: macro-быстро-блядь.png
Png, 294.67 KB, 640×352 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.290248 Reply
File: snapshot20100122024510.jpg
Jpg, 78.39 KB, 1280×720 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.290342 Reply
File: Democritus_by_Agostino_Carracci.jpg
Jpg, 23.88 KB, 304×409 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.290345 Reply
File: macro-сударь.png
Png, 259.81 KB, 304×409 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.290416 Reply
File: macro-наркоман-что-ли.png
Png, 212.69 KB, 640×480 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.290658 Reply
File: macro-будь-добрее.png
Png, 258.35 KB, 304×409 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.290733 Reply

Соус няшечки, пожалуйста.

Тред не чилал-кун
>> No.290735 Reply
File: 82c1a18fd026b2ecbb2241f312e07c0e.jpg
Jpg, 152.79 KB, 1800×1300 - Click the image to expand
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Seikon no Qwaser
>> No.290736 Reply
Хотя смотреть до выхода блюреев не стоит - в ТВ-версии вырезали самые главные сцены.

>> No.290742 Reply
File: macro--тян.png
Png, 604.12 KB, 1006×516 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.290744 Reply
File: motivator-традиции-имэйджборд.png
Png, 546.15 KB, 999×970 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.290747 Reply
File: macro-умерьте-пыл-сударь.png
Png, 478.53 KB, 560×334 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.290750 Reply
File: motivator-grammar-nazi.png
Png, 1128.23 KB, 1010×1084 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.290754 Reply
File: motivator-запятые.png
Png, 968.40 KB, 974×1110 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.290765 Reply
File: motivator-слоупок-жпг.png
Png, 739.61 KB, 900×1110 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.290898 Reply
File: motivator-2ch.png
Png, 572.51 KB, 840×1110 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.291030 Reply
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 22.40 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep04_(8A53D407).mkv_20100121_215225.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 26.41 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep04_(8A53D407).mkv_20100121_215242.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 29.21 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep04_(8A53D407).mkv_20100121_215319.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 35.51 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep04_(8A53D407).mkv_20100121_215406.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 23.38 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep04_(8A53D407).mkv_20100121_215434.jpg

>> No.291033 Reply
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 22.94 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep04_(8A53D407).mkv_20100121_215438.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 17.66 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep04_(8A53D407).mkv_20100121_215537.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 25.42 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep04_(8A53D407).mkv_20100121_215636.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 28.44 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep04_(8A53D407).mkv_20100121_215656.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 17.71 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep04_(8A53D407).mkv_20100121_215747.jpg

>> No.291037 Reply
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 28.26 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep04_(8A53D407).mkv_20100121_215756.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 23.07 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep04_(8A53D407).mkv_20100121_215842.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 25.02 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep04_(8A53D407).mkv_20100121_215913.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 29.14 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep04_(8A53D407).mkv_20100121_215929.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 22.29 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep04_(8A53D407).mkv_20100121_220032.jpg

>> No.291041 Reply
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 31.14 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep04_(8A53D407).mkv_20100121_220228.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 21.18 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep04_(8A53D407).mkv_20100121_220234.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 21.92 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep04_(8A53D407).mkv_20100121_220321.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 23.61 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep04_(8A53D407).mkv_20100121_220341.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 33.62 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep04_(8A53D407).mkv_20100121_220353.jpg

>> No.291044 Reply
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 30.10 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep04_(8A53D407).mkv_20100121_220413.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 28.41 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep04_(8A53D407).mkv_20100121_220416.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 18.50 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep04_(8A53D407).mkv_20100121_220421.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 33.39 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep04_(8A53D407).mkv_20100121_220449.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 26.03 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep04_(8A53D407).mkv_20100121_220600.jpg

Можно последовательность пикч в виде комикса с
>> No.291046 Reply
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 27.10 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep04_(8A53D407).mkv_20100121_220604.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 27.21 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep04_(8A53D407).mkv_20100121_220628.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 27.86 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep04_(8A53D407).mkv_20100121_220632.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 29.37 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep04_(8A53D407).mkv_20100121_220653.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 23.15 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep04_(8A53D407).mkv_20100121_220815.jpg

>> No.291047 Reply
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 26.80 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep04_(8A53D407).mkv_20100121_220838.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 27.72 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep04_(8A53D407).mkv_20100121_220942.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 20.70 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep04_(8A53D407).mkv_20100121_220951.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 27.18 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep04_(8A53D407).mkv_20100121_221103.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 7.97 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep04_(8A53D407).mkv_20100121_221126.jpg

>> No.291049 Reply
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 32.72 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep04_(8A53D407).mkv_20100121_221149.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 20.75 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep04_(8A53D407).mkv_20100121_221201.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 33.53 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep04_(8A53D407).mkv_20100121_221222.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 22.38 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep04_(8A53D407).mkv_20100121_221236.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 27.04 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep05_(622248FA).mkv_20100121_224410.jpg

>> No.291050 Reply
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 24.33 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep05_(622248FA).mkv_20100121_224502.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 27.87 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep05_(622248FA).mkv_20100121_224614.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 25.39 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep05_(622248FA).mkv_20100121_224630.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 18.18 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep05_(622248FA).mkv_20100121_224800.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 32.12 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep05_(622248FA).mkv_20100121_224923.jpg

>> No.291053 Reply
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 23.85 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep05_(622248FA).mkv_20100121_225043.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 18.24 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep05_(622248FA).mkv_20100121_225236.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 26.53 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep05_(622248FA).mkv_20100121_225250.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 24.78 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep05_(622248FA).mkv_20100121_225255.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 18.62 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep05_(622248FA).mkv_20100121_225304.jpg

>> No.291057 Reply
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 18.79 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep05_(622248FA).mkv_20100121_225311.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 19.28 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep05_(622248FA).mkv_20100121_225314.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 21.10 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep05_(622248FA).mkv_20100121_225318.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 24.09 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep05_(622248FA).mkv_20100121_225417.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 32.95 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep05_(622248FA).mkv_20100121_225720.jpg

>> No.291058 Reply
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 31.30 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep05_(622248FA).mkv_20100121_225715.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 29.96 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep05_(622248FA).mkv_20100121_225842.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 28.41 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep05_(622248FA).mkv_20100121_225907.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 31.21 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep05_(622248FA).mkv_20100121_225930.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 34.43 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep05_(622248FA).mkv_20100121_225932.jpg

Ладно, через полчаса еще повайпаю. Будет немного Зомбиленда
>> No.291060 Reply
File: macro-этот-тред-полон-еды.png
Png, 472.72 KB, 640×480 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.291064 Reply
File: motivator-нигра.png
Png, 256.55 KB, 750×690 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.291072 Reply
File: motivator-джугашвили.png
Png, 303.71 KB, 750×690 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.291085 Reply
File: motivator-олдфаги.png
Png, 357.02 KB, 750×690 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.291088 Reply
File: motivator-толстый-тролль.png
Png, 313.47 KB, 750×690 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.291113 Reply
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 25.48 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep05_(622248FA).mkv_20100121_225937.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 17.03 KB, 640×480
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7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep05_(622248FA).mkv_20100121_230106.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 24.80 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep05_(622248FA).mkv_20100121_230114.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 34.35 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep05_(622248FA).mkv_20100121_230134.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 21.82 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep05_(622248FA).mkv_20100121_230147.jpg

опоздал на пару минут
>> No.291118 Reply
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 22.27 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep05_(622248FA).mkv_20100121_230220.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 22.07 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep05_(622248FA).mkv_20100121_230409.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 12.63 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep05_(622248FA).mkv_20100121_230439.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 13.17 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep05_(622248FA).mkv_20100121_230442.jpg
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 24.05 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep05_(622248FA).mkv_20100121_230509.jpg

>> No.291124 Reply
File: macro-тролли.png
Png, 257.39 KB, 640×480 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.291125 Reply
File: 7] [Exiled-Destin...
Jpg, 27.41 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
7] [Exiled-Destiny]_Excel_Saga_Ep05_(622248FA).mkv_20100121_230625.jpg
File: 18] Zombieland.Vi...
Jpg, 22.97 KB, 1024×432
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
18] Zombieland.Vincent-Goblin.Sub.mkv_20100122_174850.jpg
File: 18] Zombieland.Vi...
Jpg, 44.13 KB, 1024×432
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
18] Zombieland.Vincent-Goblin.Sub.mkv_20100122_175055.jpg
File: 18] Zombieland.Vi...
Jpg, 36.86 KB, 1024×432
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
18] Zombieland.Vincent-Goblin.Sub.mkv_20100122_180523.jpg
File: 18] Zombieland.Vi...
Jpg, 28.71 KB, 1024×432
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
18] Zombieland.Vincent-Goblin.Sub.mkv_20100122_180535.jpg

и зомбиленда чутка
>> No.291135 Reply
File: motivator-шок-контент.png
Png, 388.97 KB, 750×690 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.291136 Reply
File: macro-не-очень.png
Png, 428.61 KB, 1024×432 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.291137 Reply
File: 18] Zombieland.Vi...
Jpg, 27.52 KB, 1024×432
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
18] Zombieland.Vincent-Goblin.Sub.mkv_20100122_180606.jpg
File: 18] Zombieland.Vi...
Jpg, 26.71 KB, 1024×432
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
18] Zombieland.Vincent-Goblin.Sub.mkv_20100122_181051.jpg
File: 18] Zombieland.Vi...
Jpg, 35.48 KB, 1005×424
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
18] Zombieland.Vincent-Goblin.Sub.mkv_20100122_234401.jpg
File: 18] Zombieland.Vi...
Jpg, 23.72 KB, 1005×424
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
18] Zombieland.Vincent-Goblin.Sub.mkv_20100122_234511.jpg
File: 18] Zombieland.Vi...
Jpg, 59.73 KB, 1024×432
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
18] Zombieland.Vincent-Goblin.Sub.mkv_20100122_181942.jpg

>> No.291138 Reply
File: motivator-шок-контент.png
Png, 522.98 KB, 686×642 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.291139 Reply
File: 18] Zombieland.Vi...
Jpg, 52.10 KB, 1024×432
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
18] Zombieland.Vincent-Goblin.Sub.mkv_20100122_182008.jpg
File: 18] Zombieland.Vi...
Jpg, 20.39 KB, 1024×432
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
18] Zombieland.Vincent-Goblin.Sub.mkv_20100122_182230.jpg
File: 18] Zombieland.Vi...
Jpg, 28.25 KB, 1024×432
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
18] Zombieland.Vincent-Goblin.Sub.mkv_20100122_182254.jpg
File: 18] Zombieland.Vi...
Jpg, 15.50 KB, 1024×432
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
18] Zombieland.Vincent-Goblin.Sub.mkv_20100122_213039.jpg
File: 18] Zombieland.Vi...
Jpg, 32.03 KB, 1024×432
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
18] Zombieland.Vincent-Goblin.Sub.mkv_20100122_213349.jpg

>> No.291140 Reply
File: macro-доброе-утро-дооброчан.png
Png, 312.86 KB, 640×480 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.291142 Reply
File: 18] Zombieland.Vi...
Jpg, 29.36 KB, 1024×432
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
18] Zombieland.Vincent-Goblin.Sub.mkv_20100122_213353.jpg
File: 18] Zombieland.Vi...
Jpg, 29.95 KB, 1024×432
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
18] Zombieland.Vincent-Goblin.Sub.mkv_20100122_213520.jpg
File: 18] Zombieland.Vi...
Jpg, 34.75 KB, 1024×432
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
18] Zombieland.Vincent-Goblin.Sub.mkv_20100122_214235.jpg
File: 18] Zombieland.Vi...
Jpg, 27.67 KB, 1024×432
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
18] Zombieland.Vincent-Goblin.Sub.mkv_20100122_214239.jpg
File: 18] Zombieland.Vi...
Jpg, 27.93 KB, 1024×432
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
18] Zombieland.Vincent-Goblin.Sub.mkv_20100122_214611.jpg

>> No.291144 Reply
File: macro-опять-зелёные-набежали.png
Png, 305.92 KB, 640×480 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.291145 Reply
File: macro-добро-пожаловать.png
Png, 297.06 KB, 640×480 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.291146 Reply
File: 18] Zombieland.Vi...
Jpg, 21.48 KB, 1024×432
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
18] Zombieland.Vincent-Goblin.Sub.mkv_20100122_214802.jpg
File: 18] Zombieland.Vi...
Jpg, 26.99 KB, 1024×432
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
18] Zombieland.Vincent-Goblin.Sub.mkv_20100122_214359.jpg
File: 18] Zombieland.Vi...
Jpg, 27.91 KB, 1024×432
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
18] Zombieland.Vincent-Goblin.Sub.mkv_20100122_214404.jpg
File: 18] Zombieland.Vi...
Jpg, 28.48 KB, 1024×432
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
18] Zombieland.Vincent-Goblin.Sub.mkv_20100122_214902.jpg
File: 18] Zombieland.Vi...
Jpg, 30.20 KB, 1024×432
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
18] Zombieland.Vincent-Goblin.Sub.mkv_20100122_215057.jpg

>> No.291148 Reply
File: motivator-тролли.png
Png, 269.94 KB, 750×690 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Такой стиль больше для демотиватора подходит.
>> No.291149 Reply
File: 18] Zombieland.Vi...
Jpg, 31.26 KB, 1024×432
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
18] Zombieland.Vincent-Goblin.Sub.mkv_20100122_215112.jpg
File: 18] Zombieland.Vi...
Jpg, 34.75 KB, 1024×432
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
18] Zombieland.Vincent-Goblin.Sub.mkv_20100122_215154.jpg
File: 18] Zombieland.Vi...
Jpg, 34.72 KB, 1024×432
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
18] Zombieland.Vincent-Goblin.Sub.mkv_20100122_215204.jpg
File: 18] Zombieland.Vi...
Jpg, 33.95 KB, 1024×432
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
18] Zombieland.Vincent-Goblin.Sub.mkv_20100122_215208.jpg
File: 18] Zombieland.Vi...
Jpg, 35.05 KB, 1024×432
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
18] Zombieland.Vincent-Goblin.Sub.mkv_20100122_215211.jpg

>> No.291151 Reply
File: 18] Zombieland.Vi...
Jpg, 34.37 KB, 1024×432
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
18] Zombieland.Vincent-Goblin.Sub.mkv_20100122_215220.jpg
File: 18] Zombieland.Vi...
Jpg, 30.06 KB, 1024×432
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
18] Zombieland.Vincent-Goblin.Sub.mkv_20100122_215415.jpg
File: 18] Zombieland.Vi...
Jpg, 32.95 KB, 1024×432
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
18] Zombieland.Vincent-Goblin.Sub.mkv_20100122_215645.jpg
File: 18] Zombieland.Vi...
Jpg, 23.86 KB, 1024×432
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
18] Zombieland.Vincent-Goblin.Sub.mkv_20100122_215743.jpg
File: 18] Zombieland.Vi...
Jpg, 38.35 KB, 1024×432
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
18] Zombieland.Vincent-Goblin.Sub.mkv_20100122_220858.jpg

>> No.291152 Reply
File: macro-уйди-толстый-не-будет-тебе-еды-здесь.png
Png, 513.38 KB, 648×432 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.291153 Reply
File: motivator-шок-контент.png
Png, 524.23 KB, 693×647 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.291155 Reply
File: 18] Zombieland.Vi...
Jpg, 38.05 KB, 1024×432
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
18] Zombieland.Vincent-Goblin.Sub.mkv_20100122_221055.jpg
File: 18] Zombieland.Vi...
Jpg, 30.38 KB, 1005×424
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
18] Zombieland.Vincent-Goblin.Sub.mkv_20100122_221255.jpg
File: 18] Zombieland.Vi...
Jpg, 23.27 KB, 1024×432
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
18] Zombieland.Vincent-Goblin.Sub.mkv_20100122_221422.jpg
File: 18] Zombieland.Vi...
Jpg, 28.68 KB, 1024×432
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
18] Zombieland.Vincent-Goblin.Sub.mkv_20100122_221522.jpg
File: 18] Zombieland.Vi...
Jpg, 24.18 KB, 1024×432
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
18] Zombieland.Vincent-Goblin.Sub.mkv_20100122_221538.jpg

Блджад, опять заскринилась эта надпись.
>> No.291163 Reply
Йода залогиньтесь. Давай тогда "здесь тебе не будет еды, толстячок". И удар битой по мозгам с мягким "уйди" образует ненужный контраст.
>> No.291166 Reply
File: macro-i-did-it-for-lulz.png
Png, 477.39 KB, 664×432 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.291168 Reply
File: macro-тебе-не-будет-еды-здесь.png
Png, 74.59 KB, 323×440 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.291169 Reply
File: motivator-клоуны-itt.png
Png, 468.82 KB, 686×642 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.291171 Reply
File: macro-я-тян-пруфы-будут-позже.png
Png, 512.05 KB, 708×432 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.291173 Reply
> И удар битой по мозгам с мягким "уйди" образует ненужный контраст
Более крепкое не поднимается рука написать. Не люблю бяки писать.
>> No.291193 Reply
File: macro-съеби-жирная-тварь.png
Png, 198.73 KB, 331×274 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
На, ты ведь недавно на чанах?
>> No.291199 Reply
Наоборот. Был и на дваче, и на тирече, и на ычане. Но для общения там не хватало как раз тех слов, которые мне не нравится писать. Поэтому сидел в основном в тематических бордах, в /b/ не влезал. А на доброчане как-то наоборот, прижился.
>> No.291257 Reply
File: macro-awesome.png
Png, 81.52 KB, 209×251
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: macro-да-ты-же.png
Png, 350.97 KB, 678×432
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: macro-хуле-ты-пиз...
Png, 327.98 KB, 727×432
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

>> No.291260 Reply
Хм, я вроде не писал ничего в пост, странно.
>> No.291267 Reply
File: macro-и-все-на-доброчан.png
Png, 253.16 KB, 640×480 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.291269 Reply
File: motivator-гости-доброчана.png
Png, 270.19 KB, 750×690 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.291272 Reply
>> No.291293 Reply
Прямо таки пикча на тему: "Тиреч опять упал?!"
>> No.291314 Reply
File: macro-ньюфаг-штоле-сука.png
Png, 788.68 KB, 720×720 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.291315 Reply
Ты рак
>> No.291491 Reply
File: [CoalGuys] K-ON! ...
Jpg, 174.13 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[CoalGuys] K-ON! - 14 (OVA) [72A0FDDB][02-36-20].JPG
File: [CoalGuys] K-ON! ...
Jpg, 105.46 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[CoalGuys] K-ON! - 14 (OVA) [72A0FDDB][02-41-02].JPG
File: [CoalGuys] K-ON! ...
Jpg, 95.51 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[CoalGuys] K-ON! - 14 (OVA) [72A0FDDB][02-44-34].JPG
File: [CoalGuys] K-ON! ...
Jpg, 72.27 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[CoalGuys] K-ON! - 14 (OVA) [72A0FDDB][02-46-21].JPG
File: [CoalGuys] K-ON! ...
Jpg, 79.77 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[CoalGuys] K-ON! - 14 (OVA) [72A0FDDB][02-48-49].JPG

>> No.291493 Reply
File: [CoalGuys] K-ON! ...
Jpg, 100.16 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[CoalGuys] K-ON! - 14 (OVA) [72A0FDDB][02-48-58].JPG
File: [CoalGuys] K-ON! ...
Jpg, 93.95 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[CoalGuys] K-ON! - 14 (OVA) [72A0FDDB][02-49-57].JPG
File: [CoalGuys] K-ON! ...
Jpg, 93.60 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[CoalGuys] K-ON! - 14 (OVA) [72A0FDDB][02-50-06].JPG
File: [CoalGuys] K-ON! ...
Jpg, 114.05 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[CoalGuys] K-ON! - 14 (OVA) [72A0FDDB][02-50-34].JPG
File: [CoalGuys] K-ON! ...
Jpg, 116.01 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[CoalGuys] K-ON! - 14 (OVA) [72A0FDDB][02-51-23].JPG

>> No.291494 Reply
File: [CoalGuys] K-ON! ...
Jpg, 73.75 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[CoalGuys] K-ON! - 14 (OVA) [72A0FDDB][02-52-32].JPG
File: [CoalGuys] K-ON! ...
Jpg, 90.42 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[CoalGuys] K-ON! - 14 (OVA) [72A0FDDB][02-55-09].JPG
File: [CoalGuys] K-ON! ...
Jpg, 105.87 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[CoalGuys] K-ON! - 14 (OVA) [72A0FDDB][02-56-53].JPG

>> No.291495 Reply
File: 1250578229400.jpg
Jpg, 28.10 KB, 640×480
Your censorship settings forbid this file.
Щито, этот ваш Кеён начал довыходить? Неплохо, неплохо.
>> No.291498 Reply
File: Kimi ni Todoke - ...
Jpg, 45.23 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Kimi ni Todoke - 14[(002275)22-16-49].JPG
File: Kimi ni Todoke - ...
Jpg, 44.37 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Kimi ni Todoke - 14[(002506)22-17-05].JPG
File: Kimi ni Todoke - ...
Jpg, 51.33 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Kimi ni Todoke - 14[(002700)22-17-17].JPG
File: Kimi ni Todoke - ...
Jpg, 33.50 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Kimi ni Todoke - 14[(003327)22-17-49].JPG
File: Kimi ni Todoke - ...
Jpg, 49.23 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Kimi ni Todoke - 14[(003941)22-18-22].JPG

>> No.291499 Reply
>> No.291501 Reply
File: Kimi ni Todoke - ...
Jpg, 37.25 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Kimi ni Todoke - 14[(007681)22-21-14].JPG
File: Kimi ni Todoke - ...
Jpg, 34.42 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Kimi ni Todoke - 14[(007683)22-21-17].JPG
File: Kimi ni Todoke - ...
Jpg, 42.00 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Kimi ni Todoke - 14[(007694)22-21-30].JPG
File: Kimi ni Todoke - ...
Jpg, 42.02 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Kimi ni Todoke - 14[(007702)22-21-38].JPG
File: Kimi ni Todoke - ...
Jpg, 45.02 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Kimi ni Todoke - 14[(007709)22-20-27].JPG

>> No.291503 Reply
File: macro-фанаты-исти...
Png, 985.14 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: Капча.png
Png, 0.94 KB, 200×20
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

Макрос для 0.03 анонимов, которые узнают цитату. Возможно, для 0.003. А скорее всего он вообще не нужен.
>> No.291504 Reply
File: Kimi ni Todoke - ...
Jpg, 43.34 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Kimi ni Todoke - 14[(007834)22-20-48].JPG
File: Kimi ni Todoke - ...
Jpg, 44.25 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Kimi ni Todoke - 14[(007836)22-20-53].JPG
File: Kimi ni Todoke - ...
Jpg, 37.43 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Kimi ni Todoke - 14[(007869)22-21-59].JPG
File: Kimi ni Todoke - ...
Jpg, 34.78 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Kimi ni Todoke - 14[(008548)22-22-40].JPG
File: Kimi ni Todoke - ...
Jpg, 35.00 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Kimi ni Todoke - 14[(008674)22-23-04].JPG

>> No.291505 Reply
File: 111.png
Png, 1177.87 KB, 1273×711
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File: 222.png
Png, 1338.72 KB, 1275×713
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File: 333.png
Png, 1391.87 KB, 1245×703
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: 444.png
Png, 812.54 KB, 871×706
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: 555.png
Png, 895.35 KB, 996×701
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

>> No.291508 Reply
File: Kimi ni Todoke - ...
Jpg, 46.43 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Kimi ni Todoke - 14[(023142)22-28-25].JPG
File: Kimi ni Todoke - ...
Jpg, 41.76 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Kimi ni Todoke - 14[(023834)22-28-44].JPG
File: Kimi ni Todoke - ...
Jpg, 42.21 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Kimi ni Todoke - 14[(024051)22-28-52].JPG
File: Kimi ni Todoke - ...
Jpg, 46.38 KB, 640×480
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Kimi ni Todoke - 14[(024349)22-29-04].JPG
File: Kimi ni Todoke - ...
Jpg, 39.77 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Kimi ni Todoke - 14[(028543)22-30-06].JPG

>> No.291510 Reply
File: Kimi ni Todoke - ...
Jpg, 39.26 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Kimi ni Todoke - 14[(030018)22-30-31].JPG
File: Kimi ni Todoke - ...
Jpg, 51.06 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Kimi ni Todoke - 15[(003820)00-58-59].JPG
File: Kimi ni Todoke - ...
Jpg, 37.05 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Kimi ni Todoke - 15[(004793)00-59-27].JPG
File: Kimi ni Todoke - ...
Jpg, 41.00 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Kimi ni Todoke - 15[(006247)01-00-29].JPG
File: Kimi ni Todoke - ...
Jpg, 28.82 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Kimi ni Todoke - 15[(012517)01-04-06].JPG

Запилите русаб на спешалы
>> No.291512 Reply
File: macro-100-крутости.png
Png, 693.62 KB, 996×701 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.291514 Reply
File: Kimi ni Todoke - ...
Jpg, 35.39 KB, 640×480
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Kimi ni Todoke - 15[(014069)01-04-55].JPG
File: Kimi ni Todoke - ...
Jpg, 30.28 KB, 640×480
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Kimi ni Todoke - 15[(014091)01-04-58].JPG
File: Kimi ni Todoke - ...
Jpg, 28.48 KB, 640×480
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Kimi ni Todoke - 15[(014111)01-05-00].JPG
File: Kimi ni Todoke - ...
Jpg, 32.23 KB, 640×480
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Kimi ni Todoke - 15[(014129)01-05-02].JPG
File: Kimi ni Todoke - ...
Jpg, 46.09 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Kimi ni Todoke - 15[(016023)01-06-05].JPG

>> No.291518 Reply
File: macro-я-несу-возмездие-во-имя-луны.png
Png, 693.37 KB, 996×701 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Очевидное же.
>> No.291519 Reply
File: Kimi ni Todoke - ...
Jpg, 46.54 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Kimi ni Todoke - 15[(016063)01-06-21].JPG
File: Kimi ni Todoke - ...
Jpg, 44.35 KB, 640×480
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Kimi ni Todoke - 15[(019961)01-08-27].JPG
File: Kimi ni Todoke - ...
Jpg, 46.59 KB, 640×480
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Kimi ni Todoke - 15[(022283)01-09-58].JPG
File: Kimi ni Todoke - ...
Jpg, 48.41 KB, 640×480
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Kimi ni Todoke - 15[(023194)01-10-27].JPG
File: Kimi ni Todoke - ...
Jpg, 49.26 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Kimi ni Todoke - 15[(023196)01-10-33].JPG

Дай анценз второй серии, пожалуйста.
>> No.291522 Reply
File: Kimi ni Todoke - ...
Jpg, 41.78 KB, 640×480
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Kimi ni Todoke - 15[(023681)01-11-07].JPG
File: Kimi ni Todoke - ...
Jpg, 52.45 KB, 640×480
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Kimi ni Todoke - 15[(026664)01-12-50].JPG
File: Kimi ni Todoke - ...
Jpg, 36.92 KB, 640×480
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Kimi ni Todoke - 15[(027334)01-13-08].JPG
File: Kimi ni Todoke - ...
Jpg, 41.39 KB, 640×480
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Kimi ni Todoke - 15[(029060)01-13-53].JPG
File: Kimi ni Todoke - ...
Jpg, 36.67 KB, 640×480
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Kimi ni Todoke - 15[(029082)01-14-01].JPG

>> No.291523 Reply
File: Kimi ni Todoke - ...
Jpg, 36.45 KB, 640×480
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Kimi ni Todoke - 15[(030943)01-14-56].JPG
File: Kimi ni Todoke - ...
Jpg, 23.75 KB, 640×480
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Kimi ni Todoke - 15[(031818)01-15-22].JPG
File: Kimi ni Todoke - ...
Jpg, 42.99 KB, 640×480
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Kimi ni Todoke - 14[(007502)22-20-20].JPG
File: Kimi ni Todoke - ...
Jpg, 40.99 KB, 640×480
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Kimi ni Todoke - 14[(013682)22-25-01].JPG
File: Kimi ni Todoke - ...
Jpg, 50.81 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Kimi ni Todoke - 15[(003329)00-58-40].JPG

>> No.291524 Reply
File: Kimi ni Todoke - ...
Jpg, 50.01 KB, 640×480
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Kimi ni Todoke - 15[(032911)01-15-38].JPG
File: Kimi ni Todoke - ...
Jpg, 44.36 KB, 640×480
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Kimi ni Todoke - 15[(033199)01-15-47].JPG
File: Kimi ni Todoke - ...
Jpg, 51.16 KB, 640×480
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Kimi ni Todoke - 15[(033310)01-15-51].JPG
File: Kimi ni Todoke - ...
Jpg, 44.59 KB, 640×480
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Kimi ni Todoke - 15[(033443)01-16-00].JPG
File: Kimi ni Todoke - ...
Jpg, 47.69 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Kimi ni Todoke - 15[(033535)01-16-04].JPG

И доброты в тред.
>> No.291525 Reply
Эта доброта уже была в прошлых тредах. Причём не раз.
>> No.291527 Reply
File: 9c225f2073780eef48801d9ef09235547890a8d5.jpg
Jpg, 214.45 KB, 572×800 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Сам ищу.
>> No.291530 Reply
Я знаю ;3
>> No.291557 Reply
File: motivator-улыбка.png
Png, 417.35 KB, 750×690 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.291563 Reply
File: snapshot_27.jpg
Jpg, 278.72 KB, 720×720
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Jpg, 263.88 KB, 720×720
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Jpg, 296.50 KB, 720×720
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Jpg, 336.25 KB, 720×720
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Jpg, 219.84 KB, 720×720
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>> No.291564 Reply
File: snapshot_32.jpg
Jpg, 190.57 KB, 720×720
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Jpg, 211.14 KB, 720×720
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Jpg, 280.82 KB, 720×720
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Jpg, 216.66 KB, 720×720
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Jpg, 167.10 KB, 720×720
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с:голубым русский - LOL WAT
>> No.291575 Reply
File: snapshot_33.jpg
Jpg, 336.60 KB, 807×879
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File: snapshot_38.jpg
Jpg, 215.50 KB, 720×720
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File: snapshot_39.jpg
Jpg, 203.33 KB, 720×720
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Jpg, 166.67 KB, 720×720
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File: snapshot_41.jpg
Jpg, 220.45 KB, 720×720
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>> No.291584 Reply
File: macro-from-the-united-kingdom.png
Png, 901.80 KB, 720×720 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.291586 Reply
Даже у него была тян ;_;
>> No.291600 Reply
File: macro-улыбайся-су...
Png, 583.99 KB, 720×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: Двач.jpg
Jpg, 381.48 KB, 875×1020
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>> No.291633 Reply
File: macro-не-знал-говоришь.png
Png, 399.97 KB, 720×720 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.291643 Reply
File: motivator-капитан-очевидность.png
Png, 636.56 KB, 830×750 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.291674 Reply
File: macro-do-it-faggot.png
Png, 424.21 KB, 720×720 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.291675 Reply
File: 126418707875604.jpg
Jpg, 66.72 KB, 1024×576 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.291680 Reply
File: macro-я-кид.png
Png, 489.40 KB, 720×720 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.291683 Reply
File: macro-just-rape-it.png
Png, 390.32 KB, 841×576 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.291685 Reply
sauce plz
>> No.291688 Reply
>> No.291719 Reply
File: motivator-анонимус.png
Png, 384.61 KB, 878×786 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
с: раковина достигай
Осака намекает на мою криворукость.
>> No.291723 Reply
>> No.291731 Reply
>>291723 goto >>291688
с: циничное призываешь
>> No.291760 Reply
File: macro-безэмоций.png
Png, 443.01 KB, 720×720 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
соус, БЛДЖАД?
>> No.292128 Reply
Вы откуда такие беретесь?

Кто-то кроме меня будет еще пикчи вбрасывать? А то опять все я.

Первый ОП.

Моар же
>> No.292146 Reply
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 18.31 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 01 SD rev2 (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_024446.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 10.77 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 01 SD rev2 (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_024600.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 18.91 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 01 SD rev2 (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_024602.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 11.12 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 01 SD rev2 (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_024751.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 31.35 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 01 SD rev2 (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_024849.jpg

>> No.292147 Reply
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 34.40 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 01 SD rev2 (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_024859.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 27.68 KB, 640×360
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4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 01 SD rev2 (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_024901.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 27.39 KB, 640×360
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4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 01 SD rev2 (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_024903.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 12.90 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 01 SD rev2 (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_024950.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 18.83 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 01 SD rev2 (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_024957.jpg

>> No.292150 Reply
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 22.76 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 01 SD rev2 (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_025210.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 19.88 KB, 640×360
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4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 01 SD rev2 (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_025223.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 42.85 KB, 640×360
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4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 01 SD rev2 (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_025239.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 24.72 KB, 640×360
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4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 01 SD rev2 (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_025346.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 29.31 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 01 SD rev2 (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_025549.jpg

прозреваю тонну скринов, из которых потом заебешься выбирать, что вбросить.
>> No.292153 Reply
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 27.83 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 01 SD rev2 (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_025625.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 30.97 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 01 SD rev2 (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_025634.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 31.32 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 01 SD rev2 (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_025642.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 31.34 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 01 SD rev2 (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_025651.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 31.62 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 01 SD rev2 (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_025654.jpg

>> No.292154 Reply

Што за анима?
>> No.292155 Reply
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 28.76 KB, 640×360
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4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 01 SD rev2 (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_025832.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 29.99 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 01 SD rev2 (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_025839.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 21.61 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 01 SD rev2 (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_030001.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 25.24 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 01 SD rev2 (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_030045.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 24.50 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 01 SD rev2 (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_030050.jpg

блджад potplayer имеет привычку сохранять не то, что на экране, а то что появится через полсекунды, от чего все фейлится.
>> No.292156 Reply
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 28.91 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 01 SD rev2 (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_030109.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 28.96 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 01 SD rev2 (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_030132.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 23.79 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 01 SD rev2 (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_030146.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 22.53 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 01 SD rev2 (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_030148.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 22.25 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 01 SD rev2 (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_030151.jpg

>> No.292157 Reply
>> No.292158 Reply
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 20.40 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 01 SD rev2 (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_030305.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 19.50 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 01 SD rev2 (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_030409.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 20.12 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 01 SD rev2 (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_030414.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 20.73 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 01 SD rev2 (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_030430.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 26.11 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 01 SD rev2 (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_030436.jpg

1 серия completed.
>> No.292232 Reply
File: 1232050516562.jpg
Jpg, 84.46 KB, 1280×1024
Your censorship settings forbid this file.
File: a0vqk2.jpg
Jpg, 34.94 KB, 640×368
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File: x_a2a140f9.jpg
Jpg, 30.14 KB, 604×340
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File: 1252078972887.jpg
Jpg, 21.38 KB, 300×377
Your censorship settings forbid this file.
File: 1262010823327.png
Png, 174.01 KB, 473×496
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

Пятую пикчу лишь немного пофиксить.
>> No.292234 Reply
File: 126431520985308s.jpg
Jpg, 8.34 KB, 200×115 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Это откуда?
>> No.292235 Reply
Black Lagoon же
>> No.292236 Reply
Black Lagoon
>> No.292238 Reply
File: macro-наркоман-штоле.png
Png, 272.07 KB, 640×368 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.292239 Reply
File: macro-ты-хуй.png
Png, 340.10 KB, 640×360 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
очевидный фикс
>> No.292240 Reply
File: 126431643410281.png
Png, 919.71 KB, 1280×1024
Your censorship settings forbid this file.
>> No.292249 Reply
File: macro-бей-бабу-в-пузо.png
Png, 269.36 KB, 640×360 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.292279 Reply
File: 0.jpeg
Jpeg, 106.18 KB, 600×408 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.292315 Reply
File: x_8399aa55.jpg
Jpg, 27.74 KB, 604×340 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.292316 Reply
File: macro-i-see-a-pedo.png
Png, 192.48 KB, 482×340 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.292317 Reply
File: 85696_Hithere2.jpg
Jpg, 48.06 KB, 464×348 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.292319 Reply
File: macro-я-не-смеюсь.png
Png, 186.78 KB, 640×480 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.292322 Reply
File: macro-субкота-же.png
Png, 513.68 KB, 544×600 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.292326 Reply
File: macro-pic-unrilated.png
Png, 651.41 KB, 500×432 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.292327 Reply
File: macro-i-am.png
Png, 373.54 KB, 640×480 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.292328 Reply
File: macro-fdsfgs.png
Png, 261.95 KB, 340×383 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.292334 Reply
File: 126432841526460.png
Png, 160.87 KB, 300×377
Your censorship settings forbid this file.
>> No.292338 Reply
File: macro-no-u.png
Png, 482.63 KB, 815×720 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.292346 Reply
Щито это за хуйня? Лучше уйди, либо получи внезапный левел ап мозга.
>> No.292354 Reply
File: macro-ну-еб.png
Png, 61.95 KB, 157×179
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: macro-непроебдзют...
Png, 394.83 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: macro-fuck.png
Png, 60.26 KB, 156×169
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: macro-oh-it.png
Png, 121.60 KB, 204×274
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

Прозреваю свой фейл с ингришом.
>> No.292356 Reply
А что не так?
Давай разбираться.
> > >>292338
Классический NO U вариант. Притензий нет.
> >>292334
Видимо ты не видел оригинала OBEY с Путиным.
> >>292328
> >>292327
Ну тут да, спорно.
> >>292322
И тут.
> >>292319
Про совушку ты, видимо, тоже не знаешь.
Итого: 2/6 макросов поподают под сомнение их ценности и правильности. Если учитывать то, что все это могли сделать разные люди напрашивается один вывод. Ты - ньюфаг и не понимаешь сути... ну ты понел.
>> No.292360 Reply
File: macro-наркоман-шт...
Png, 74.19 KB, 254×160
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: macro-батя.png
Png, 285.43 KB, 600×480
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File: macro-ваш.png
Png, 63.06 KB, 197×195
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: macro-holy-fuck.png
Png, 104.00 KB, 322×288
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

>> No.292361 Reply
Я тут с первого треда.
>>292338 еще годно, ладно.
>>292334 много раз видел, нахуй это снова?
>>292328 Говно, тогда уж приблизь палец и рожу, бездарщина.
Эпичное сферического говно без смысла:
Макросов с совами видел дохуя раз, ты понел какие. Но это говно впервые, может ты с другого глобуса?
Вывод - уйди, добраговна тебе.
>> No.292364 Reply
Последние две пички - напиши по-русски, что хотел сказать, потому как с английского это перевести невозможно.
Вопросительный знак не нужен. Если не обусловлен историческими факторами, конечно.
>> No.292367 Reply
File: 1247751622355.jpg
Jpg, 35.41 KB, 350×487
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> Если не обусловлен историческими факторами, конечно.
>> No.292368 Reply
В последнем еще ладно, но в третьем то что тебе не перевести, лингвист?
>> No.292369 Reply
> Вопросительный знак не нужен.
Вообще-то нужен. И ещё + на конце.
>> No.292370 Reply
Don't again - нет такого оборота в ингрише.
>> No.292371 Reply
Алсо, забыл добавить, что я не >>292361-кун, меня просто привлёк ваш срач.
>> No.292372 Reply
И продолжаю. Я таки понял, что значит третья пикча - правильно было написать "Not again!"
>> No.292373 Reply
Сей макрос для тиреча скорее.
By crocodile
>> No.292376 Reply
Wait... Oh shi~ и правда ведь, ступил. Исправлю позже.
>> No.292379 Reply
> Я тут с первого треда.
> Щито это за хуйня? Лучше уйди, либо получи внезапный левел ап мозга.
Я смотрю ты очень хорошо напитался добром за это время, ага.
Ах вот они какие, олдфаги...
>> No.292386 Reply
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Немного банальщины
>> No.292387 Reply
А то. Все не могу отвыкнуть от тиреченульчества. Хотя другого слова то не подберешь :3 Хоть отошел от личных оскорблений и пнх.
>> No.292393 Reply
Ага, забыл добавить, еще пиздить не могу отвыкнуть.
>> No.292407 Reply
Как же вы БЕСИТЕ БЛЕАТЬ! НЕ "Пиздить", а "ПИЗДЕТЬ" в плане вранья, а "Пиздить" это синоним "Бить/Мочить/Хуячить". Больше десяти раз вижу на чанах, ну что это за хуйня.
Может я сферический слоупок и проебалпустил мем?
>> No.292410 Reply
File: macro-хочется-взять-и-сделать-добро.png
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>> No.292412 Reply
Ага, а еще я сосу хуи и приписываю свои слова другим.
>> No.292413 Reply
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>> No.292423 Reply
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>> No.292428 Reply
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>> No.292439 Reply
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>> No.292443 Reply
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>> No.292446 Reply
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И национальный вариант, естественно.
>> No.292449 Reply
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>> No.292450 Reply
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>> No.292451 Reply
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>> No.292452 Reply
Ковбой Бибоп - Достучаться до небес (2001) BDRip 720p[14-50-00].PNG
Что за чушь вы приписываете к картинкам, читать стыдно.
>> No.292453 Reply
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>> No.292454 Reply
Аноним, покиньте, пожалуйста, наш тред.

Искренне ваш, Евгений Ваганович
>> No.292457 Reply
Пойдите-ка нахуй, товарищ
>> No.292458 Reply
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>> No.292462 Reply
> 579.25 KB, 600×408
Да тыж ебанутый нахуй.
>> No.292464 Reply
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>> No.292465 Reply
File: 1239876332892.png
Png, 450.15 KB, 491×790
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>> No.292469 Reply
Мне кажется, или в первом треде не было такого пиздеца? Даже учитываю что половину говновысеров делал я.
Первый ОП.
>> No.292470 Reply
Я именно это и пытался сказать а вы ругаетесь!
>> No.292472 Reply
Да первый тред это просто вин по сравнению с этим!
>> No.292480 Reply
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>> No.292481 Reply
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Да знаю я, знаю! Ты говоришь так как будто это что-то плохое!

аффтар пары высеров
>> No.292484 Reply
Ви пгосто зажрались таки
>> No.292487 Reply
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>> No.292488 Reply
Даааааааа, мэдскиллз-тред уже не торт...
>> No.292489 Reply
В первых двух тредах я дичайше семенил, вбросил почти все скрины, и активно фотошопил(ведь большинству шоп лень открывать, да бля? Пара человек помогала только.) Начиная с третьего только скрины выкладываю в основном, изредка пачки говновысеров типа этого >>289842>>290020>>290168>>290168 от скуки выкладываю. Исходя из этого гарантирую мощный наплыв школоты и других петросянов.

А еще тогда трава зеленее, да забористей была, правда ведь?
>> No.292492 Reply
File: 126433930331871.jpg
Jpg, 135.08 KB, 800×600
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Щас будет торт.
>> No.292493 Reply
Забыл подписаться, но и так понятно.
>> No.292494 Reply
File: 25_xl.jpg
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> В первых двух тредах я дичайше семенил, вбросил почти все скрины, и активно фотошопил
Ты сделал достаточно, анон, пора отдохнуть. Возьми няшку, выпей чашечку чая и запости куклу в куклотред.
>> No.292495 Reply
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>> No.292496 Reply
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Капча подтверждает.
>> No.292499 Reply
Я ненавижу куклолюбов и мелкие сиське с азиатские рожами. Так что пожалуй нет, по крайней мере еще вброшу Хуяку, а с понедельника уже просто времени не будет.
>> No.292522 Reply
File: desuhankerchief.jpg
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А куклолюбы тебя - нет.
>> No.292526 Reply
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В общем-то, на самом деле на доброчане никто никого не ненавидит и все друг друга любят. >>292499-кун выражает свою симпатию вот так, а ты его неправильно понял.
>> No.292536 Reply
Не взаимно.
Ошибаешься, я не лицемер, а правдоруб. Хоть и нененавижу, но недолюбливаю.
>> No.292542 Reply
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>> No.292550 Reply
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>> No.292556 Reply
ЭТО АНЦЕНЗ!? БЫСТРА БЛИА ЛИНК! И в ави желательно(гифы делать). А еще бы первую серию анценз в ави, а то с вездессущим mp4 проги не работают
>> No.292565 Reply
А что за анима?
>> No.292568 Reply
Seikon no Qwaser

Но я жду, когда выйдет блюрей, чтобы посмотреть по-мормальному. В ТВ-шках всё самое главное вырезали, а качество того анценза, который доступен сейчас, не выдерживает никакой критики.
>> No.292576 Reply
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>> No.292577 Reply
Да мне хоть какой-то, дай пруфы. На гифы блюрей не нужен.
>> No.292579 Reply
File: macro-a-cat-is-fine-too.png
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Ваганыч, не?
>> No.292580 Reply
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>> No.292581 Reply
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Гифки и так уже понаделали :3
>> No.292582 Reply
File: macro-sucess.png
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>> No.292585 Reply
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>> No.292586 Reply
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>> No.292587 Reply
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>> No.292588 Reply
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>> No.292589 Reply
в чем же смысл такого аниму?
>> No.292591 Reply
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Онин бессмысленно и беспощадно.
>> No.292592 Reply
File: macro-щито.png
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>> No.292593 Reply
> Онин

>> No.292593 Reply
ровно в том же, в чём смысл большей части всей анимы. Сиськи, трусы, идеализированная нешность, характеры и поступки.
>> No.292599 Reply
File: macro-why-no-one-cames.png
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>> No.292600 Reply

кусай сиськи @ твори добро
>> No.292601 Reply
Ну тогда давай либо пруф, либо сюда все залей!
>> No.292607 Reply
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Гифки брал с 4чана, доставлю что есть.
>> No.292608 Reply
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>> No.292609 Reply
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>> No.292612 Reply
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>> No.292614 Reply
И это будет последняя. Следущая не влезла.
>> No.292616 Reply
в /gf/ попробуй.
>> No.292718 Reply
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>> No.292722 Reply
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>> No.292725 Reply
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>> No.292726 Reply
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>> No.292735 Reply
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>> No.292839 Reply
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>> No.292866 Reply
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>> No.292989 Reply
File: 1246562716590.jpg
Jpg, 49.71 KB, 400×174
Your censorship settings forbid this file.
Какой шрифт используется в таких надписях?
Как сделать контур надписи в Гимпе?
Аванс - пикрилейтед.
>> No.292997 Reply
Шрифт канонiчный Impact.
>> No.293007 Reply

Б-гмерзкий линуксоид?
Гугли плагины, или обводку чтоле, или у кисти толщину поставь в один пиксель и ручками обводи.

На Доброчане есть встроеннный в движок редактор.
>> No.293013 Reply
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>> No.293127 Reply
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4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 02 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_131747.jpg
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4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 02 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_131755.jpg
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4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 02 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_131759.jpg
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4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 02 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_131810.jpg
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4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 02 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_131819.jpg

Ух как заебусь выкладывать.
>> No.293129 Reply
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>> No.293130 Reply
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>> No.293131 Reply
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File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
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4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 02 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_131824.jpg
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4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 02 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_131924.jpg

>> No.293132 Reply
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4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 02 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_132127.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
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4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 02 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_132255.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
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4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 02 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_132406.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
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4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 02 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_132424.jpg
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4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 02 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_132502.jpg

>> No.293134 Reply
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4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 02 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_132516.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
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4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 02 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_133757.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
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4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 03 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_153250.jpg
File: 8] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
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8] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 04 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_160928.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 23.54 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 03 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_153742.jpg

>> No.293137 Reply
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 19.94 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 02 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_132524.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 34.75 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 02 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_132544.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 23.09 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 02 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_132554.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 33.43 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 02 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_133616.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 29.32 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 02 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_133642.jpg

>> No.293138 Reply
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 22.25 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 02 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_133955.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 25.20 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 02 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_134009.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 19.53 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 02 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_134028.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 22.25 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 02 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_134127.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 21.77 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 02 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_134206.jpg

>> No.293139 Reply
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 17.28 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 02 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_134213.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 29.74 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 02 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_134312.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 17.57 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 02 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_134345.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 21.89 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 02 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_134534.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 23.53 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 02 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_134551.jpg

>> No.293141 Reply
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 20.79 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 02 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_134641.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 26.62 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 03 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_152926.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 25.99 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 03 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_153128.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 32.24 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 03 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_153142.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 32.67 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 03 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_153149.jpg

>> No.293142 Reply
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 24.82 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 03 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_153233.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 29.74 KB, 640×378
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 03 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_153343.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 32.46 KB, 640×378
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 03 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_153349.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 16.17 KB, 640×378
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 03 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_153401.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 15.37 KB, 640×378
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 03 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_153504.jpg

>> No.293143 Reply
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 27.37 KB, 640×378
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 03 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_153540.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 16.43 KB, 640×378
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 03 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_153551.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 26.35 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 03 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_153702.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 22.20 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 03 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_153707.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 23.18 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 03 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_153722.jpg

Через 20 минут вернусь.
>> No.293147 Reply
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 21.58 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 03 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_153728.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 26.18 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 03 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_153852.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 31.20 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 03 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_153904.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 37.14 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 03 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_153952.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 25.53 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 03 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_154058.jpg

Странно, куда-то делись скрины с 5 по 7 серию.
>> No.293149 Reply
File: macro-surprise-buttsex.png
Png, 343.53 KB, 640×360 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.293150 Reply
File: 11] [Raws-4U] Hya...
Jpg, 17.63 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
11] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 07 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_185853.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 13.90 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 03 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_154120.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 37.97 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 03 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_154225.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 19.65 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 03 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_154238.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 15.90 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 03 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_154241.jpg

>> No.293152 Reply
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 12.56 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 03 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_154309.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 31.37 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 03 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_154316.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 30.50 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 03 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_154338.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 22.24 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 03 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_154402.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 33.13 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 03 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_154408.jpg

>> No.293154 Reply
Совсем не можешь анализировать пикчу и проводить параллели? На батсекс выше уйма других пикчей больше подходит.
>> No.293158 Reply
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 28.68 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 03 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_154514.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 29.19 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 03 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_154523.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 25.64 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 03 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_154622.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 27.76 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 03 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_154642.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 25.28 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 03 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_154656.jpg

Еще и Хината.
>> No.293163 Reply
File: macro-датебайо.png
Png, 331.43 KB, 640×360 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
ЗАбыл пикчу
>> No.293167 Reply
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 26.74 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 03 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_154810.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 22.07 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 03 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_154827.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 25.75 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 03 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_154831.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 27.02 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 03 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_154839.jpg
File: 4] [Raws-4U] Hyak...
Jpg, 23.25 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
4] [Raws-4U] Hyakko - 03 SD (704x396 xvid mp3).avi_20100124_155018.jpg

Вечером продолжу.
>> No.293169 Reply
File: macro-лолей-в-тред.png
Png, 438.26 KB, 640×378 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.293207 Reply
File: macro-must-not-fap.png
Png, 324.97 KB, 640×360 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.293208 Reply
File: macro-i-lold.png
Png, 263.67 KB, 640×360 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.293209 Reply
File: motivator-прекрасный-торт.png
Png, 649.45 KB, 710×660 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.293222 Reply
File: motivator-семен-семеныч-угощает.png
Png, 649.29 KB, 710×660 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.293250 Reply
File: цой.jpg
Jpg, 23.93 KB, 300×481 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Сажа - потому что использую для одноразового мэдскиллза.
>> No.293258 Reply
File: macro-поешь-добра.png
Png, 506.29 KB, 848×480 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Что совсем нет фантазии сегодня.
>> No.293292 Reply
File: macro-можно-я-тезис-вброшу.png
Png, 315.40 KB, 640×360 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.293293 Reply
File: macro-хуита.png
Png, 181.89 KB, 291×360 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.293301 Reply
File: Nazipoke.jpg
Jpg, 11.44 KB, 231×251 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

Мочой а не мочей.
>> No.293381 Reply
Мэдскилз тред таки скатился...ну вы понели, так что предлагаю иной вариант. Постим редкий вариант адвайса(пикрелейтед - ньюфаг,например) и делаем с ним макросы.
Есть у кого есть адвайс деса, кстати?
>> No.293383 Reply
File: Newfag Guy.jpg
Jpg, 65.64 KB, 407×405 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Newfag Guy.jpg
картинку забыл
>> No.293399 Reply
File: macro-камвхорь.png
Png, 128.61 KB, 407×405 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.293403 Reply
File: gra_natsuki-k006(1).jpg
Jpg, 625.70 KB, 1280×853 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Не уловил идею. Теперь скриншоты из аниме выпиливаем по контуру персонажей и кладём на радужный фон?
>> No.293471 Reply
Не тред скатился, а аноны. Что тебе мешает заняться адвайсами, в одно время с макросами, и фотожабами?

Ох холи щет, точно. Но лень делать новый, позже.
>> No.293567 Reply
File: 21] Ubojnaja.liga...
Jpg, 26.69 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
21] Ubojnaja.liga.(vypusk.115).2010.XviD.SATRip_RiperAM.avi_20100126_001836.jpg
File: 21] Ubojnaja.liga...
Jpg, 29.41 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
21] Ubojnaja.liga.(vypusk.115).2010.XviD.SATRip_RiperAM.avi_20100126_001914.jpg
File: 21] Ubojnaja.liga...
Jpg, 27.94 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
21] Ubojnaja.liga.(vypusk.115).2010.XviD.SATRip_RiperAM.avi_20100126_001912.jpg
File: 21] Ubojnaja.liga...
Jpg, 36.35 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
21] Ubojnaja.liga.(vypusk.115).2010.XviD.SATRip_RiperAM.avi_20100126_001900.jpg
File: 21] Ubojnaja.liga...
Jpg, 36.98 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
21] Ubojnaja.liga.(vypusk.115).2010.XviD.SATRip_RiperAM.avi_20100126_002002.jpg

Хуяку лень пока, могу только пак запилить, там еще чуть более половины. А это не смог не выложить.
>> No.293570 Reply
File: 21] Ubojnaja.liga...
Jpg, 37.66 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
21] Ubojnaja.liga.(vypusk.115).2010.XviD.SATRip_RiperAM.avi_20100126_002003.jpg
File: 21] Ubojnaja.liga...
Jpg, 34.77 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
21] Ubojnaja.liga.(vypusk.115).2010.XviD.SATRip_RiperAM.avi_20100126_002009.jpg
File: 21] Ubojnaja.liga...
Jpg, 35.68 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
21] Ubojnaja.liga.(vypusk.115).2010.XviD.SATRip_RiperAM.avi_20100126_002050.jpg
File: 21] Ubojnaja.liga...
Jpg, 28.17 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
21] Ubojnaja.liga.(vypusk.115).2010.XviD.SATRip_RiperAM.avi_20100126_002137.jpg
File: 21] Ubojnaja.liga...
Jpg, 27.86 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
21] Ubojnaja.liga.(vypusk.115).2010.XviD.SATRip_RiperAM.avi_20100126_002149.jpg

>> No.293573 Reply
File: 21] Ubojnaja.liga...
Jpg, 24.71 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
21] Ubojnaja.liga.(vypusk.115).2010.XviD.SATRip_RiperAM.avi_20100126_002238.jpg
File: 21] Ubojnaja.liga...
Jpg, 25.36 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
21] Ubojnaja.liga.(vypusk.115).2010.XviD.SATRip_RiperAM.avi_20100126_002245.jpg
File: 21] Ubojnaja.liga...
Jpg, 24.34 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
21] Ubojnaja.liga.(vypusk.115).2010.XviD.SATRip_RiperAM.avi_20100126_002336.jpg
File: 21] Ubojnaja.liga...
Jpg, 24.87 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
21] Ubojnaja.liga.(vypusk.115).2010.XviD.SATRip_RiperAM.avi_20100126_002338.jpg
File: 21] Ubojnaja.liga...
Jpg, 24.26 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
21] Ubojnaja.liga.(vypusk.115).2010.XviD.SATRip_RiperAM.avi_20100126_002401.jpg

>> No.293574 Reply
File: 21] Ubojnaja.liga...
Jpg, 28.80 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
21] Ubojnaja.liga.(vypusk.115).2010.XviD.SATRip_RiperAM.avi_20100126_002438.jpg
File: 21] Ubojnaja.liga...
Jpg, 29.35 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
21] Ubojnaja.liga.(vypusk.115).2010.XviD.SATRip_RiperAM.avi_20100126_002444.jpg
File: 21] Ubojnaja.liga...
Jpg, 25.79 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
21] Ubojnaja.liga.(vypusk.115).2010.XviD.SATRip_RiperAM.avi_20100126_002452.jpg
File: 21] Ubojnaja.liga...
Jpg, 25.49 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
21] Ubojnaja.liga.(vypusk.115).2010.XviD.SATRip_RiperAM.avi_20100126_002457.jpg
File: 21] Ubojnaja.liga...
Jpg, 25.15 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
21] Ubojnaja.liga.(vypusk.115).2010.XviD.SATRip_RiperAM.avi_20100126_002500.jpg

>> No.293581 Reply
File: 26] [LSS]K-ON!_Sp...
Jpg, 65.82 KB, 1920×1080
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
26] [LSS]K-ON!_Special_-_01[1080p][H264][E26BA988].mkv_20100123_170936.jpg
File: 26] [LSS]K-ON!_Sp...
Jpg, 48.35 KB, 1920×1080
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
26] [LSS]K-ON!_Special_-_01[1080p][H264][E26BA988].mkv_20100123_171033.jpg
File: 26] [LSS]K-ON!_Sp...
Jpg, 69.52 KB, 1920×1080
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
26] [LSS]K-ON!_Special_-_01[1080p][H264][E26BA988].mkv_20100123_171143.jpg
File: 26] [LSS]K-ON!_Sp...
Jpg, 81.43 KB, 1920×1080
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
26] [LSS]K-ON!_Special_-_01[1080p][H264][E26BA988].mkv_20100123_171124.jpg
File: 26] [LSS]K-ON!_Sp...
Jpg, 74.05 KB, 1920×1080
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26] [LSS]K-ON!_Special_-_02[1080p][H264][AFBB8673].mkv_20100123_171218.jpg

>> No.293583 Reply
File: 26] [LSS]K-ON!_Sp...
Jpg, 67.19 KB, 1920×1080
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26] [LSS]K-ON!_Special_-_02[1080p][H264][AFBB8673].mkv_20100123_171251.jpg
File: 26] [LSS]K-ON!_Sp...
Jpg, 52.81 KB, 1920×1080
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
26] [LSS]K-ON!_Special_-_02[1080p][H264][AFBB8673].mkv_20100123_171322.jpg
File: 26] [LSS]K-ON!_Sp...
Jpg, 61.72 KB, 1920×1080
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26] [LSS]K-ON!_Special_-_02[1080p][H264][AFBB8673].mkv_20100123_171352.jpg
File: 26] [LSS]K-ON!_Sp...
Jpg, 59.38 KB, 1920×1080
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26] [LSS]K-ON!_Special_-_02[1080p][H264][AFBB8673].mkv_20100123_171400.jpg
File: 26] [LSS]K-ON!_Sp...
Jpg, 66.44 KB, 1920×1080
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26] [LSS]K-ON!_Special_-_02[1080p][H264][AFBB8673].mkv_20100123_171415.jpg

>> No.293584 Reply
File: macro_дверьзапили.jpg
Jpg, 34.59 KB, 640×480 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.293586 Reply
File: 26] [LSS]K-ON!_Sp...
Jpg, 65.52 KB, 1920×1080
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26] [LSS]K-ON!_Special_-_03[1080p][H264][18ECE2F9].mkv_20100123_171513.jpg
File: 26] [LSS]K-ON!_Sp...
Jpg, 73.14 KB, 1920×1080
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26] [LSS]K-ON!_Special_-_03[1080p][H264][18ECE2F9].mkv_20100123_171529.jpg
File: 26] [LSS]K-ON!_Sp...
Jpg, 71.07 KB, 1920×1080
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26] [LSS]K-ON!_Special_-_03[1080p][H264][18ECE2F9].mkv_20100123_171552.jpg
File: 26] [LSS]K-ON!_Sp...
Jpg, 63.22 KB, 1920×1080
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26] [LSS]K-ON!_Special_-_04[1080p][H264][262A9D5C].mkv_20100123_171729.jpg
File: 26] [LSS]K-ON!_Sp...
Jpg, 65.60 KB, 1920×1080
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26] [LSS]K-ON!_Special_-_05[1080p][H264][4D7F2A30].mkv_20100123_171835.jpg

>> No.293589 Reply
File: 26] [LSS]K-ON!_Sp...
Jpg, 75.35 KB, 1920×1080
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26] [LSS]K-ON!_Special_-_05[1080p][H264][4D7F2A30].mkv_20100123_171839.jpg
File: 26] [LSS]K-ON!_Sp...
Jpg, 72.34 KB, 1920×1080
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26] [LSS]K-ON!_Special_-_05[1080p][H264][4D7F2A30].mkv_20100123_171858.jpg
File: 26] [LSS]K-ON!_Sp...
Jpg, 78.75 KB, 1920×1080
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26] [LSS]K-ON!_Special_-_05[1080p][H264][4D7F2A30].mkv_20100123_171931.jpg
File: 26] [LSS]K-ON!_Sp...
Jpg, 71.98 KB, 1920×1080
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26] [LSS]K-ON!_Special_-_05[1080p][H264][4D7F2A30].mkv_20100123_172018.jpg
File: 26] [LSS]K-ON!_Sp...
Jpg, 71.65 KB, 1920×1080
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26] [LSS]K-ON!_Special_-_05[1080p][H264][4D7F2A30].mkv_20100123_172025.jpg

Ты где это сможешь использовать? Тогда "ЗАПИЛИ БЫСТРА БЛЕАТЬ!" в плане реквеста.

Алсо спешалы в ВИНЕ ТЫСЯЧЕЛЕТИЯ вырвиглазны
>> No.293595 Reply
File: 26] [LSS]K-ON!_Sp...
Jpg, 39.55 KB, 1280×720
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26] [LSS]K-ON!_Special_-_06[720p][H264][7BD029AD].mkv_20100123_172115.jpg
File: 26] [LSS]K-ON!_Sp...
Jpg, 39.11 KB, 1280×720
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26] [LSS]K-ON!_Special_-_06[720p][H264][7BD029AD].mkv_20100123_172124.jpg
File: 26] [LSS]K-ON!_Sp...
Jpg, 42.40 KB, 1280×720
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26] [LSS]K-ON!_Special_-_06[720p][H264][7BD029AD].mkv_20100123_172218.jpg

>> No.293598 Reply
>> No.293602 Reply
File: macro_запилибыстра.jpg
Jpg, 35.58 KB, 640×480 - Click the image to expand
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Ну да, ты прав. Просто мне показалось, что это выражение лица как раз подходит к тому выражению лица, когда он говорил более спокойно. А когда он говорил "БЫЫЫСТРА БЛЕАТЬ", у него слегка другое выражение лица было.
>> No.293619 Reply
File: macro-i-lol-d.png
Png, 452.15 KB, 800×719
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File: macro-с-добрым.png
Png, 625.32 KB, 1016×983
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File: macro-спасибо.png
Png, 766.30 KB, 1472×977
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File: macro-хуец-соснул...
Png, 423.93 KB, 827×772
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Ты знаешь другой ВИН ТЫСЯЧЕЛЕТИЯ?
>> No.293627 Reply
> Ты знаешь другой ВИН ТЫСЯЧЕЛЕТИЯ?
Он ещё не нарисован.
>> No.293651 Reply
File: macro-фу-блять.png
Png, 325.21 KB, 466×446
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File: macro-прекрати.png
Png, 152.56 KB, 306×264
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File: atmqtnb7.jpg
Jpg, 185.00 KB, 640×480
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Мод-кун, а нельзя автоматически переводить результат генератора в jpg?
>> No.293652 Reply
> Мод-кун, а нельзя автоматически переводить результат генератора в jpg?
Это в /d/.
>> No.293653 Reply
Ну ебать, в мелков варианты выглядит уебищно.
>> No.293665 Reply
File: macro-кушай-на-здоровье.png
Png, 770.78 KB, 1342×943 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.293667 Reply
File: macro-опять-нытик-тред.png
Png, 697.03 KB, 1688×992 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.293670 Reply
File: macro-орлы.png
Png, 799.45 KB, 1748×1080 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.293673 Reply
File: macro-бамп.png
Png, 397.52 KB, 640×480 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.293676 Reply
File: macro-ну-это.png
Png, 664.94 KB, 1391×1080 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.293677 Reply
File: 1195092210056.jpg
Jpg, 153.30 KB, 640×420 - Click the image to expand
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ВИН ТЫСЯЧЕЛЕТИЯ- вы о "Lucky Star"?
>> No.293681 Reply
File: 1235368174034.jpg
Jpg, 577.68 KB, 1600×2059
Your censorship settings forbid this file.
Вообще-то, о FLCL.
>> No.293685 Reply
Понятно, спасибо, но его я уже смотрел.
>> No.293696 Reply
Значит, ты видел достаточно в этой жизни.
>> No.293881 Reply
File: macro-please.png
Png, 471.80 KB, 604×480 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.293943 Reply
PHAIL! Guro, GURO, bljad!
>> No.293950 Reply


Все эти Гуру спешиал фо ю.
>> No.293960 Reply
File: Picture4.jpg
Jpg, 42.62 KB, 290×399 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.294012 Reply
File: 1249942118209.jpg
Jpg, 125.18 KB, 422×531
Your censorship settings forbid this file.
Какой ужоссс...
>> No.294026 Reply
File: motivator-евгений-ваганыч.png
Png, 1176.98 KB, 560×810 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.294034 Reply
File: motivator-ценители.png
Png, 770.30 KB, 525×810 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.294041 Reply
File: motivator-мотиватор-в-мотиваторе.png
Png, 495.41 KB, 498×810 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.294046 Reply
File: motivator-ценители.png
Png, 340.53 KB, 479×810 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.294047 Reply
File: motivator-а-то.png
Png, 331.09 KB, 479×810 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.294049 Reply
File: motivator-свобода.png
Png, 250.97 KB, 465×810 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.294053 Reply
File: motivator-обыватели.png
Png, 196.97 KB, 454×810 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.294055 Reply
File: motivator-смысл.png
Png, 161.97 KB, 446×810 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.294057 Reply
File: motivator-надпись-не-влезла.png
Png, 336.10 KB, 479×810 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.294058 Reply
File: motivator-теперь-это.png
Png, 137.07 KB, 440×810 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.294059 Reply
File: 125127698029521.png
Png, 107.46 KB, 340×340 - Click the image to expand
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Олололо наконецто вы мне доставили!

алсо, остальные посты в этом itt треде - питросянство
>> No.294063 Reply
File: motivator-традиции-добрача.png
Png, 122.40 KB, 436×810 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.294065 Reply
File: motivator-posting-in.png
Png, 120.52 KB, 433×810 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.294068 Reply
File: motivator-первый-демотиватор.png
Png, 117.14 KB, 431×810 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.294070 Reply
File: motivator-that-s-the.png
Png, 112.49 KB, 431×810 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.294077 Reply
File: motivator-доброчан.png
Png, 164.52 KB, 446×810 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.294078 Reply
File: motivator-тунель.png
Png, 104.31 KB, 429×810 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.294097 Reply
File: motivator-интересно.png
Png, 62.55 KB, 710×660 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.294101 Reply
О, вши!!!
>> No.294110 Reply
File: macro-cat-is-fine-too.png
Png, 172.08 KB, 348×396 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.294170 Reply
Какая годная перспектива. Отфотошопте, там что-то кто-то дверь открыл, или кинотеатр и головами между нижними белыми полосами, смотрящие на Петро-Сана.
>> No.294172 Reply
File: 21] Ubojnaja.liga...
Jpg, 25.59 KB, 640×480
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21] Ubojnaja.liga.(vypusk.115).2010.XviD.SATRip_RiperAM.avi_20100126_155542.jpg
File: 21] Ubojnaja.liga...
Jpg, 27.96 KB, 640×480
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21] Ubojnaja.liga.(vypusk.115).2010.XviD.SATRip_RiperAM.avi_20100126_155549.jpg
File: 21] Ubojnaja.liga...
Jpg, 30.17 KB, 640×480
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21] Ubojnaja.liga.(vypusk.115).2010.XviD.SATRip_RiperAM.avi_20100126_155559.jpg
File: 21] Ubojnaja.liga...
Jpg, 23.02 KB, 640×480
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21] Ubojnaja.liga.(vypusk.115).2010.XviD.SATRip_RiperAM.avi_20100126_155806.jpg
File: 21] Ubojnaja.liga...
Jpg, 20.77 KB, 640×480
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21] Ubojnaja.liga.(vypusk.115).2010.XviD.SATRip_RiperAM.avi_20100126_155819.jpg

>> No.294175 Reply
File: 21] Ubojnaja.liga...
Jpg, 23.96 KB, 640×480
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21] Ubojnaja.liga.(vypusk.115).2010.XviD.SATRip_RiperAM.avi_20100126_155814.jpg
File: 21] Ubojnaja.liga...
Jpg, 43.11 KB, 640×480
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21] Ubojnaja.liga.(vypusk.115).2010.XviD.SATRip_RiperAM.avi_20100126_160016.jpg
File: 21] Ubojnaja.liga...
Jpg, 29.44 KB, 640×480
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21] Ubojnaja.liga.(vypusk.115).2010.XviD.SATRip_RiperAM.avi_20100126_160131.jpg
File: 21] Ubojnaja.liga...
Jpg, 28.15 KB, 640×480
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21] Ubojnaja.liga.(vypusk.115).2010.XviD.SATRip_RiperAM.avi_20100126_160149.jpg
File: 21] Ubojnaja.liga...
Jpg, 26.72 KB, 640×480
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21] Ubojnaja.liga.(vypusk.115).2010.XviD.SATRip_RiperAM.avi_20100126_160359.jpg

Бля с 3 пикчи у меня при первом просмотре, неосознанный ржач начинался.
>> No.294185 Reply
Как пишется ХАРДЛИ?
>> No.294422 Reply
Бамп штоле
>> No.299518 Reply
File: macro-i-lol-d.png
Png, 117.29 KB, 328×252
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File: macro-i-fucking.png
Png, 137.18 KB, 352×291
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>> No.310079 Reply
File: agit_plakat_net.jpg
Jpg, 89.17 KB, 400×582 - Click the image to expand
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