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No.282898 Reply
File: macro-тиреч-опять...
Png, 275.67 KB, 640×356
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File: macro-хуита-через...
Png, 392.07 KB, 450×333
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File: macro-порой-думае...
Png, 376.64 KB, 640×356
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File: macro-эти-сведени...
Png, 187.25 KB, 567×356
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File: macro-бурление-го...
Png, 769.13 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

И надеюсь выкладывать пикчи будет не пара человек, как раньше.
Для слоупоков и ньюфагов репост:
> Напоминаю, макросы и демы можно делать прямо на доброче, нажав рядом с пикчей на кнопку Edit. Чтобы выложить сразу 5 отредактированных на борде пикч(или в другой тред), нужно сохранить каждую на комп. В генераторе размер текста определяется его количеством. Поэтому лучше писать часть предложения сверху(например с сдвигов вправо) и снизу(с сдвигов влево). Алсо можноH^нужно изменять размер используемого пространства пикчи - УРЕЗАТЬ(желательно оставляя самое главное(мимика, жест, ситуация).
Старые треды с тоннами пикч:
>> No.282900 Reply
В дополнение: сгенерированные макросы можно посмотреть и откатить, или же сохранить в форме ответа, появляющейся после самой генерации, в файлах.
>> No.282947 Reply
File: Darker_than_Black...
Jpg, 95.06 KB, 1280×720
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Darker_than_Black _TV_[24_of_25]_[ru_jp].mkv_snapshot_17.24_[2010.01.14_00.05.53].jpg
File: Darker_than_Black...
Jpg, 99.02 KB, 1280×720
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Darker_than_Black _TV_[25_of_25]_[ru_jp].mkv_snapshot_03.33_[2010.01.14_00.15.12].jpg
File: Darker_than_Black...
Jpg, 94.91 KB, 1280×720
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Darker_than_Black _TV_[25_of_25]_[ru_jp].mkv_snapshot_07.54_[2010.01.14_00.26.46].jpg
File: Darker_than_Black...
Jpg, 78.19 KB, 1280×720
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Darker_than_Black _TV_[25_of_25]_[ru_jp].mkv_snapshot_03.40_[2010.01.14_00.15.48].jpg
File: Darker_than_Black...
Jpg, 106.29 KB, 1280×720
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Darker_than_Black _TV_[25_of_25]_[ru_jp].mkv_snapshot_10.06_[2010.01.14_00.31.44].jpg

с: тп пытались ручкой, лол.
>> No.282952 Reply
File: macro-съеби.png
Png, 500.95 KB, 915×720
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File: macro-ну-еб-твою-...
Png, 378.24 KB, 747×720
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>> No.282961 Reply
File: 126329684218907.jpg
Jpg, 37.01 KB, 200×150 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.282981 Reply
File: macro-налейте-доб...
Png, 596.33 KB, 1280×720
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File: macro-добро-должн...
Png, 457.84 KB, 1280×720
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Ты перепутал тематику.
>> No.283004 Reply
Как раз нет, здесь обитают/ли со всех борд, так как мультипостинг, генератор и т.д. Был тред на палкаче еще давно, оттуда сюда перебрались. Да и добро-макросы редко бывают юзабельны, уже анон не торт.
>> No.283023 Reply
File: macro-малаца-хорошо-сделал.png
Png, 555.59 KB, 1280×720 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.283185 Reply
File: macro-блесну-ка.png
Png, 538.57 KB, 1049×720 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.283616 Reply
File: type_1_1639_Putin...
Jpg, 408.53 KB, 942×1267
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File: 5.jpg
Jpg, 139.79 KB, 920×1000
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File: 1222055563298.jpg
Jpg, 6.83 KB, 220×179
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File: putin2_250.jpg
Jpg, 13.13 KB, 250×200
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File: 1188351495596.jpg
Jpg, 21.49 KB, 395×515
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>> No.283619 Reply
File: 1191623311544.jpg
Jpg, 17.97 KB, 338×274
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File: 3pr23.jpg
Jpg, 23.10 KB, 400×267
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File: 4fa7a21e3b2279eb7...
Jpg, 28.06 KB, 622×413
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File: bush_via_the_dail...
Jpg, 42.58 KB, 305×328
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File: lysik.jpg
Jpg, 64.37 KB, 600×800
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>> No.283622 Reply
File: 125147348424.png
Png, 201.60 KB, 745×554 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Не ньюфаг, но не знаю (не интересовался просто никогда особо). Что за шрифт используется?
>> No.283624 Reply
Impact. В прошлых тредах есть подробности.
>> No.283627 Reply
File: macro-а-вот-это.png
Png, 207.36 KB, 305×328 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.283628 Reply
File: macro-son-i-disappoint.png
Png, 76.80 KB, 220×179 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.283629 Reply
File: macro-obey.png
Png, 1648.72 KB, 920×1000 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.283630 Reply
File: macro-малаца.png
Png, 350.66 KB, 622×413 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.283631 Reply
File: snapshot201001112...
Jpg, 75.98 KB, 1280×720
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File: snapshot201001112...
Jpg, 107.38 KB, 1280×720
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File: snapshot201001112...
Jpg, 85.06 KB, 1280×720
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File: snapshot201001112...
Jpg, 118.15 KB, 1280×720
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File: snapshot201001112...
Jpg, 75.48 KB, 1280×720
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Вброшу чуток Нодаме.
Почему оппики такие недобрые?
>> No.283634 Reply
File: macro-i-8-u-so-fukin-mich.png
Png, 803.85 KB, 1280×720 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.283636 Reply
File: macro-i-8-u-so-fukin-much.png
Png, 812.11 KB, 1280×720 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.283638 Reply
> fukin
фиксь ещё раз. :3
>> No.283639 Reply
File: macro-wut.png
Png, 214.84 KB, 400×267 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.283641 Reply
File: 1234824603225.jpg
Jpg, 43.92 KB, 291×256
Your censorship settings forbid this file.
Это такой художественный замысел.
>> No.283642 Reply
File: macro-ах-ты-ж-моя-пусечка.png
Png, 662.89 KB, 1280×720 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.283643 Reply
прощай,не понел задумки :3
>> No.283646 Reply
File: 1249689692225.jpg
Jpg, 68.00 KB, 669×758
Your censorship settings forbid this file.
> говн
грамманаци на тебя не хватает.
>> No.283647 Reply
Это устоявшаяся на АиБ форма, не злитесь оберлейтенант!
>> No.283648 Reply
Запятую забыл.
>> No.283660 Reply
File: macro-who-are-you.png
Png, 111.81 KB, 250×200 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.283685 Reply
File: 0006p6be.jpg
Jpg, 21.14 KB, 360×480 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.283697 Reply
File: macro-йа-дальтоник-из-нульчана.png
Png, 238.78 KB, 360×480 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.283710 Reply
> с нульчана
>> No.283791 Reply
File: macro-добрячком-пацанчики.png
Png, 453.11 KB, 712×394 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.283903 Reply
File: _1056602349.jpg
Jpg, 319.76 KB, 810×1169
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File: 0.jpg
Jpg, 16.27 KB, 480×360
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File: 11265410sz0.jpg
Jpg, 32.59 KB, 350×457
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File: Nodame-Cantabile-...
Jpg, 32.21 KB, 704×400
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File: samurai_champloo.jpg
Jpg, 22.61 KB, 640×360
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ну и от меня
>> No.283922 Reply
File: motivator-свиборг.png
Png, 1078.14 KB, 710×661 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.283929 Reply
File: macro-ну-что.png
Png, 210.39 KB, 640×360 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.283938 Reply
Анон, если не можешь выбрать что-то определенное, то пости сразу штук 20 пикч.
>> No.283939 Reply
А причём тут эпоха Мэйдзи?
>> No.283941 Reply
File: 1263511310107.jpg
Jpg, 57.86 KB, 640×480 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Не удержался
>> No.283942 Reply
File: motivator-2-ch.png
Png, 615.79 KB, 710×660 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.283961 Reply
Был Т_Т
>> No.283964 Reply
Господа, а почему бы вам не последовать в /cr/
>> No.283966 Reply
Три треда назад надо было спохватиться. Сейчас уже как-то поздно.
>> No.283967 Reply
File: macro-двачую-ёба.png
Png, 583.81 KB, 600×800 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.283970 Reply
File: 12635489716971.jpg
Jpg, 109.45 KB, 599×799 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.283973 Reply
File: macro-упячер.png
Png, 662.21 KB, 599×799 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.284020 Reply
File: 1203512551735.jpg
Jpg, 13.53 KB, 296×293
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File: 1240479001099.jpg
Jpg, 13.95 KB, 450×388
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File: 33884289_Petrosya...
Jpg, 23.36 KB, 410×293
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File: 1240338899249.jpg
Jpg, 61.34 KB, 236×192
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File: 1187963665961.jpg
Jpg, 36.65 KB, 440×411
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>> No.284021 Reply
File: 1241715727989.jpg
Jpg, 12.49 KB, 200×305
Your censorship settings forbid this file.
File: 1187965764695.jpg
Jpg, 123.04 KB, 618×416
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File: 1169642420791.jpg
Jpg, 47.59 KB, 322×241
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File: 1241022351195.jpg
Jpg, 34.16 KB, 704×396
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File: 1237124166161.jpg
Jpg, 66.59 KB, 666×666
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>> No.284023 Reply
File: motivator-нарутоманы.png
Png, 1200.97 KB, 710×660 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.284024 Reply
File: 1193155296269.jpg
Jpg, 56.92 KB, 450×420
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File: 1236001436044.jpg
Jpg, 310.10 KB, 1000×1000
Your censorship settings forbid this file.
File: 1237816856712.jpg
Jpg, 7.22 KB, 308×352
Your censorship settings forbid this file.
File: 126356642760676.jpg
Jpg, 41.44 KB, 679×453
Your censorship settings forbid this file.
File: 1214246559828.jpg
Jpg, 70.61 KB, 707×707
Your censorship settings forbid this file.

>> No.284026 Reply
File: motivator-даже-у-них-есть-секс.png
Png, 300.40 KB, 710×660 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.284027 Reply
Настолько фейл что фейл.
>> No.284028 Reply
File: 1235867820578.jpg
Jpg, 182.72 KB, 775×733
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File: nun-bong.jpg
Jpg, 15.83 KB, 350×439
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File: 1204832534251.jpg
Jpg, 137.26 KB, 393×420
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File: 1215984213532.jpg
Jpg, 84.14 KB, 433×338
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File: 1203364090541.jpg
Jpg, 75.14 KB, 700×700
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>> No.284029 Reply
File: motivator-pedobear.png
Png, 1447.67 KB, 710×661 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Цинизм во все поля.
>> No.284030 Reply
File: macro-who-is-awesome.png
Png, 1635.50 KB, 920×1000 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.284031 Reply
Вполне предсказуемый, надо сказать, цинизм.
Так что во всем можешь обвинить выложившего-куна.
>> No.284032 Reply
File: 1263566859445.png
Png, 1.19 KB, 200×20 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Кого обвинять? Зачем обвинять? Капча всё объясняет.
>> No.284033 Reply
Не смешно.
>> No.284035 Reply
File: 1215858332685.jpg
Jpg, 37.00 KB, 450×440
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File: 1216686192816.jpg
Jpg, 134.38 KB, 800×1200
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File: 1191951534126.png
Png, 12.33 KB, 331×339
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File: 1243792728792.jpg
Jpg, 20.63 KB, 328×360
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File: 1204019731247.jpg
Jpg, 143.16 KB, 414×550
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Я просто кидаю более-менее эксплоитабл картинки, схороненные двощей когда-то.
Алсо, тогда её шопили точно также, соу итс ас интендед, лол.
>> No.284036 Reply
File: 1255361225923.jpg
Jpg, 15.27 KB, 557×374 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Мы тут тебя смешить обязаны?
>> No.284039 Reply
File: macro-love.png
Png, 454.66 KB, 450×440 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.284040 Reply
File: 1149928497847.jpg
Jpg, 83.52 KB, 800×571
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File: 1145020584249.jpg
Jpg, 115.74 KB, 575×322
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File: 1191400329624.jpg
Jpg, 772.40 KB, 1024×768
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File: 1236953753077.jpg
Jpg, 67.64 KB, 710×600
Your censorship settings forbid this file.
File: 1191233848242.jpg
Jpg, 59.67 KB, 512×384
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>> No.284045 Reply
File: macro-мэддисон.png
Png, 329.99 KB, 575×322 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.284048 Reply
Не в этом дело. Впрочем скрываю ваш быдло-тред.
>> No.284051 Reply
File: 222.jpg
Jpg, 444.60 KB, 800×1200 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
вскрикнул енкомы
>> No.284053 Reply
File: 1263410120285.jpg
Jpg, 24.25 KB, 400×365 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Кто быдло, ты быдло!
>> No.284054 Reply
Не трогай баттхёртнутого! (особенно свалившего)
>> No.284068 Reply
File: macro-кто-крыса-ты-крыса-епт.png
Png, 250.55 KB, 433×338 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.284071 Reply
File: 126357110291085.jpg
Jpg, 69.81 KB, 450×420 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.284073 Reply
>> No.284074 Reply
Если отзеркалить пикчу, то омон превратится в homo, щито намекнёт на любовь отличную от платонической.
>> No.284087 Reply
Winrar is you.
>> No.284089 Reply
File: Naruto_Shippuuden...
Jpg, 42.05 KB, 640×480
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File: Naruto_Shippuuden...
Jpg, 32.33 KB, 640×480
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File: Naruto_Shippuuden...
Jpg, 43.35 KB, 640×480
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File: Naruto_Shippuuden...
Jpg, 39.57 KB, 640×480
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File: Naruto_Shippuuden...
Jpg, 39.54 KB, 640×480
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Эпик вин! Схоронил.

Вброшу говна, жалею что не дропнул сразу.
>> No.284090 Reply
File: Naruto_Shippuuden...
Jpg, 32.03 KB, 640×480
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File: Naruto_Shippuuden...
Jpg, 38.72 KB, 640×480
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File: Naruto_Shippuuden...
Jpg, 48.70 KB, 640×480
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File: Naruto_Shippuuden...
Jpg, 23.58 KB, 640×480
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File: Naruto_Shippuuden...
Jpg, 46.03 KB, 640×480
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>> No.284092 Reply
File: Naruto_Shippuuden...
Jpg, 24.44 KB, 640×480
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File: Naruto_Shippuuden...
Jpg, 22.90 KB, 640×480
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File: Naruto_Shippuuden...
Jpg, 32.43 KB, 640×480
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File: Naruto_Shippuuden...
Jpg, 30.78 KB, 640×480
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File: Naruto_Shippuuden...
Jpg, 33.12 KB, 640×480
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>> No.284094 Reply
File: Naruto_Shippuuden...
Jpg, 26.70 KB, 640×480
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File: Naruto_Shippuuden...
Jpg, 31.05 KB, 640×480
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File: Naruto_Shippuuden...
Jpg, 30.69 KB, 640×480
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File: Naruto_Shippuuden...
Jpg, 18.87 KB, 640×480
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File: Naruto_Shippuuden...
Jpg, 21.26 KB, 640×480
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c:оставляли теплую, малость припоздала
>> No.284095 Reply
File: Naruto_Shippuuden...
Jpg, 26.26 KB, 640×480
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File: Naruto_Shippuuden...
Jpg, 19.76 KB, 640×480
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File: Naruto_Shippuuden...
Jpg, 26.65 KB, 640×480
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File: Naruto_Shippuuden...
Jpg, 40.50 KB, 640×480
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File: Naruto_Shippuuden...
Jpg, 37.15 KB, 640×480
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>> No.284098 Reply
File: Naruto_Shippuuden...
Jpg, 42.28 KB, 640×480
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File: Naruto_Shippuuden...
Jpg, 58.04 KB, 640×480
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File: Naruto_Shippuuden...
Jpg, 33.41 KB, 640×480
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File: Naruto_Shippuuden...
Jpg, 45.47 KB, 640×480
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File: Naruto_Shippuuden...
Jpg, 30.69 KB, 640×480
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>> No.284101 Reply
File: Naruto_Shippuuden...
Jpg, 17.59 KB, 640×480
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File: Naruto_Shippuuden...
Jpg, 39.89 KB, 640×480
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File: Naruto_Shippuuden...
Jpg, 37.80 KB, 640×480
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File: Naruto_Shippuuden...
Jpg, 36.41 KB, 640×480
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File: Naruto_Shippuuden...
Jpg, 31.39 KB, 640×480
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>> No.284103 Reply
Боже, что это за наркоманщина?!
>> No.284104 Reply
File: Naruto_Shippuuden...
Jpg, 30.38 KB, 640×480
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File: Naruto_Shippuuden...
Jpg, 33.96 KB, 640×480
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File: Naruto_Shippuuden...
Jpg, 30.90 KB, 640×480
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>> No.284106 Reply
судя по именам файлов, это 124 серия наруты шипуден
>> No.284107 Reply
Омский космодром. На самом дела то, что "КРУТАА!", ну ты понел
>> No.284109 Reply
Мощно. Мальчика поди шотакот держит?
>> No.284110 Reply
он самый
>> No.284112 Reply
Охщи, я и не думал, что это действительно круто, с таким-то Омском!
>> No.284113 Reply
Я не знаю, что пили создатели, но судя по всему много чего вредного.
>> No.284116 Reply
File: macro-внучек.png
Png, 161.86 KB, 360×352
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File: macro-воробей.png
Png, 234.70 KB, 466×438
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File: macro-воробей-гов...
Png, 150.42 KB, 329×301
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File: macro-наркоман.png
Png, 73.28 KB, 256×181
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>> No.284125 Reply
File: macro-омский-аэро...
Png, 291.52 KB, 640×421
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File: macro-омский-косм...
Png, 310.53 KB, 640×415
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File: macro-рис.png
Png, 322.85 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

У кого более развитая фантазия, сделайте лулзов.
>> No.284127 Reply
File: BUMP---пузо1.jpg
Jpg, 71.79 KB, 450×600
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: BUMP---пузо2.jpg
Jpg, 56.03 KB, 500×375
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File: BUMP---пузо3.jpg
Jpg, 85.85 KB, 500×667
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File: BUMP---пузо4.jpg
Jpg, 18.38 KB, 217×450
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File: BUMP---пузо5.jpg
Jpg, 53.75 KB, 500×750
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

Здесь будут пузатики.
>> No.284130 Reply
File: BUMP---пузо6.jpg
Jpg, 27.15 KB, 400×325
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: BUMP---пузо7.jpg
Jpg, 34.15 KB, 450×338
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File: BUMP---пузо8.jpg
Jpg, 29.37 KB, 296×400
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File: BUMP---пузо9.jpg
Jpg, 45.93 KB, 450×504
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File: BUMP---пузо-belly...
Jpg, 24.44 KB, 336×480
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>> No.284131 Reply
File: Became-fat.jpg
Jpg, 74.98 KB, 461×690
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: Do-not-want.jpg
Jpg, 69.51 KB, 500×600
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File: Decosion.jpg
Jpg, 82.97 KB, 784×601
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: Cool-story-bro.jpg
Jpg, 62.88 KB, 484×396
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: BUMP---пузо-Heavy...
Jpg, 59.68 KB, 500×619
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

с: "работает модтрапом" пугает.
>> No.284134 Reply
File: macro-досмотр3вшn...
Png, 205.62 KB, 474×419
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: macro-эпичная.png
Png, 198.35 KB, 386×333
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>> No.284135 Reply
File: 126357411394730.jpg
Jpg, 109.67 KB, 600×450
Your censorship settings forbid this file.
File: Do-want.jpg
Jpg, 118.62 KB, 600×793
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: Fat-troll-mriror.jpg
Jpg, 93.90 KB, 579×407
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: Blowjob.jpg
Jpg, 28.46 KB, 480×640
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: Know-your-place.jpg
Jpg, 82.50 KB, 424×591
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

"розоватый раздута"
>> No.284136 Reply
File: 126357419787151.jpg
Jpg, 128.32 KB, 600×800
Your censorship settings forbid this file.
File: Pregnant_women_do...
Jpg, 53.05 KB, 264×344
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: Proceed---сиське.jpg
Jpg, 102.65 KB, 500×500
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: No-giant-tits.jpg
Jpg, 103.67 KB, 500×500
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: Super-tolsto-bro.jpg
Jpg, 67.89 KB, 550×522
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

>> No.284137 Reply
File: Sexy.jpg
Jpg, 49.95 KB, 510×754
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: Too-fat.jpg
Jpg, 55.94 KB, 450×600
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File: Too-fat2.jpg
Jpg, 88.50 KB, 335×472
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: Too-much.jpg
Jpg, 51.89 KB, 510×765
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: Ultimate-cute.jpg
Jpg, 28.27 KB, 366×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

>> No.284138 Reply
File: 126357436238848.jpg
Jpg, 105.25 KB, 600×450
Your censorship settings forbid this file.
File: Альфа-в-треде.jpg
Jpg, 122.67 KB, 600×449
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: А-ты-все-ще-едро.jpg
Jpg, 91.43 KB, 510×588
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File: Бурлит-говно.jpg
Jpg, 102.84 KB, 600×721
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File: Доброты-тебе.jpg
Jpg, 86.62 KB, 466×500
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

>> No.284140 Reply
File: Альфа-в-треде.jpg
Jpg, 122.67 KB, 600×449
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: Детомет.jpg
Jpg, 65.56 KB, 500×542
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File: Кушай-жирный.jpg
Jpg, 68.68 KB, 500×553
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: За-прекрасный-пол...
Jpg, 79.91 KB, 500×667
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: Доброты-тебе.jpg
Jpg, 86.62 KB, 466×500
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>> No.284142 Reply
File: Лови-симпу.jpg
Jpg, 62.70 KB, 600×450
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: Лучше-с-ними.jpg
Jpg, 161.20 KB, 600×628
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: Наверни-говна.jpg
Jpg, 82.02 KB, 510×517
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: Перекормили.jpg
Jpg, 78.20 KB, 340×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: Рожай-контент.jpg
Jpg, 102.14 KB, 600×450
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

>> No.284143 Reply
File: доброчую ментотян.png
Png, 1.22 KB, 200×20 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
доброчую ментотян.png
Свали лучше. Чем же ты интересуешь, что у тебя такого страшного случилось в детстве, что ты такое полюбил?
>> No.284146 Reply
File: Ты-жируха-епт.jpg
Jpg, 123.00 KB, 500×650
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: Ты-все-еще-дев.jpg
Jpg, 59.58 KB, 350×627
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: Скоро-выйдешь-муд...
Jpg, 78.84 KB, 551×729
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: Шел-бы-ты-отсюда.jpg
Jpg, 44.54 KB, 297×399
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: Худей.jpg
Jpg, 67.65 KB, 417×667
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

>> No.284147 Reply
Какая няшечка
>> No.284151 Reply
File: Do-want.jpg
Jpg, 118.62 KB, 600×793
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: Kawaii.jpg
Jpg, 75.09 KB, 500×659
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

Закончим каваем.

Доброчан же, если пролистаешь, то найдешь тред любителей беременных. А тяга к беременным входит в пятерку самых популярных мужских фетишей. Я вот не понимаю, чего такого в женских писечках, они у меня вызывают ассоциации с Чужими из Aliens.
>> No.284155 Reply
Сипец конечно, впервые слышу то, что в пятерку входит.
К писечкам равнодушен, скорее уж жопам и сисечкам
>> No.284157 Reply
А я бы сейчас и карнифекса выебал, так нету ж под рукой.
>> No.284160 Reply
File: 1240756359203.jpg
Jpg, 32.11 KB, 640×368
Your censorship settings forbid this file.
> А тяга к беременным входит в пятерку самых популярных мужских фетишей.
Да ты же фаггот! Хоть рейтинги проставь, молодец.
>> No.284163 Reply
File: macro-lolwut.png
Png, 104.87 KB, 385×386 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
> карнифекса
>> No.284164 Reply
Это что-то из вахи вроде.
>> No.284171 Reply
File: Tiranidi-Karnifeks-bol.jpg
Jpg, 394.69 KB, 873×627 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.284226 Reply
File: pb2.1.jpg
Jpg, 69.92 KB, 450×420 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
версия 1.1
>> No.284232 Reply
Уйдет а анналы контента, гарантирую.
>> No.284277 Reply
File: 3] The.Big.Bang.T...
Jpg, 46.85 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
3] The.Big.Bang.Theory.S03E12.rus.HDTV.[Kuraj-Bambey.Ru].mkv_20100115_214217.jpg
File: 3] The.Big.Bang.T...
Jpg, 44.81 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
3] The.Big.Bang.Theory.S03E12.rus.HDTV.[Kuraj-Bambey.Ru].mkv_20100115_214224.jpg
File: 3] The.Big.Bang.T...
Jpg, 60.08 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
3] The.Big.Bang.Theory.S03E12.rus.HDTV.[Kuraj-Bambey.Ru].mkv_20100115_214432.jpg
File: 3] The.Big.Bang.T...
Jpg, 61.33 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
3] The.Big.Bang.Theory.S03E12.rus.HDTV.[Kuraj-Bambey.Ru].mkv_20100115_220332.jpg
File: 3] The.Big.Bang.T...
Jpg, 55.57 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
3] The.Big.Bang.Theory.S03E12.rus.HDTV.[Kuraj-Bambey.Ru].mkv_20100115_214728.jpg

>> No.284281 Reply
File: 3] The.Big.Bang.T...
Jpg, 54.26 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
3] The.Big.Bang.Theory.S03E12.rus.HDTV.[Kuraj-Bambey.Ru].mkv_20100115_214827.jpg
File: 3] The.Big.Bang.T...
Jpg, 55.17 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
3] The.Big.Bang.Theory.S03E12.rus.HDTV.[Kuraj-Bambey.Ru].mkv_20100115_214833.jpg
File: 3] The.Big.Bang.T...
Jpg, 47.66 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
3] The.Big.Bang.Theory.S03E12.rus.HDTV.[Kuraj-Bambey.Ru].mkv_20100115_215257.jpg
File: 3] The.Big.Bang.T...
Jpg, 48.98 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
3] The.Big.Bang.Theory.S03E12.rus.HDTV.[Kuraj-Bambey.Ru].mkv_20100115_215327.jpg
File: 3] The.Big.Bang.T...
Jpg, 55.56 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
3] The.Big.Bang.Theory.S03E12.rus.HDTV.[Kuraj-Bambey.Ru].mkv_20100115_215333.jpg

>> No.284286 Reply
File: 3] The.Big.Bang.T...
Jpg, 52.64 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
3] The.Big.Bang.Theory.S03E12.rus.HDTV.[Kuraj-Bambey.Ru].mkv_20100115_215644.jpg
File: 3] The.Big.Bang.T...
Jpg, 50.80 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
3] The.Big.Bang.Theory.S03E12.rus.HDTV.[Kuraj-Bambey.Ru].mkv_20100115_215700.jpg
File: 3] The.Big.Bang.T...
Jpg, 50.30 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
3] The.Big.Bang.Theory.S03E12.rus.HDTV.[Kuraj-Bambey.Ru].mkv_20100115_215709.jpg
File: 3] The.Big.Bang.T...
Jpg, 51.52 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
3] The.Big.Bang.Theory.S03E12.rus.HDTV.[Kuraj-Bambey.Ru].mkv_20100115_215735.jpg
File: 3] The.Big.Bang.T...
Jpg, 51.79 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
3] The.Big.Bang.Theory.S03E12.rus.HDTV.[Kuraj-Bambey.Ru].mkv_20100115_215739.jpg

>> No.284290 Reply
File: 3] The.Big.Bang.T...
Jpg, 54.87 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
3] The.Big.Bang.Theory.S03E12.rus.HDTV.[Kuraj-Bambey.Ru].mkv_20100115_215801.jpg
File: 3] The.Big.Bang.T...
Jpg, 53.04 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
3] The.Big.Bang.Theory.S03E12.rus.HDTV.[Kuraj-Bambey.Ru].mkv_20100115_215958.jpg

>> No.284293 Reply
File: NARUTO Shippuuden...
Jpg, 38.15 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
NARUTO Shippuuden 113 RAW[(137638)20-22-22].JPG
File: NARUTO Shippuuden...
Jpg, 53.73 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
NARUTO Shippuuden 114 RAW[(086784)20-30-08].JPG
File: NARUTO Shippuuden...
Jpg, 16.23 KB, 640×480
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NARUTO Shippuuden 114 RAW[(088425)20-30-43].JPG
File: NARUTO Shippuuden...
Jpg, 27.55 KB, 640×480
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NARUTO Shippuuden 114 RAW[(088810)20-30-52].JPG
File: NARUTO Shippuuden...
Jpg, 24.37 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
NARUTO Shippuuden 114 RAW[(089075)20-31-03].JPG

и еще говна
>> No.284294 Reply
File: NARUTO Shippuuden...
Jpg, 15.01 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
NARUTO Shippuuden 114 RAW[(096161)20-33-09].JPG
File: NARUTO Shippuuden...
Jpg, 14.63 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
NARUTO Shippuuden 114 RAW[(125386)20-33-27].JPG
File: NARUTO Shippuuden...
Jpg, 16.08 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
NARUTO Shippuuden 114 RAW[(129008)20-34-17].JPG
File: NARUTO Shippuuden...
Jpg, 17.70 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
NARUTO Shippuuden 114 RAW[(129073)20-34-23].JPG
File: NARUTO Shippuuden...
Jpg, 23.50 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
NARUTO Shippuuden 115 RAW[(005808)20-39-53].JPG

>> No.284297 Reply
File: NARUTO Shippuuden...
Jpg, 22.21 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
NARUTO Shippuuden 115 RAW[(005982)20-39-59].JPG
File: NARUTO Shippuuden...
Jpg, 89.26 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
NARUTO Shippuuden 115 RAW[(040317)20-42-03].JPG
File: NARUTO Shippuuden...
Jpg, 24.15 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
NARUTO Shippuuden 115 RAW[(058852)20-43-55].JPG
File: NARUTO Shippuuden...
Jpg, 23.09 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
NARUTO Shippuuden 115 RAW[(058882)20-43-58].JPG
File: NARUTO Shippuuden...
Jpg, 48.46 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
NARUTO Shippuuden 115 RAW[(062779)20-44-43].JPG

>> No.284300 Reply
File: NARUTO Shippuuden...
Jpg, 29.08 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
NARUTO Shippuuden 115 RAW[(063557)20-45-11].JPG
File: NARUTO Shippuuden...
Jpg, 45.09 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
NARUTO Shippuuden 115 RAW[(067358)20-46-56].JPG
File: NARUTO Shippuuden...
Jpg, 42.43 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
NARUTO Shippuuden 115 RAW[(073474)20-49-46].JPG
File: NARUTO Shippuuden...
Jpg, 38.19 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
NARUTO Shippuuden 115 RAW[(107856)20-50-09].JPG
File: NARUTO Shippuuden...
Jpg, 39.28 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
NARUTO Shippuuden 115 RAW[(112900)20-51-51].JPG

>> No.284302 Reply
File: NARUTO Shippuuden...
Jpg, 36.77 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
NARUTO Shippuuden 115 RAW[(117685)20-52-16].JPG
File: NARUTO Shippuuden...
Jpg, 36.76 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
NARUTO Shippuuden 115 RAW[(117701)20-52-21].JPG
File: NARUTO Shippuuden...
Jpg, 42.80 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
NARUTO Shippuuden 115 RAW[(118342)20-52-49].JPG
File: NARUTO Shippuuden...
Jpg, 35.20 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
NARUTO Shippuuden 115 RAW[(120735)20-54-25].JPG
File: NARUTO Shippuuden...
Jpg, 53.38 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
NARUTO Shippuuden 115 RAW[(121000)20-54-41].JPG

>> No.284304 Reply
File: NARUTO Shippuuden...
Jpg, 44.78 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
NARUTO Shippuuden 115 RAW[(121382)20-55-05].JPG
File: NARUTO Shippuuden...
Jpg, 45.65 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
NARUTO Shippuuden 115 RAW[(121989)20-55-31].JPG
File: NARUTO Shippuuden...
Jpg, 46.01 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
NARUTO Shippuuden 115 RAW[(122245)20-55-42].JPG
File: NARUTO Shippuuden...
Jpg, 37.27 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
NARUTO Shippuuden 116 RAW[(124746)21-09-23].JPG
File: NARUTO Shippuuden...
Jpg, 31.45 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
NARUTO Shippuuden 116 RAW[(056958)21-02-21].JPG

>> No.284308 Reply
File: NARUTO Shippuuden...
Jpg, 31.01 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
NARUTO Shippuuden 116 RAW[(075426)21-04-35].JPG
File: NARUTO Shippuuden...
Jpg, 26.87 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
NARUTO Shippuuden 116 RAW[(084996)21-08-12].JPG
File: NARUTO Shippuuden...
Jpg, 37.24 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
NARUTO Shippuuden 116 RAW[(125134)21-09-34].JPG
File: NARUTO Shippuuden...
Jpg, 44.08 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
NARUTO Shippuuden 117 RAW[(002237)21-11-38].JPG
File: NARUTO Shippuuden...
Jpg, 47.78 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
NARUTO Shippuuden 117 RAW[(011233)21-11-59].JPG

>> No.284309 Reply
File: macro-ббпе.png
Png, 727.37 KB, 1280×720 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.284312 Reply
File: NARUTO Shippuuden...
Jpg, 43.19 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
NARUTO Shippuuden 117 RAW[(012789)21-12-25].JPG
File: NARUTO Shippuuden...
Jpg, 40.74 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
NARUTO Shippuuden 117 RAW[(059606)21-16-00].JPG
File: NARUTO Shippuuden...
Jpg, 62.44 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
NARUTO Shippuuden 117 RAW[(073407)21-17-11].JPG
File: NARUTO Shippuuden...
Jpg, 64.45 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
NARUTO Shippuuden 117 RAW[(073488)21-17-13].JPG
File: NARUTO Shippuuden...
Jpg, 41.05 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
NARUTO Shippuuden 117 RAW[(080692)21-19-45].JPG

>> No.284315 Reply
File: NARUTO Shippuuden...
Jpg, 46.47 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
NARUTO Shippuuden 117 RAW[(134432)21-22-29].JPG
File: NARUTO Shippuuden...
Jpg, 35.78 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
NARUTO Shippuuden 117 RAW[(135287)21-23-00].JPG
File: NARUTO Shippuuden...
Jpg, 36.90 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
NARUTO Shippuuden 117 RAW[(135363)21-23-05].JPG
File: NARUTO Shippuuden...
Jpg, 42.23 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
NARUTO Shippuuden 117 RAW[(078980)21-19-07].JPG

>> No.284323 Reply
File: macro-нарута.png
Png, 98.36 KB, 274×229
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: macro-улыбнуло.png
Png, 16.51 KB, 86×79
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: macro-o_o.png
Png, 30.61 KB, 184×108
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

>> No.284325 Reply
File: motivator-o__o.png
Png, 133.69 KB, 710×804 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Тогда уж так
>> No.284339 Reply
File: 3]-the.big.bang.t...
Jpg, 110.57 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: macro-fgsfds.png
Png, 779.54 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: macro-oh-really-t...
Png, 615.50 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

>> No.284349 Reply
File: macro-и-гладиш-её.png
Png, 271.94 KB, 640×360 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.284360 Reply
File: macro-fgsfds-6.jpg
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>> No.284375 Reply
File: macro-fgsfds-6.png
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Я сейчас подумал, что это я запостил и забыл, но нет, пока все в порядке.
>> No.284383 Reply
бро, сохранять фотографичные картинки в пнг - нехорошо. У тебя вон 470 килобайт получилось против моих 60 в жепеге.
>> No.284416 Reply
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Скажи это тому бро, что выкладывал, я просто обрезал, даже не посмотрев на формат.
Вброшу немного сенсея.
>> No.284419 Reply
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А слабо написать аналог fgsfds(0 смысла) в таком виде(многа букаф)?
>> No.284444 Reply
А я обрезал и посмотрел. Так что и к тебе относится же.
>> No.284452 Reply
File: macro-учи-матчаст...
Png, 269.32 KB, 704×480
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File: macro-мне-так-пон...
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>> No.284453 Reply
File: motivator-4-chan.png
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>> No.284468 Reply
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Умница ты мой! Держи первую пикчу за старания.
>> No.284481 Reply
File: macro-а-царь-то-говроят.png
Png, 185.03 KB, 704×480 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.284491 Reply
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File: macro-rage.png
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File: macro-fucken-roze...
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Зпт же. Или совсем без быдло. Доброчан же.
На последнюю хочется что то про кукол, ничего путного в голову не идет.
>> No.284494 Reply
File: macro-i-hate-you-so-much.png
Png, 235.17 KB, 434×480 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.284497 Reply
File: macro-вы-мне-надоели-меня-раздражает.png
Png, 411.97 KB, 704×480 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.284517 Reply
Почему так ? Почему в виде мотиватора ?
Ты, очевидно, не понимаешь сути (де)мотиваторов.
>> No.284533 Reply
Сгинь луркое... Хотя нет постой, лучше набрось годных мемов на макрсоы. А дем потому, что нужно было урезать лицо, и не закрывать его "О_о", да и шрифт не превращает О в ноль.
>> No.284536 Reply
File: 1221152654044.jpg
Jpg, 140.44 KB, 476×529 - Click the image to expand
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Понимаешь, наложение текста на картику и мотиваторы - не единственные варианты
>> No.284572 Reply
File: 2] House.M.D.S06E...
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2] House.M.D.S06E11.The Down Low.720p.WEB-DL.h.264.DD5.1-LP.mkv_20100116_005748.jpg
File: 2] House.M.D.S06E...
Jpg, 36.10 KB, 1280×720
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2] House.M.D.S06E11.The Down Low.720p.WEB-DL.h.264.DD5.1-LP.mkv_20100116_005750.jpg
File: 2] House.M.D.S06E...
Jpg, 40.20 KB, 1280×720
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2] House.M.D.S06E11.The Down Low.720p.WEB-DL.h.264.DD5.1-LP.mkv_20100116_010034.jpg
File: 2] House.M.D.S06E...
Jpg, 42.20 KB, 1280×720
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2] House.M.D.S06E11.The Down Low.720p.WEB-DL.h.264.DD5.1-LP.mkv_20100116_010237.jpg
File: 2] House.M.D.S06E...
Jpg, 38.39 KB, 1280×720
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2] House.M.D.S06E11.The Down Low.720p.WEB-DL.h.264.DD5.1-LP.mkv_20100116_010238.jpg

Блеать охуительная серия, хаус тот еще торт, доставляло почти все время.
>> No.284573 Reply
File: 2] House.M.D.S06E...
Jpg, 34.36 KB, 1280×720
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2] House.M.D.S06E11.The Down Low.720p.WEB-DL.h.264.DD5.1-LP.mkv_20100116_010429.jpg
File: 2] House.M.D.S06E...
Jpg, 38.49 KB, 1280×720
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2] House.M.D.S06E11.The Down Low.720p.WEB-DL.h.264.DD5.1-LP.mkv_20100116_010241.jpg
File: 2] House.M.D.S06E...
Jpg, 38.16 KB, 1280×720
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2] House.M.D.S06E11.The Down Low.720p.WEB-DL.h.264.DD5.1-LP.mkv_20100116_010618.jpg
File: 2] House.M.D.S06E...
Jpg, 37.38 KB, 1280×720
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2] House.M.D.S06E11.The Down Low.720p.WEB-DL.h.264.DD5.1-LP.mkv_20100116_010625.jpg
File: 2] House.M.D.S06E...
Jpg, 35.76 KB, 1280×720
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2] House.M.D.S06E11.The Down Low.720p.WEB-DL.h.264.DD5.1-LP.mkv_20100116_011125.jpg

Многовато скринов вышло
>> No.284574 Reply
File: 2] House.M.D.S06E...
Jpg, 39.73 KB, 1280×720
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2] House.M.D.S06E11.The Down Low.720p.WEB-DL.h.264.DD5.1-LP.mkv_20100116_011148.jpg
File: 2] House.M.D.S06E...
Jpg, 36.72 KB, 1280×720
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2] House.M.D.S06E11.The Down Low.720p.WEB-DL.h.264.DD5.1-LP.mkv_20100116_011208.jpg
File: 2] House.M.D.S06E...
Jpg, 38.63 KB, 1280×720
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2] House.M.D.S06E11.The Down Low.720p.WEB-DL.h.264.DD5.1-LP.mkv_20100116_011256.jpg
File: 2] House.M.D.S06E...
Jpg, 38.79 KB, 1280×720
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2] House.M.D.S06E11.The Down Low.720p.WEB-DL.h.264.DD5.1-LP.mkv_20100116_011306.jpg
File: 2] House.M.D.S06E...
Jpg, 44.91 KB, 1280×720
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2] House.M.D.S06E11.The Down Low.720p.WEB-DL.h.264.DD5.1-LP.mkv_20100116_011445.jpg

>> No.284576 Reply
File: 2] House.M.D.S06E...
Jpg, 39.51 KB, 1280×720
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2] House.M.D.S06E11.The Down Low.720p.WEB-DL.h.264.DD5.1-LP.mkv_20100116_011502.jpg
File: 2] House.M.D.S06E...
Jpg, 44.32 KB, 1280×720
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2] House.M.D.S06E11.The Down Low.720p.WEB-DL.h.264.DD5.1-LP.mkv_20100116_011511.jpg
File: 2] House.M.D.S06E...
Jpg, 58.01 KB, 1280×720
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2] House.M.D.S06E11.The Down Low.720p.WEB-DL.h.264.DD5.1-LP.mkv_20100116_011525.jpg
File: 2] House.M.D.S06E...
Jpg, 65.21 KB, 1280×720
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2] House.M.D.S06E11.The Down Low.720p.WEB-DL.h.264.DD5.1-LP.mkv_20100116_011700.jpg
File: 2] House.M.D.S06E...
Jpg, 41.91 KB, 1280×720
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2] House.M.D.S06E11.The Down Low.720p.WEB-DL.h.264.DD5.1-LP.mkv_20100116_011534.jpg

>> No.284578 Reply
File: 2] House.M.D.S06E...
Jpg, 40.30 KB, 1280×720
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2] House.M.D.S06E11.The Down Low.720p.WEB-DL.h.264.DD5.1-LP.mkv_20100116_011538.jpg
File: 2] House.M.D.S06E...
Jpg, 43.61 KB, 1280×720
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2] House.M.D.S06E11.The Down Low.720p.WEB-DL.h.264.DD5.1-LP.mkv_20100116_011547.jpg
File: 2] House.M.D.S06E...
Jpg, 39.96 KB, 1280×720
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2] House.M.D.S06E11.The Down Low.720p.WEB-DL.h.264.DD5.1-LP.mkv_20100116_011616.jpg
File: 2] House.M.D.S06E...
Jpg, 45.25 KB, 1280×720
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2] House.M.D.S06E11.The Down Low.720p.WEB-DL.h.264.DD5.1-LP.mkv_20100116_011704.jpg
File: 2] House.M.D.S06E...
Jpg, 45.89 KB, 1280×720
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2] House.M.D.S06E11.The Down Low.720p.WEB-DL.h.264.DD5.1-LP.mkv_20100116_011717.jpg

>> No.284580 Reply
File: 2] House.M.D.S06E...
Jpg, 43.17 KB, 1280×720
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2] House.M.D.S06E11.The Down Low.720p.WEB-DL.h.264.DD5.1-LP.mkv_20100116_011721.jpg
File: 2] House.M.D.S06E...
Jpg, 39.51 KB, 1280×720
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2] House.M.D.S06E11.The Down Low.720p.WEB-DL.h.264.DD5.1-LP.mkv_20100116_011725.jpg
File: 2] House.M.D.S06E...
Jpg, 45.33 KB, 1280×720
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2] House.M.D.S06E11.The Down Low.720p.WEB-DL.h.264.DD5.1-LP.mkv_20100116_011755.jpg
File: 2] House.M.D.S06E...
Jpg, 46.37 KB, 1280×720
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2] House.M.D.S06E11.The Down Low.720p.WEB-DL.h.264.DD5.1-LP.mkv_20100116_011802.jpg
File: 2] House.M.D.S06E...
Jpg, 38.15 KB, 1280×720
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2] House.M.D.S06E11.The Down Low.720p.WEB-DL.h.264.DD5.1-LP.mkv_20100116_013330.jpg

Ладно похъ, буду фильтровать только самые зафейленные, пусть будет на выбор ассортимент.
>> No.284582 Reply
File: 2] House.M.D.S06E...
Jpg, 65.93 KB, 1280×720
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2] House.M.D.S06E11.The Down Low.720p.WEB-DL.h.264.DD5.1-LP.mkv_20100116_011818.jpg
File: 2] House.M.D.S06E...
Jpg, 64.29 KB, 1280×720
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2] House.M.D.S06E11.The Down Low.720p.WEB-DL.h.264.DD5.1-LP.mkv_20100116_011824.jpg
File: 2] House.M.D.S06E...
Jpg, 46.73 KB, 1280×720
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2] House.M.D.S06E11.The Down Low.720p.WEB-DL.h.264.DD5.1-LP.mkv_20100116_012259.jpg
File: 2] House.M.D.S06E...
Jpg, 49.29 KB, 1280×720
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2] House.M.D.S06E11.The Down Low.720p.WEB-DL.h.264.DD5.1-LP.mkv_20100116_012342.jpg
File: 2] House.M.D.S06E...
Jpg, 40.30 KB, 1280×720
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2] House.M.D.S06E11.The Down Low.720p.WEB-DL.h.264.DD5.1-LP.mkv_20100116_012440.jpg

>> No.284584 Reply
File: 2] House.M.D.S06E...
Jpg, 35.23 KB, 1280×720
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2] House.M.D.S06E11.The Down Low.720p.WEB-DL.h.264.DD5.1-LP.mkv_20100116_013124.jpg
File: 2] House.M.D.S06E...
Jpg, 45.83 KB, 1280×720
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2] House.M.D.S06E11.The Down Low.720p.WEB-DL.h.264.DD5.1-LP.mkv_20100116_013152.jpg
File: 2] House.M.D.S06E...
Jpg, 43.20 KB, 1280×720
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2] House.M.D.S06E11.The Down Low.720p.WEB-DL.h.264.DD5.1-LP.mkv_20100116_013211.jpg
File: 2] House.M.D.S06E...
Jpg, 44.54 KB, 1280×720
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2] House.M.D.S06E11.The Down Low.720p.WEB-DL.h.264.DD5.1-LP.mkv_20100116_013715.jpg
File: 2] House.M.D.S06E...
Jpg, 46.25 KB, 1280×720
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2] House.M.D.S06E11.The Down Low.720p.WEB-DL.h.264.DD5.1-LP.mkv_20100116_013734.jpg

>> No.284585 Reply
File: Foreman-01.jpg
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Jpg, 43.70 KB, 788×720
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На Формана просто нельзя делать макросов, он сам ходячий макрос. Его скрины просто нужно немного привести в порядок.
>> No.284588 Reply
File: 2] House.M.D.S06E...
Jpg, 42.17 KB, 1280×720
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2] House.M.D.S06E11.The Down Low.720p.WEB-DL.h.264.DD5.1-LP.mkv_20100116_013838.jpg
File: 2] House.M.D.S06E...
Jpg, 36.28 KB, 1280×720
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2] House.M.D.S06E11.The Down Low.720p.WEB-DL.h.264.DD5.1-LP.mkv_20100116_014026.jpg
File: 2] House.M.D.S06E...
Jpg, 45.31 KB, 1280×720
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2] House.M.D.S06E11.The Down Low.720p.WEB-DL.h.264.DD5.1-LP.mkv_20100116_014208.jpg
File: 2] House.M.D.S06E...
Jpg, 46.00 KB, 1280×720
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2] House.M.D.S06E11.The Down Low.720p.WEB-DL.h.264.DD5.1-LP.mkv_20100116_014210.jpg
File: 2] House.M.D.S06E...
Jpg, 40.40 KB, 1280×720
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2] House.M.D.S06E11.The Down Low.720p.WEB-DL.h.264.DD5.1-LP.mkv_20100116_014229.jpg

Этот братюня в самом конце был очень похожа на Шелдона.
>> No.284589 Reply
File: 2] House.M.D.S06E...
Jpg, 44.50 KB, 1280×720
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2] House.M.D.S06E11.The Down Low.720p.WEB-DL.h.264.DD5.1-LP.mkv_20100116_014304.jpg
File: 2] House.M.D.S06E...
Jpg, 39.71 KB, 1280×720
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2] House.M.D.S06E11.The Down Low.720p.WEB-DL.h.264.DD5.1-LP.mkv_20100116_014326.jpg
File: 2] House.M.D.S06E...
Jpg, 45.60 KB, 1280×720
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2] House.M.D.S06E11.The Down Low.720p.WEB-DL.h.264.DD5.1-LP.mkv_20100116_014539.jpg
File: 2] House.M.D.S06E...
Jpg, 35.38 KB, 1280×720
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2] House.M.D.S06E11.The Down Low.720p.WEB-DL.h.264.DD5.1-LP.mkv_20100116_014820.jpg
File: 2] House.M.D.S06E...
Jpg, 39.66 KB, 1280×720
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2] House.M.D.S06E11.The Down Low.720p.WEB-DL.h.264.DD5.1-LP.mkv_20100116_014833.jpg

>> No.284592 Reply
File: House-doesnt-understand.jpg
Jpg, 56.41 KB, 540×720 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.284593 Reply
File: 2] House.M.D.S06E...
Jpg, 41.62 KB, 1280×720
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2] House.M.D.S06E11.The Down Low.720p.WEB-DL.h.264.DD5.1-LP.mkv_20100116_015056.jpg
File: 2] House.M.D.S06E...
Jpg, 37.77 KB, 1280×720
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2] House.M.D.S06E11.The Down Low.720p.WEB-DL.h.264.DD5.1-LP.mkv_20100116_015114.jpg
File: 2] House.M.D.S06E...
Jpg, 46.80 KB, 1280×720
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2] House.M.D.S06E11.The Down Low.720p.WEB-DL.h.264.DD5.1-LP.mkv_20100116_015137.jpg
File: 2] House.M.D.S06E...
Jpg, 41.13 KB, 1280×720
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2] House.M.D.S06E11.The Down Low.720p.WEB-DL.h.264.DD5.1-LP.mkv_20100116_015541.jpg
File: 2] House.M.D.S06E...
Jpg, 36.51 KB, 1280×720
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2] House.M.D.S06E11.The Down Low.720p.WEB-DL.h.264.DD5.1-LP.mkv_20100116_015757.jpg

>> No.284595 Reply
File: 2] House.M.D.S06E...
Jpg, 40.54 KB, 1280×720
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2] House.M.D.S06E11.The Down Low.720p.WEB-DL.h.264.DD5.1-LP.mkv_20100116_015804.jpg
File: 2] House.M.D.S06E...
Jpg, 37.04 KB, 1280×720
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2] House.M.D.S06E11.The Down Low.720p.WEB-DL.h.264.DD5.1-LP.mkv_20100116_015936.jpg
File: 2] House.M.D.S06E...
Jpg, 37.98 KB, 1280×720
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2] House.M.D.S06E11.The Down Low.720p.WEB-DL.h.264.DD5.1-LP.mkv_20100116_020152.jpg
File: 2] House.M.D.S06E...
Jpg, 38.79 KB, 1280×720
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2] House.M.D.S06E11.The Down Low.720p.WEB-DL.h.264.DD5.1-LP.mkv_20100116_020336.jpg

Всё. Но серия шикарна, пересмотреть штоле, формана пощелкать.
>> No.284596 Reply
Ура, шопер в треде! Не поленись сделать побольше, особенно с двух пикч(типа i first like... but then и etc).
>> No.284598 Reply
>> No.284601 Reply
File: macro-начнем-с-то...
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>> No.284604 Reply
>> No.284611 Reply
File: macro-оп-хуй-трол...
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File: macro-а-на-самом-...
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>> No.284616 Reply
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>> No.284617 Reply
только что посмотрел и тоже заметил. особенно когда он умирал, оператор выбрал такой ракурс, что я подумал что там лежит шелдон
>> No.284632 Reply
File: yn1.jpg
Jpg, 46.50 KB, 660×500
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: yn2.jpg
Jpg, 36.92 KB, 800×600
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

>> No.284641 Reply
File: macro-грит:.png
Png, 321.13 KB, 800×600 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.284649 Reply
Это было в первом треде же.
>> No.284653 Reply
ok ok ok ok
>> No.284655 Reply
File: 1239700668497.jpg
Jpg, 7.40 KB, 231×251 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
забыл аватарку прикрепить
>> No.284661 Reply
File: yn2-clear.jpg
Jpg, 51.55 KB, 800×600
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: yn2omi4an.jpg
Jpg, 64.95 KB, 800×600
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>> No.284687 Reply
File: macro->-тян.png
Png, 328.67 KB, 673×576 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.284696 Reply
File: haiti.jpg
Jpg, 293.18 KB, 800×1200 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
На злобу дня.
>> No.284712 Reply
File: macro-няша.png
Png, 325.78 KB, 800×600 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.284799 Reply
File: macro-четко.png
Png, 226.42 KB, 671×513
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File: macro-wtf-i.png
Png, 374.00 KB, 810×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

Попрошу знающих ингриш делать на нём, может даже на форчан уйдут. Вот только у меня с ним сильные проблемы, придется все таки на рашиче.
>> No.284809 Reply
File: macro-super.png
Png, 418.70 KB, 621×439 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.284916 Reply
File: 1263513248469.png
Png, 263.20 KB, 640×480
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File: 1263626182614.jpg
Jpg, 93.18 KB, 640×480
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File: 1263647102133.jpg
Jpg, 91.18 KB, 1280×720
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File: 1263514052205.jpg
Jpg, 28.01 KB, 536×400
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File: 1263510896441.gif
Gif, 114.69 KB, 500×375
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>> No.284940 Reply
File: macro-i-m-cute.png
Png, 467.74 KB, 640×365 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.284941 Reply
Am I Cute, балбес
>> No.284943 Reply
Убирай пока никто не увидел
>> No.284951 Reply
File: macro-lol-wut.png
Png, 318.54 KB, 732×653 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.284952 Reply
File: i m cute trolololo version.jpg
Jpg, 30.32 KB, 704×400 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
i m cute trolololo version.jpg
>> No.284957 Reply
File: House_aw.png
Png, 24.38 KB, 250×250 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.284963 Reply
File: 1234567.jpg
Jpg, 67.12 KB, 1086×614 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.284964 Reply
Лолфейлы. Это особенность разговорного ингриша - просто делаешь вопросительную интонацию и не надо ничего менять местами. В общении с иностранцами в 80% случаев так выходит(из личного опыта).
>> No.284965 Reply
File: Darker_than_Black...
Jpg, 85.29 KB, 1280×720
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Darker_than_Black _TV_[19_of_25]_[ru_jp][14-42-47].JPG
File: Darker_than_Black...
Jpg, 42.36 KB, 1280×720
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Darker_than_Black _TV_[08_of_13]_[ru_jp][14-14-35].JPG
File: Darker_than_Black...
Jpg, 63.55 KB, 1280×720
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Darker_than_Black _TV_[17_of_25]_[ru_jp][14-36-59].JPG
File: Shakugan no Shana...
Jpg, 57.67 KB, 1280×720
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Shakugan no Shana ep 04-06[(010914)00-41-25].JPG

>> No.284967 Reply
File: 1263073446445.jpg
Jpg, 55.92 KB, 250×242 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Если ты прав, то ты только что сделал меня почти счастливым.
>> No.284969 Reply
согласен. Тоже часто натыкаюсь, поначалу возсущаешься, да как так мол, это же не правильно, а потом ничего, да.
>> No.284970 Reply
File: NHK ni Youkoso - ...
Jpg, 91.75 KB, 1280×720
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NHK ni Youkoso - 01 [WLGO&JF][01-18-22].JPG
File: NHK ni Youkoso - ...
Jpg, 53.74 KB, 1280×720
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NHK ni Youkoso - 01 [WLGO&JF][01-18-25].JPG
File: The It Crowd s01e...
Jpg, 36.69 KB, 480×272
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The It Crowd s01e04[22-06-58].JPG
File: [Leopard-raws]_Se...
Jpg, 102.89 KB, 1280×720
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[Leopard-raws]_Seitokai_no_Ichizon_05_[Marie & Carrier88][22-04-28].JPG
File: Rosario_to_Vampir...
Jpg, 77.33 KB, 1280×720
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>> No.284971 Reply
> возсущаешься
>> No.284972 Reply
File: Haibane_Renmei_[0...
Jpg, 72.56 KB, 1280×720
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File: [Leopard-raws]_Se...
Jpg, 79.57 KB, 1280×720
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[Leopard-raws]_Seitokai_no_Ichizon_06_[Marie & Carrier88][22-19-30].JPG
File: [artyfox & hotFla...
Jpg, 90.95 KB, 1280×720
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[artyfox & hotFlash] Rosario to Vampire - 09 [DVDRip 848x480 x264 MP3 VORBIS ru jp][18-20-02].JPG
File: Darker_than_Black...
Jpg, 44.62 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Darker_than_Black _TV_[23_of_25]_[ru_jp][14-53-18].JPG

>> No.284977 Reply
File: macro-православно.png
Png, 763.32 KB, 1280×720 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.284979 Reply
File: macro-субкота-же.png
Png, 371.91 KB, 998×720 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.284981 Reply
File: macro-православные-купола.png
Png, 759.93 KB, 1280×720 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.284982 Reply
File: 1256456709629.jpg
Jpg, 88.55 KB, 720×576
Your censorship settings forbid this file.
Это не православный крест.
>> No.284984 Reply
А при чём здесь Россия?
Аниме - японское, крест - католический, грудь - нарисованная.
>> No.284985 Reply
File: macro-басурманно.png
Png, 789.65 KB, 1280×720 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
> А при чём здесь Россия?
Я не дотянул до Петросяна несколько десятков лет, наверно
>> No.284986 Reply
File: macro-религиозно.png
Png, 762.49 KB, 1280×720 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.284990 Reply
File: 126365500772432.png
Png, 618.49 KB, 720×576
Your censorship settings forbid this file.
>> No.284991 Reply
Я знаю. Но кого это волнует, даже если крест на переднем плане?!
>> No.284992 Reply
Поверь, не всех волнуют сиськи.
>> No.284993 Reply
File: 1222686113562.jpg
Jpg, 5.48 KB, 177×189 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.284994 Reply
Да, но суть макроса в большей степени в них, чем в кресте.
>> No.284995 Reply
File: macro-в-озвучке-c...
Png, 559.62 KB, 1280×720
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File: macro-в-озвучке-о...
Png, 815.75 KB, 1280×720
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>> No.284997 Reply
File: macro-осторожно.png
Png, 69.83 KB, 177×189 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.284998 Reply
Из какого это аниме?
>> No.285003 Reply
Battlevikings OVA
>> No.285028 Reply
File: 126365623071183.jpg
Jpg, 93.83 KB, 340×1600
Your censorship settings forbid this file.
Я не со зла. Прости меня, Ю.
>> No.285036 Reply
File: Till.jpg
Jpg, 14.66 KB, 276×272 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.285043 Reply
File: 6a00d8341c60bf53e...
Jpg, 20.03 KB, 603×453
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File: 0013729e42ea0c9a4...
Jpg, 50.54 KB, 293×417
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File: 1225021638578.jpg
Jpg, 17.82 KB, 400×275
Your censorship settings forbid this file.
File: adolfheil.jpg
Jpg, 15.56 KB, 243×350
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File: Behemoth+PNG+vers...
Png, 231.09 KB, 500×359
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>> No.285045 Reply
Откуда сиське?
>> No.285046 Reply
File: ifuckdog.jpg
Jpg, 474.01 KB, 800×1200 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.285049 Reply
File: 1218061806362.jpg
Jpg, 26.89 KB, 627×476
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File: 1257011518649.jpg
Jpg, 29.26 KB, 750×600
Your censorship settings forbid this file.
File: 1235825927591.jpg
Jpg, 17.26 KB, 512×384
Your censorship settings forbid this file.
File: 1256999946823.jpg
Jpg, 29.73 KB, 640×480
Your censorship settings forbid this file.
File: 1220649389131.jpg
Jpg, 137.11 KB, 400×512
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

Выпилен же.
>> No.285052 Reply
File: macro-чего-ещё.png
Png, 481.92 KB, 1280×720 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.285066 Reply
Rosario To Vampire
>> No.285073 Reply
File: macro-welcome-to-omsk.png
Png, 458.18 KB, 1280×720 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.285113 Reply
File: macro-нет-негров.png
Png, 166.20 KB, 603×453 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.285167 Reply
File: 9] NARUTO Shippuu...
Jpg, 47.01 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
9] NARUTO Shippuuden 143 RAW.mkv_20100116_211146.jpg
File: 9] NARUTO Shippuu...
Jpg, 44.41 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
9] NARUTO Shippuuden 143 RAW.mkv_20100116_211149.jpg
File: 9] NARUTO Shippuu...
Jpg, 43.48 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
9] NARUTO Shippuuden 143 RAW.mkv_20100116_211154.jpg
File: 9] NARUTO Shippuu...
Jpg, 48.60 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
9] NARUTO Shippuuden 143 RAW.mkv_20100116_211201.jpg
File: 9] NARUTO Shippuu...
Jpg, 43.96 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
9] NARUTO Shippuuden 143 RAW.mkv_20100116_211208.jpg

Вайпну говном, для начала качество джуст фо лулз.
>> No.285172 Reply
File: 9] NARUTO Shippuu...
Jpg, 45.38 KB, 1280×720
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9] NARUTO Shippuuden 143 RAW.mkv_20100116_211224.jpg
File: 9] NARUTO Shippuu...
Jpg, 41.49 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
9] NARUTO Shippuuden 143 RAW.mkv_20100116_211221.jpg
File: 9] NARUTO Shippuu...
Jpg, 42.35 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
9] NARUTO Shippuuden 143 RAW.mkv_20100116_211227.jpg
File: 9] NARUTO Shippuu...
Jpg, 41.41 KB, 1280×720
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9] NARUTO Shippuuden 143 RAW.mkv_20100116_211239.jpg
File: 9] NARUTO Shippuu...
Jpg, 44.08 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
9] NARUTO Shippuuden 143 RAW.mkv_20100116_211244.jpg

3-й даже волосы забыли докрасить.
>> No.285176 Reply
File: 9] NARUTO Shippuu...
Jpg, 37.12 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
9] NARUTO Shippuuden 143 RAW.mkv_20100116_211250.jpg
File: 9] NARUTO Shippuu...
Jpg, 42.69 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
9] NARUTO Shippuuden 143 RAW.mkv_20100116_211253.jpg
File: 9] NARUTO Shippuu...
Jpg, 49.63 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
9] NARUTO Shippuuden 143 RAW.mkv_20100116_211326.jpg
File: 9] NARUTO Shippuu...
Jpg, 51.03 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
9] NARUTO Shippuuden 143 RAW.mkv_20100116_211332.jpg
File: 9] NARUTO Shippuu...
Jpg, 47.69 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
9] NARUTO Shippuuden 143 RAW.mkv_20100116_211343.jpg

Рожи и ПАЛЬЦЫ дальше доставляют
>> No.285179 Reply
File: 9] NARUTO Shippuu...
Jpg, 49.00 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
9] NARUTO Shippuuden 143 RAW.mkv_20100116_211356.jpg
File: 9] NARUTO Shippuu...
Jpg, 51.76 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
9] NARUTO Shippuuden 143 RAW.mkv_20100116_211400.jpg
File: 9] NARUTO Shippuu...
Jpg, 55.03 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
9] NARUTO Shippuuden 143 RAW.mkv_20100116_211406.jpg
File: 9] NARUTO Shippuu...
Jpg, 51.57 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
9] NARUTO Shippuuden 143 RAW.mkv_20100116_211421.jpg
File: 9] NARUTO Shippuu...
Jpg, 49.25 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
9] NARUTO Shippuuden 143 RAW.mkv_20100116_211425.jpg

>> No.285181 Reply
File: motivator-аниме.png
Png, 665.32 KB, 710×548 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.285183 Reply
File: 9] NARUTO Shippuu...
Jpg, 50.37 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
9] NARUTO Shippuuden 143 RAW.mkv_20100116_211542.jpg
File: 9] NARUTO Shippuu...
Jpg, 47.85 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
9] NARUTO Shippuuden 143 RAW.mkv_20100116_211559.jpg
File: 8] NARUTO Shippuu...
Jpg, 57.15 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
8] NARUTO Shippuuden 142 RAW.mkv_20100116_205552.jpg
File: 8] NARUTO Shippuu...
Jpg, 56.46 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
8] NARUTO Shippuuden 142 RAW.mkv_20100116_205610.jpg
File: 8] NARUTO Shippuu...
Jpg, 59.93 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
8] NARUTO Shippuuden 142 RAW.mkv_20100116_205831.jpg

>> No.285187 Reply
File: 8] NARUTO Shippuu...
Jpg, 45.37 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
8] NARUTO Shippuuden 142 RAW.mkv_20100116_205958.jpg
File: 8] NARUTO Shippuu...
Jpg, 59.13 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
8] NARUTO Shippuuden 142 RAW.mkv_20100116_210032.jpg
File: 8] NARUTO Shippuu...
Jpg, 52.26 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
8] NARUTO Shippuuden 142 RAW.mkv_20100116_210050.jpg
File: 8] NARUTO Shippuu...
Jpg, 50.24 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
8] NARUTO Shippuuden 142 RAW.mkv_20100116_210056.jpg
File: 8] NARUTO Shippuu...
Jpg, 46.61 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
8] NARUTO Shippuuden 142 RAW.mkv_20100116_210325.jpg

5я пикча промелькнула быстро, но когда мотнул назад заржал.
>> No.285188 Reply
File: 9] NARUTO Shippuu...
Jpg, 43.64 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
9] NARUTO Shippuuden 143 RAW.mkv_20100116_210548.jpg
File: 9] NARUTO Shippuu...
Jpg, 41.81 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
9] NARUTO Shippuuden 143 RAW.mkv_20100116_211744.jpg
File: 9] NARUTO Shippuu...
Jpg, 40.67 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
9] NARUTO Shippuuden 143 RAW.mkv_20100116_211818.jpg
File: 9] NARUTO Shippuu...
Jpg, 53.94 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
9] NARUTO Shippuuden 143 RAW.mkv_20100116_212006.jpg
File: 9] NARUTO Shippuu...
Jpg, 46.44 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
9] NARUTO Shippuuden 143 RAW.mkv_20100116_212033.jpg

>> No.285191 Reply
File: motivator-i-want-you.png
Png, 632.02 KB, 560×810 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.285192 Reply
File: 9] NARUTO Shippuu...
Jpg, 49.83 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
9] NARUTO Shippuuden 143 RAW.mkv_20100116_212207.jpg
File: 9] NARUTO Shippuu...
Jpg, 50.32 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
9] NARUTO Shippuuden 143 RAW.mkv_20100116_212232.jpg
File: 9] NARUTO Shippuu...
Jpg, 33.60 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
9] NARUTO Shippuuden 143 RAW.mkv_20100116_212337.jpg
File: 9] NARUTO Shippuu...
Jpg, 36.79 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
9] NARUTO Shippuuden 143 RAW.mkv_20100116_212358.jpg
File: 9] NARUTO Shippuu...
Jpg, 46.29 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
9] NARUTO Shippuuden 143 RAW.mkv_20100116_212408.jpg

>> No.285194 Reply
File: motivator-чёрный-властелин.png
Png, 645.32 KB, 710×660 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.285197 Reply
File: macro-нахюй-это-туда.png
Png, 250.00 KB, 293×417 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.285198 Reply
File: 9] NARUTO Shippuu...
Jpg, 49.88 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
9] NARUTO Shippuuden 143 RAW.mkv_20100116_212557.jpg
File: 16] Naruto Shippu...
Jpg, 44.81 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
16] Naruto Shippuuden 127-128_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru - 720p].mkv_20100116_161546.jpg
File: 16] Naruto Shippu...
Jpg, 39.32 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
16] Naruto Shippuuden 127-128_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru - 720p].mkv_20100116_161552.jpg
File: 16] Naruto Shippu...
Jpg, 50.90 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
16] Naruto Shippuuden 127-128_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru - 720p].mkv_20100116_161558.jpg
File: 16] Naruto Shippu...
Jpg, 30.75 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
16] Naruto Shippuuden 127-128_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru - 720p].mkv_20100116_161754.jpg

>> No.285200 Reply
File: 16] Naruto Shippu...
Jpg, 36.00 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
16] Naruto Shippuuden 127-128_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru - 720p].mkv_20100116_161828.jpg
File: 16] Naruto Shippu...
Jpg, 35.75 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
16] Naruto Shippuuden 127-128_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru - 720p].mkv_20100116_162008.jpg
File: 16] Naruto Shippu...
Jpg, 44.05 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
16] Naruto Shippuuden 127-128_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru - 720p].mkv_20100116_162053.jpg
File: 16] Naruto Shippu...
Jpg, 31.03 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
16] Naruto Shippuuden 127-128_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru - 720p].mkv_20100116_162816.jpg
File: 16] Naruto Shippu...
Jpg, 44.80 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
16] Naruto Shippuuden 127-128_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru - 720p].mkv_20100116_163129.jpg

>> No.285203 Reply
File: 16] Naruto Shippu...
Jpg, 51.74 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
16] Naruto Shippuuden 127-128_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru - 720p].mkv_20100116_163156.jpg
File: 16] Naruto Shippu...
Jpg, 46.41 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
16] Naruto Shippuuden 127-128_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru - 720p].mkv_20100116_163207.jpg
File: 16] Naruto Shippu...
Jpg, 43.93 KB, 1280×720
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16] Naruto Shippuuden 127-128_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru - 720p].mkv_20100116_163406.jpg
File: 16] Naruto Shippu...
Jpg, 45.55 KB, 1280×720
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16] Naruto Shippuuden 127-128_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru - 720p].mkv_20100116_163417.jpg
File: 16] NARUTO Shippu...
Jpg, 45.03 KB, 1280×720
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16] NARUTO Shippuuden 129_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru - 720p].mkv_20100116_164213.jpg

>> No.285205 Reply
File: 16] NARUTO Shippu...
Jpg, 41.90 KB, 1280×720
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16] NARUTO Shippuuden 129_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru - 720p].mkv_20100116_164218.jpg
File: 16] NARUTO Shippu...
Jpg, 44.29 KB, 1280×720
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16] NARUTO Shippuuden 129_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru - 720p].mkv_20100116_164227.jpg
File: 16] NARUTO Shippu...
Jpg, 46.29 KB, 1280×720
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16] NARUTO Shippuuden 129_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru - 720p].mkv_20100116_164434.jpg
File: 16] NARUTO Shippu...
Jpg, 49.54 KB, 1280×720
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16] NARUTO Shippuuden 129_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru - 720p].mkv_20100116_164501.jpg
File: 16] NARUTO Shippu...
Jpg, 56.96 KB, 1280×720
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16] NARUTO Shippuuden 129_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru - 720p].mkv_20100116_164516.jpg

>> No.285207 Reply
File: motivator-гипножаба.png
Png, 577.65 KB, 710×660 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.285208 Reply
File: 16] NARUTO Shippu...
Jpg, 40.82 KB, 1280×720
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16] NARUTO Shippuuden 129_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru - 720p].mkv_20100116_164748.jpg
File: 16] NARUTO Shippu...
Jpg, 50.42 KB, 1280×720
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16] NARUTO Shippuuden 129_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru - 720p].mkv_20100116_165013.jpg
File: 16] NARUTO Shippu...
Jpg, 51.52 KB, 1280×720
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16] NARUTO Shippuuden 129_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru - 720p].mkv_20100116_165016.jpg
File: 16] NARUTO Shippu...
Jpg, 52.36 KB, 1280×720
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16] NARUTO Shippuuden 129_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru - 720p].mkv_20100116_165042.jpg
File: 16] NARUTO Shippu...
Jpg, 46.67 KB, 1280×720
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16] NARUTO Shippuuden 129_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru - 720p].mkv_20100116_165051.jpg

>> No.285210 Reply
File: 16] NARUTO Shippu...
Jpg, 48.24 KB, 1280×720
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16] NARUTO Shippuuden 129_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru - 720p].mkv_20100116_165108.jpg
File: 16] NARUTO Shippu...
Jpg, 44.80 KB, 1280×720
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16] NARUTO Shippuuden 129_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru - 720p].mkv_20100116_165543.jpg
File: 16] NARUTO Shippu...
Jpg, 32.33 KB, 1280×720
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16] NARUTO Shippuuden 130_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru - 720p].mkv_20100116_165937.jpg
File: 16] NARUTO Shippu...
Jpg, 51.80 KB, 1280×720
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16] NARUTO Shippuuden 130_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru - 720p].mkv_20100116_180737.jpg
File: 16] NARUTO Shippu...
Jpg, 33.88 KB, 1280×720
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16] NARUTO Shippuuden 131_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru - 720p].mkv_20100116_174617.jpg

>> No.285214 Reply
File: 16] NARUTO Shippu...
Jpg, 31.06 KB, 1280×720
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16] NARUTO Shippuuden 131_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru - 720p].mkv_20100116_174737.jpg
File: 16] NARUTO Shippu...
Jpg, 40.02 KB, 1280×720
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16] NARUTO Shippuuden 131_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru - 720p].mkv_20100116_174859.jpg
File: 16] NARUTO Shippu...
Jpg, 31.95 KB, 1280×720
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16] NARUTO Shippuuden 131_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru - 720p].mkv_20100116_175117.jpg
File: 16] NARUTO Shippu...
Jpg, 28.39 KB, 1280×720
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16] NARUTO Shippuuden 131_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru - 720p].mkv_20100116_175221.jpg
File: 16] NARUTO Shippu...
Jpg, 35.35 KB, 1280×720
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16] NARUTO Shippuuden 131_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru - 720p].mkv_20100116_175249.jpg

>> No.285218 Reply
File: motivator-3-мудреца.png
Png, 310.20 KB, 710×548 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.285219 Reply
File: 16] NARUTO Shippu...
Jpg, 34.17 KB, 1280×720
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16] NARUTO Shippuuden 131_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru - 720p].mkv_20100116_175334.jpg
File: 16] NARUTO Shippu...
Jpg, 34.17 KB, 1280×720
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16] NARUTO Shippuuden 131_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru - 720p].mkv_20100116_175339.jpg
File: 16] NARUTO Shippu...
Jpg, 40.31 KB, 1280×720
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16] NARUTO Shippuuden 131_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru - 720p].mkv_20100116_175351.jpg
File: 16] NARUTO Shippu...
Jpg, 30.81 KB, 1280×720
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16] NARUTO Shippuuden 131_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru - 720p].mkv_20100116_175448.jpg
File: 16] Naruto Shippu...
Jpg, 46.05 KB, 1280×720
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16] Naruto Shippuuden 132 _[dima-l_&_torrents.ru - 720p].mkv_20100116_175842.jpg

>> No.285223 Reply
File: 16] Naruto Shippu...
Jpg, 38.64 KB, 1280×720
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16] Naruto Shippuuden 132 _[dima-l_&_torrents.ru - 720p].mkv_20100116_175913.jpg
File: 16] Naruto Shippu...
Jpg, 34.66 KB, 1280×720
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16] Naruto Shippuuden 132 _[dima-l_&_torrents.ru - 720p].mkv_20100116_180145.jpg
File: 16] Naruto Shippu...
Jpg, 27.54 KB, 1280×720
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16] Naruto Shippuuden 132 _[dima-l_&_torrents.ru - 720p].mkv_20100116_180154.jpg
File: 16] Naruto Shippu...
Jpg, 34.43 KB, 1280×720
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16] Naruto Shippuuden 132 _[dima-l_&_torrents.ru - 720p].mkv_20100116_180449.jpg
File: 16] Naruto Shippu...
Jpg, 29.65 KB, 1280×720
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16] Naruto Shippuuden 133_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru - 720p].mkv_20100116_180927.jpg

>> No.285226 Reply
File: 16] Naruto Shippu...
Jpg, 32.27 KB, 1280×720
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16] Naruto Shippuuden 133_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru - 720p].mkv_20100116_181313.jpg
File: 16] Naruto Shippu...
Jpg, 43.33 KB, 1280×720
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16] Naruto Shippuuden 134_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru - 720p].mkv_20100116_182529.jpg
File: 16] Naruto_Shippu...
Jpg, 30.82 KB, 1280×720
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16] Naruto_Shippuuden_135_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru].mkv_20100116_183239.jpg
File: 16] Naruto_Shippu...
Jpg, 32.61 KB, 1280×720
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16] Naruto_Shippuuden_135_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru].mkv_20100116_183328.jpg
File: 16] Naruto_Shippu...
Jpg, 33.32 KB, 1280×720
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16] Naruto_Shippuuden_136_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru].mkv_20100116_184149.jpg

мешки как у меня
>> No.285229 Reply
File: 16] Naruto_Shippu...
Jpg, 36.85 KB, 1280×720
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16] Naruto_Shippuuden_136_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru].mkv_20100116_184406.jpg
File: 16] Naruto_Shippu...
Jpg, 27.91 KB, 1280×720
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16] Naruto_Shippuuden_136_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru].mkv_20100116_184732.jpg
File: 16] Naruto_Shippu...
Jpg, 27.22 KB, 1280×720
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16] Naruto_Shippuuden_136_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru].mkv_20100116_184802.jpg
File: 16] Naruto_Shippu...
Jpg, 30.54 KB, 1280×720
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16] Naruto_Shippuuden_137_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru].mkv_20100116_190057.jpg
File: 16] Naruto_Shippu...
Jpg, 25.45 KB, 1280×720
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16] Naruto_Shippuuden_137_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru].mkv_20100116_190138.jpg

>> No.285232 Reply
File: 16] Naruto_Shippu...
Jpg, 36.06 KB, 1280×720
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16] Naruto_Shippuuden_137_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru].mkv_20100116_190200.jpg
File: 16] Naruto_Shippu...
Jpg, 38.52 KB, 1280×720
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16] Naruto_Shippuuden_137_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru].mkv_20100116_190212.jpg
File: 16] Naruto_Shippu...
Jpg, 42.72 KB, 1280×720
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16] Naruto_Shippuuden_137_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru].mkv_20100116_190217.jpg
File: 16] Naruto_Shippu...
Jpg, 36.50 KB, 1280×720
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16] Naruto_Shippuuden_137_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru].mkv_20100116_190515.jpg
File: 16] Naruto_Shippu...
Jpg, 42.74 KB, 1280×720
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16] Naruto_Shippuuden_137_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru].mkv_20100116_190758.jpg

>> No.285233 Reply
File: 16] Naruto_Shippu...
Jpg, 30.94 KB, 1280×720
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16] Naruto_Shippuuden_137_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru].mkv_20100116_190405.jpg
File: 16] Naruto_Shippu...
Jpg, 33.07 KB, 1280×720
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16] Naruto_Shippuuden_138_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru].mkv_20100116_191505.jpg
File: 16] Naruto_Shippu...
Jpg, 33.03 KB, 1280×720
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16] Naruto_Shippuuden_137_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru].mkv_20100116_190652.jpg
File: 16] Naruto_Shippu...
Jpg, 44.44 KB, 1280×720
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16] Naruto_Shippuuden_137_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru].mkv_20100116_190807.jpg
File: 16] Naruto_Shippu...
Jpg, 53.81 KB, 1280×720
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16] Naruto_Shippuuden_137_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru].mkv_20100116_190813.jpg

>> No.285234 Reply
File: 16] Naruto_Shippu...
Jpg, 42.50 KB, 1280×720
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16] Naruto_Shippuuden_137_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru].mkv_20100116_190948.jpg
File: 16] Naruto_Shippu...
Jpg, 50.71 KB, 1280×720
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16] Naruto_Shippuuden_137_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru].mkv_20100116_191141.jpg
File: 16] Naruto_Shippu...
Jpg, 55.01 KB, 1280×720
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16] Naruto_Shippuuden_137_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru].mkv_20100116_191201.jpg
File: 16] Naruto_Shippu...
Jpg, 28.67 KB, 1280×720
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16] Naruto_Shippuuden_138_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru].mkv_20100116_191518.jpg
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Jpg, 38.62 KB, 1280×720
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16] Naruto_Shippuuden_138_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru].mkv_20100116_191619.jpg

>> No.285238 Reply
File: 16] Naruto_Shippu...
Jpg, 42.61 KB, 1280×720
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16] Naruto_Shippuuden_138_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru].mkv_20100116_192022.jpg
File: 16] Naruto_Shippu...
Jpg, 34.80 KB, 1280×720
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16] Naruto_Shippuuden_138_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru].mkv_20100116_192028.jpg
File: 16] Naruto_Shippu...
Jpg, 35.86 KB, 1280×720
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16] Naruto_Shippuuden_138_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru].mkv_20100116_192031.jpg
File: 16] Naruto_Shippu...
Jpg, 31.88 KB, 1280×720
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16] Naruto_Shippuuden_138_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru].mkv_20100116_192112.jpg
File: 16] Naruto_Shippu...
Jpg, 31.23 KB, 1280×720
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16] Naruto_Shippuuden_138_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru].mkv_20100116_192115.jpg

Блеать еще штук 10
>> No.285239 Reply
File: 16] Naruto_Shippu...
Jpg, 32.04 KB, 1280×720
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16] Naruto_Shippuuden_139_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru].mkv_20100116_192502.jpg
File: 16] Naruto_Shippu...
Jpg, 36.30 KB, 1280×720
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16] Naruto_Shippuuden_140_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru].mkv_20100116_193746.jpg
File: 16] Naruto_Shippu...
Jpg, 31.45 KB, 1280×720
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16] Naruto_Shippuuden_140_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru].mkv_20100116_193755.jpg
File: 16] Naruto_Shippu...
Jpg, 42.19 KB, 1280×720
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16] Naruto_Shippuuden_140_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru].mkv_20100116_193846.jpg
File: 16] Naruto_Shippu...
Jpg, 24.78 KB, 1280×720
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16] Naruto_Shippuuden_140_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru].mkv_20100116_193857.jpg

Не буду шаринган в спиральной маске выкладывать, кроме OBEY применений нет все равно.
>> No.285240 Reply
File: macro-ёж-апокалип...
Png, 574.16 KB, 1280×720
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File: 1263669161859.png
Png, 0.85 KB, 200×20
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>> No.285242 Reply
File: 16] Naruto_Shippu...
Jpg, 38.21 KB, 1280×720
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16] Naruto_Shippuuden_140_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru].mkv_20100116_194105.jpg
File: 16] Naruto_Shippu...
Jpg, 34.65 KB, 1280×720
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16] Naruto_Shippuuden_140_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru].mkv_20100116_194244.jpg
File: 16] Naruto_Shippu...
Jpg, 43.13 KB, 1280×720
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16] Naruto_Shippuuden_140_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru].mkv_20100116_194308.jpg
File: 16] Naruto_Shippu...
Jpg, 49.80 KB, 1280×720
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16] Naruto_Shippuuden_140_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru].mkv_20100116_194543.jpg
File: 16] Naruto_Shippu...
Jpg, 38.96 KB, 1280×720
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16] Naruto_Shippuuden_141_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru].mkv_20100116_194755.jpg

Опять не рассчитал
>> No.285246 Reply
File: 16] Naruto_Shippu...
Jpg, 37.49 KB, 1280×720
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16] Naruto_Shippuuden_141_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru].mkv_20100116_195318.jpg
File: 16] Naruto_Shippu...
Jpg, 34.68 KB, 1280×720
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16] Naruto_Shippuuden_142_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru].mkv_20100116_200101.jpg
File: 16] Naruto_Shippu...
Jpg, 40.36 KB, 1280×720
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16] Naruto_Shippuuden_142_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru].mkv_20100116_200215.jpg
File: 16] Naruto_Shippu...
Jpg, 37.56 KB, 1280×720
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16] Naruto_Shippuuden_142_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru].mkv_20100116_200246.jpg
File: 16] Naruto_Shippu...
Jpg, 42.05 KB, 1280×720
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16] Naruto_Shippuuden_142_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru].mkv_20100116_200440.jpg

>> No.285249 Reply
File: 16] Naruto_Shippu...
Jpg, 58.48 KB, 1280×720
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16] Naruto_Shippuuden_142_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru].mkv_20100116_200533.jpg
File: 16] Naruto_Shippu...
Jpg, 42.93 KB, 1280×720
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16] Naruto_Shippuuden_141_[dima-l_&_torrents.ru].mkv_20100116_195428.jpg

>> No.285252 Reply
Блджать второй скрин зафейлил, лыба была вроде больше и четче, хотел обрезать пикчу. Лень переснимать, блеа.
>> No.285282 Reply
File: macro-я-грузин.png
Png, 364.34 KB, 1280×720
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File: macro-тред-наполн...
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File: macro-забухай.png
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>> No.285286 Reply
File: 1258209090598.jpg
Jpg, 33.49 KB, 266×266 - Click the image to expand
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ОП-пик навеял.
>> No.285300 Reply
File: macro-за-ооооооооооомск-32.jpg
Jpg, 35.10 KB, 600×338 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.285324 Reply
File: MotivationalPoster.jpg
Jpg, 27.35 KB, 600×479 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.285327 Reply
File: Cowboy_Bebop_TV_R...
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File: Cowboy_Bebop_TV_R...
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Вот! Наскринил с Бибопа
>> No.285340 Reply
Здесь ладно, из-за множества действий на экране никто не заметит КАЧЕСТВА, но тут то >>285172 >>285167 прямо крупным планом, ЗАЧЕМ? Даже изображая динамику, зачем так все искривлять?! Рукоять волной, руки как будто в детском саду нарисованы, лицорука.джэпэгэ.
>> No.285342 Reply
Дай-ка угадаю, это нарута чтоли?
>> No.285346 Reply
Зойчем спрашивать, это же нарута, уже ясно, что прорисовка, как у добра.
>> No.285445 Reply
Вторую серию гинтамы про кошаков и гориллу выкладывать? Серия доставила немного.
>> No.285450 Reply
File: snapshot201001080...
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Сделайте на эти три пикчи, все из одной серии. А то у меня ничего годного придумать не получается, увы мне.
>> No.285452 Reply
Одна серия Гинтамы у тебя равняется 3-м херовым пикчам? Уж с неё-то с каждой серии тонны и рож, и жестов и т.д. У самого валяется 521 пикча с 130-какой-то серии по арку с твоих пикч(не считая новых), в одном из паков с прошлого треда валяются.
>> No.285454 Reply
File: macro-какие-к-чертям-пруфы-я-тян.png
Png, 343.45 KB, 640×480 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.285456 Reply
File: 564654534.jpg
Jpg, 28.03 KB, 600×481 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.285457 Reply
File: macro-с-сарутахико.png
Png, 408.38 KB, 1280×720 - Click the image to expand
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Вам не понять.
>> No.285461 Reply
File: macro-мы-тяны.png
Png, 467.72 KB, 642×480 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.285462 Reply
File: macro-use-the-force-naruto.png
Png, 574.26 KB, 932×720 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.285464 Reply
File: macro-батя-одобряет.png
Png, 232.76 KB, 459×359 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.285466 Reply
File: 4645545.jpg
Jpg, 51.01 KB, 636×930 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.285483 Reply
Схоронил, жги исчо.
>> No.285502 Reply
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Jpg, 41.51 KB, 1280×720
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Jpg, 77.12 KB, 1280×720
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Jpg, 37.95 KB, 720×480
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Jpg, 43.61 KB, 720×480
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>> No.285503 Reply
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Jpg, 61.84 KB, 720×480
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Jpg, 72.71 KB, 720×480
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Jpg, 44.79 KB, 720×480
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Jpg, 54.11 KB, 720×480
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>> No.285538 Reply
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Jpg, 56.69 KB, 848×480
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Jpg, 69.72 KB, 848×480
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Jpg, 11.66 KB, 340×255
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Jpg, 41.94 KB, 383×512
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Jpg, 52.68 KB, 704×528
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>> No.285544 Reply
что это с юлей? она будто постарела на 20+ лет
>> No.285549 Reply
File: macro-so-ronery.png
Png, 154.25 KB, 340×255 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.285550 Reply
File: macro-бурятский-мультик.png
Png, 434.40 KB, 720×480 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.285551 Reply
File: трое репонцу.png
Png, 0.86 KB, 200×20 - Click the image to expand
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трое репонцу.png
Что это за серия?
>> No.285552 Reply
File: macro-от-такая-вот.png
Png, 402.95 KB, 640×480 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.285556 Reply
Можно ещё очевидное I see what you did there
>> No.285564 Reply
File: macro-wut.png
Png, 417.95 KB, 383×512 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.285568 Reply
File: snapshot20100117044056.jpg
Jpg, 77.12 KB, 1280×720 - Click the image to expand
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Откуда эта тян?
>> No.285573 Reply
Вроде медсестра из хигурашей.
(не -502 кун)
>> No.285575 Reply
File: macro-do-not-want.png
Png, 333.45 KB, 593×480 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.285578 Reply
File: 0_40f0d_a05c1e48_...
Jpeg, 39.51 KB, 296×404
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Jpg, 126.33 KB, 549×550
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File: питрасян недоволе...
Jpg, 126.19 KB, 800×542
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питрасян недоволен.jpg
File: 1256835089260.jpg
Jpg, 69.93 KB, 480×640
Your censorship settings forbid this file.
File: 27186-175349-5c51...
Jpg, 48.16 KB, 450×300
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Про старину Вагиныча забыли?
>> No.285587 Reply
File: macro-смешно-тут-у-вас.png
Png, 226.40 KB, 296×404 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.285588 Reply
File: macro-i-can-t-fap...
Png, 235.89 KB, 826×481
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File: macro-i-see-wut-u...
Png, 207.42 KB, 512×384
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File: macro-make-me-uns...
Png, 286.29 KB, 695×615
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File: macro-want.png
Png, 351.58 KB, 720×480
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File: 126372132289754.png
Png, 173.09 KB, 450×388
Your censorship settings forbid this file.

>> No.285589 Reply
Обычно хватает и просто пика с Петросяном.
спасибо, кстати
>> No.285596 Reply
File: macro-ненавижу-когда-воруют-мои-шутки.png
Png, 605.21 KB, 774×517 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.285597 Reply
Малаца, хорошо зделал.
>> No.285598 Reply
File: 1263722990359.png
Png, 1.01 KB, 200×20 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
"Хотеть" сюда больше подходит
капча приказывает
>> No.285606 Reply
Если ты про первые две пикчи - первая серия Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Rei
>> No.285607 Reply
File: 12636372718875.jpg
Jpg, 48.79 KB, 573×260
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Jpg, 27.08 KB, 534×299
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Png, 669.45 KB, 357×475
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Jpg, 22.56 KB, 604×251
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>> No.285615 Reply
File: macro-make-me-uns...
Png, 108.46 KB, 268×260
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Png, 204.25 KB, 390×299
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Png, 212.17 KB, 357×328
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Png, 155.83 KB, 367×251
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>> No.285619 Reply
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Jpg, 78.18 KB, 534×299
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Jpg, 72.14 KB, 600×250
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мой сраный мэдскилз. спешил, делал в пэйнте.
надеюсь, что идею передал.

>> No.285621 Reply

4-я абсолютли YOBA форс. Крузис+Оватор.
>> No.285625 Reply
File: snapshot201001171...
Jpg, 69.59 KB, 704×384
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>> No.285626 Reply
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>> No.285629 Reply
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Jpg, 51.22 KB, 704×400
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Jpg, 55.40 KB, 704×400
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Jpg, 36.47 KB, 704×400
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>> No.285640 Reply
File: macro-ты-—-тролль.png
Png, 363.86 KB, 400×574 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.285642 Reply
File: macro-олололо.png
Png, 375.52 KB, 704×384 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.285645 Reply
File: macro-в-кино-на-фуррей.png
Png, 199.92 KB, 573×260 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.285647 Reply
File: snapshot201001171...
Jpg, 60.61 KB, 1280×720
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Jpg, 36.73 KB, 1280×720
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Jpg, 54.44 KB, 1280×720
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Jpg, 36.67 KB, 1280×720
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Jpg, 53.44 KB, 1280×720
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>> No.285649 Reply
File: macro-черная-шароебина.png
Png, 340.49 KB, 704×396 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.285650 Reply
File: macro-linux.png
Png, 159.63 KB, 704×396 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.285660 Reply
File: 1252590864513.jpg
Jpg, 140.94 KB, 720×647 - Click the image to expand
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%%Пиздец, как же заебали твои петросянские макросы. Как ты не поймёшь, что текст должен быть чётким и острым как бритва, а пикча должна идеально подходить под текст, а не взяли рандомный скрин и придумали смишняффку, или взяли несвежий мем и прилепили на симпатишную картинку. Впечатление такое, словно восторженное школоло открыло для себя борды. Собственно мне похуй, я скрываю такие ракотреды, но это уже четвёртый, поэтому решил немножко приоткрыть тебе глаза, на реальное положение дел, раз никто этого до сих пор не сделал.
Алсо ответ мне можешь не строчить, скрываю.%%
>> No.285661 Reply
И он так и не узнает, что спойлер не сработал...
>> No.285664 Reply
Айрорудо. Мне одному кажется, что здесь нужен демотиватор?
>> No.285665 Reply
File: vlcsnap-00008.jpg
Jpg, 49.48 KB, 1280×720
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Jpg, 36.63 KB, 1280×720
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Jpg, 43.78 KB, 1280×720
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Jpg, 53.79 KB, 1280×720
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Jpg, 43.83 KB, 1280×720
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>> No.285667 Reply
Господа, будьте любезны не выкладывать ваше любимое няфное и коффайное ониме в HD-разрешении. С уважением.
>> No.285668 Reply
Щито за онеме?
>> No.285673 Reply
File: vlcsnap-00019.jpg
Jpg, 26.33 KB, 640×360
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Jpg, 31.58 KB, 640×360
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Jpg, 22.04 KB, 640×360
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Jpg, 28.07 KB, 640×360
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Jpg, 14.25 KB, 640×360
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Michiko to Hatchin
>> No.285676 Reply
>> No.285677 Reply
File: 17.01.jpg
Jpg, 97.47 KB, 880×662 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.285679 Reply
File: macro-cool-story-b-ro.png
Png, 351.19 KB, 640×360 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.285683 Reply
Ну твой пикрелейтед что-то взаимоисключает текст, Тёма.
>> No.285684 Reply
>> No.285686 Reply
File: vlcsnap-00019.jpg
Jpg, 35.21 KB, 640×360 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.285690 Reply
> Как ты не поймёшь, что текст должен быть чётким и острым как бритва, а пикча должна идеально подходить под текст
Ну так действуй, хуле. Покажи же как надо, ты же элитный олдфаг, а вокруг один тупой рак.
> Несвежий мем
Ржали всей библиотекой.
> прилепили на симпатишную картинку.
> а не взяли рандомный скрин и придумали смишняффку
Демотиваротион.ру в другой стороне.
> Впечатление такое, словно восторженное школоло открыло для себя борды. Собственно мне похуй, я скрываю такие ракотреды, но это уже четвёртый, поэтому решил немножко приоткрыть тебе глаза, на реальное положение дел, раз никто этого до сих пор не сделал.
Олдфаг такой олдфаг. Добра тебе.
>> No.285691 Reply
MAH EYES!! Это фотошоп или скрин? Ужасные насИкомые.
>> No.285694 Reply
File: 01.jpg
Jpg, 48.68 KB, 642×482
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Jpg, 32.84 KB, 642×482
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Jpg, 74.57 KB, 642×482
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>> No.285697 Reply
Это скрины, вот такое оно онимэ.
>> No.285699 Reply
3 с песчаной крысы?! Моар же.
>> No.285719 Reply
File: vlcsnap-00026.jpg
Jpg, 22.39 KB, 640×360
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Jpg, 15.05 KB, 640×360
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Jpg, 33.26 KB, 704×396
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Jpg, 27.40 KB, 704×396
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Jpg, 46.17 KB, 640×480
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>> No.285722 Reply
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Jpg, 50.29 KB, 512×384
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Jpg, 46.65 KB, 512×384
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Jpg, 18.62 KB, 512×384
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Jpg, 43.03 KB, 512×384
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>> No.285729 Reply
File: 001.jpg
Jpg, 61.71 KB, 644×484
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Jpg, 40.10 KB, 644×484
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Jpg, 29.98 KB, 644×484
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Jpg, 24.88 KB, 644×484
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Jpg, 54.57 KB, 644×484
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>> No.285734 Reply
а соус анимы?
>> No.285739 Reply
О! У кого есть, доставьте гифки где Сунабозу мацает сиське этой фиолетоволосой, пожалуйста.
>> No.285745 Reply
File: macro-come-on.png
Png, 254.93 KB, 642×482
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File: macro-уходи.png
Png, 381.85 KB, 642×482
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File: macro-хотетьwantх...
Png, 566.19 KB, 642×482
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>> No.285746 Reply
Серия у меня есть, но чем гифку сделать?
>> No.285747 Reply

285625 - "Air"
>> No.285750 Reply
File: ff7c2b7a.jpg
Jpg, 55.80 KB, 604×339 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

Да ты же быдло! Самое красивое аниме, а Мисузу - богиня!
>> No.285754 Reply
File: 5.jpg
Jpg, 187.96 KB, 768×579 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.285755 Reply
Стало быть жуков любите?
>> No.285759 Reply
File: 1263733419100.png
Png, 1.07 KB, 200×20 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Любым софтом для композитинга (теми же афтереффектами), или дубом. А вообще, пикрелейтед.
>> No.285773 Reply
File: snapshot201001171...
Jpg, 45.54 KB, 768×432
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Jpg, 34.79 KB, 768×432
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Jpg, 42.67 KB, 768×432
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File: snapshot201001171...
Jpg, 25.12 KB, 768×432
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>> No.285781 Reply
File: kanon-fighting.jpg
Jpg, 66.46 KB, 664×386 - Click the image to expand
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Здесь явно не хватает контента из растровых редакторов.
>> No.285785 Reply
Он её мацал раза 2-3 раза за сериал, гифки уже встречал как-то. Думал у тебя есть, но можешь не парится... Хотя >>285759 посоветуй прог на счет гифа:
-Конверт видео в gif,
-Редактирование гифов(ручное, фильтры, эффекты)
-Ну и прогу просмотра множества гифов сразу(и для поиска в хламе, и для фапа ;3)
Буду очень признателен. Смогу сделать гифов с пары хентайчиков, ну и с аним.
>> No.285794 Reply
Давно на каком-то форуме болталась прога VideoAvatar. Там из видео можно делать, никогда не догадаешься, аватарки в *.gif
Выбрать фрагмент кадра, временной отрезок, цикл и всё такое. Только платная. А на счёт AE он правильно советует, очень увлекательно, но непонятно :3
>> No.285817 Reply
File: snapshot201001171...
Jpg, 41.16 KB, 704×384
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Jpg, 48.92 KB, 704×400
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Jpg, 44.14 KB, 704×400
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File: snapshot201001171...
Jpg, 49.88 KB, 704×400
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>> No.285826 Reply
File: macro--am-i-cute.png
Png, 326.65 KB, 704×400
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File: Капча.png
Png, 0.94 KB, 200×20
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>> No.285838 Reply
File: macro-мощный-фап.png
Png, 304.53 KB, 768×432 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.285842 Reply
File: macro-свали-из-треда.png
Png, 333.01 KB, 704×400 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.285861 Reply
File: 1.jpg
Jpg, 43.04 KB, 720×480
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Jpg, 56.37 KB, 720×480
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File: 6.jpg
Jpg, 48.32 KB, 720×480
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ай лолд!
>> No.285873 Reply
File: 3.jpg
Jpg, 25.98 KB, 512×368
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Jpg, 35.73 KB, 512×368
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Jpg, 30.02 KB, 512×368
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Jpg, 33.53 KB, 512×368
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>> No.285875 Reply
>> No.285876 Reply
File: macro-too-fat.png
Png, 196.02 KB, 512×368 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.285878 Reply
File: macro-i-see-wut-u-did-there.png
Png, 210.02 KB, 512×368 - Click the image to expand
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К подобным пикчам подходит, имхо, только это :3
>> No.285880 Reply
File: macro-да-ты-что-а-не-пиздишь.png
Png, 251.31 KB, 512×368 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.285883 Reply
File: macro-it-s-rape-time.png
Png, 205.09 KB, 512×368 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.285895 Reply
File: naruto_vol.49_ch.454_p.02-0.png
Png, 321.24 KB, 1500×1100 - Click the image to expand
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Вырежьте толстяка, пжлст.
>> No.285897 Reply
File: й.jpg
Jpg, 29.84 KB, 672×368
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Jpg, 42.81 KB, 672×368
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Jpg, 47.15 KB, 688×496
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Jpg, 32.93 KB, 688×496
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Jpg, 39.34 KB, 688×496
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>> No.285915 Reply
File: а.jpg
Jpg, 32.39 KB, 576×432
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Jpg, 31.61 KB, 576×432
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Jpg, 35.08 KB, 576×432
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File: г.jpg
Jpg, 23.88 KB, 512×384
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>> No.285921 Reply
File: macro-вы-же-тут-все-ебанулись.png
Png, 278.36 KB, 512×368 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.285928 Reply
File: macro-поешь-добра.png
Png, 279.93 KB, 576×432 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.285944 Reply
File: macro-listen-to-me-son.png
Png, 358.75 KB, 688×496 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.286044 Reply
File: macro-один-укол.png
Png, 454.34 KB, 1280×720 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.286047 Reply
СОУС, молю!
>> No.286049 Reply
File: 1252425031972.jpg
Jpg, 104.71 KB, 1280×720
Your censorship settings forbid this file.
Boku no Higurashi ni Kai
>> No.286051 Reply
Boku no Higurashi ni Rei
>> No.286053 Reply
File: bscap1606.jpg
Jpg, 119.94 KB, 1280×720 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Ну да, овашка же
>> No.286054 Reply
Что-то я такого найти не могу.
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai это что ли?
>> No.286055 Reply
File: 1263725473718.jpg
Jpg, 199.53 KB, 1280×720 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.286058 Reply
File: macro-do-want.png
Png, 552.91 KB, 1280×720 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.286061 Reply
Классная девочка
>> No.286064 Reply
File: macro-лопата.png
Png, 327.58 KB, 704×480 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.286069 Reply
File: macro-я-знаю-где-ты-живёшь.png
Png, 635.11 KB, 1280×720 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.286071 Reply
File: macro-tits-or-gtfo.png
Png, 734.31 KB, 1280×720 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.286072 Reply
File: macro-ты-крыса-кун.png
Png, 252.48 KB, 640×480 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.286074 Reply
File: macro-do-it-faggot.png
Png, 309.19 KB, 512×384 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.286082 Reply
File: macro-напуган.png
Png, 386.66 KB, 1280×720 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.286098 Reply
File: macro-не-веришь-в...
Png, 685.17 KB, 1280×720
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File: macro-да-ты-ж-упо...
Png, 429.22 KB, 640×480
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File: macro-я-трахал-ка...
Png, 635.70 KB, 1280×720
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Какие то злые макросы получились
>> No.286107 Reply
Во-первых, Уилсон- онколог, и тогда уж не AIDS (СПИД), а CANCER(РАК)).
Во-вторых, Хаус трахал Кадди под викодином, а точнее у него были галлюцинации.
>> No.286126 Reply
Соус! Это ведь не Air
>> No.286128 Reply
>> No.286138 Reply
Kanon 2006, если быть совсем точным
>> No.286147 Reply
File: macro-oh-hi.png
Png, 227.64 KB, 704×396 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.286851 Reply
>> No.286887 Reply
Отличный мультфильм кстати
>> No.286892 Reply
>> No.286893 Reply
File: 1263797721244.png
Png, 0.91 KB, 200×20 - Click the image to expand
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и да он таки не трахал Кадди
>> No.286896 Reply
File: macro-подходи-буржуй.png
Png, 379.18 KB, 704×384 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Петросян моде
>> No.286996 Reply
File: macro-please-plea...
Png, 385.43 KB, 704×396
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File: macro-прежде-чем-...
Png, 404.88 KB, 720×480
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File: macro-нищеброд-де...
Png, 345.05 KB, 512×384
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File: macro-а-пойдём-ко...
Png, 335.62 KB, 768×432
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File: macro-butthert.png
Png, 304.11 KB, 688×496
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

Что-то хунта какая-то выходит
>> No.287000 Reply
File: 6745645454.jpg
Jpg, 44.55 KB, 640×480
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File: macro-ого-да-оно-...
Png, 297.30 KB, 640×480
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>> No.287017 Reply
File: [Leopard-Raws] To...
Jpg, 71.63 KB, 1280×720
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[Leopard-Raws] Toradora! - 23 RAW (D-TX 1280x720 x264 AAC)[12-56-53].JPG
File: [Leopard-Raws] To...
Jpg, 101.74 KB, 1280×720
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[Leopard-Raws] Toradora! - 23 RAW (D-TX 1280x720 x264 AAC)[13-36-52].JPG
File: [Leopard-Raws] To...
Jpg, 77.53 KB, 1280×720
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[Leopard-Raws] Toradora! - 23 RAW (D-TX 1280x720 x264 AAC)[13-44-44].JPG
File: Toradora!ep16[15-...
Jpg, 42.80 KB, 826×454
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File: [Leopard-Raws] To...
Jpg, 104.77 KB, 1280×720
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[Leopard-Raws] Toradora! - 24 RAW (TX 1280x720 x264 AAC)[00-04-04].JPG

>> No.287021 Reply
File: Tenshi ni Narumon...
Jpg, 48.68 KB, 640×480
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Tenshi ni Narumon 02 [R2-rip][(012248)14-46-24].JPG
File: Tenshi ni Narumon...
Jpg, 46.90 KB, 640×480
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Tenshi ni Narumon 04 [R2-rip][(005812)18-55-38].JPG
File: Tenshi ni Narumon...
Jpg, 56.73 KB, 640×480
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Tenshi ni Narumon 04 [R2-rip][(020250)19-05-40].JPG
File: 1244571550966.jpg
Jpg, 63.50 KB, 640×480
Your censorship settings forbid this file.
File: Tenshi ni Narumon...
Jpg, 48.33 KB, 640×480
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Tenshi ni Narumon 04 [R2-rip][(012149)19-00-02].JPG

>> No.287025 Reply
File: 13413432453456467...
Jpg, 43.91 KB, 640×480
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File: [M777]Konjiki_no_...
Jpg, 44.32 KB, 640×480
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File: Konjiki_no_Gash_B...
Jpg, 65.48 KB, 640×480
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File: [M777]Konjiki_no_...
Jpg, 44.34 KB, 640×480
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File: Konjiki_no_Gash_B...
Jpg, 51.42 KB, 640×480
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>> No.287027 Reply
File: Penguin_05_[Lisek...
Jpg, 82.11 KB, 854×480
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File: Penguin_06_[Lisek...
Jpg, 68.60 KB, 854×480
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File: Penguin_10_[Lisek...
Jpg, 64.12 KB, 854×480
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File: Penguin_09_[Lisek...
Jpg, 73.85 KB, 854×480
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File: Penguin_11_[Lisek...
Jpg, 49.79 KB, 854×480
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>> No.287030 Reply
File: Skip Beat! - 03[0...
Jpg, 67.13 KB, 872×474
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Skip Beat! - 03[03-03-20].JPG
File: [Crustyroll]Skip ...
Jpg, 80.39 KB, 820×466
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[Crustyroll]Skip Beat - 19 [1280x720][h264][00-58-47].JPG
File: [Leopard-Raws] Sk...
Jpg, 93.64 KB, 1280×720
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[Leopard-Raws] Skip Beat! - 23 RAW (D-TX 1280x720 x264)[15-07-30].JPG
File: [Leopard-Raws] Sk...
Jpg, 68.87 KB, 1280×720
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[Leopard-Raws] Skip Beat! - 25 RAW (D-TX 1280x720 x264)[00-06-01].JPG
File: Skip Beat! - 16[2...
Jpg, 116.86 KB, 938×512
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Skip Beat! - 16[23-10-43].JPG

>> No.287038 Reply
File: Kekkaishi 41[16-2...
Jpg, 58.53 KB, 864×480
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Kekkaishi 41[16-25-58].JPG
File: Kekkaishi 24[01-0...
Jpg, 43.18 KB, 864×480
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Kekkaishi 24[01-00-17].JPG
File: Kekkaishi 41[16-2...
Jpg, 50.25 KB, 864×480
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Kekkaishi 41[16-25-18].JPG
File: Kekkaishi 50[(028...
Jpg, 32.94 KB, 864×480
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Kekkaishi 50[(028724)22-37-12].JPG
File: Kekkaishi 41[16-1...
Jpg, 68.69 KB, 864×480
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Kekkaishi 41[16-15-47].JPG

>> No.287043 Reply
File: Macross_Frontier_...
Jpg, 91.04 KB, 1280×720
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File: Macross_Frontier_...
Jpg, 98.96 KB, 1280×720
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File: Macross_Frontier_...
Jpg, 101.09 KB, 1280×720
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File: Macross_Frontier_...
Jpg, 89.21 KB, 1280×720
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File: Macross_Frontier_...
Jpg, 96.64 KB, 1280×720
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Ну всё, зачехляю паки.
>> No.287055 Reply
File: macro-raaage.png
Png, 341.91 KB, 640×480 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.287062 Reply

После таких пикчей начинаешь понимать, что фраза: "Аниме- говно" иногда бывает права.
>> No.287073 Reply
Кто говно, ты говно, епт.
А чо это за аниме с пародией на Шинку?
>> No.287074 Reply
File: 1263673760354.jpg
Jpg, 6.33 KB, 188×200 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Только ньюфаги и упоротые задроты, наверное, не знают, что аниму говно, но всем на это пофиг.
>> No.287091 Reply
File: original-na-xuj-eto-vooon-tuda.jpg
Jpg, 53.78 KB, 500×478 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Идите на хуй! Вы - тиречевское быдло, и не достаточно добры
>> No.287109 Reply
Иногда японцы делают редкостное говнище, но гайдзины хавают и довольно похрюкивают.
>> No.287112 Reply
Еще бы! Гайдзины-то знают, что неважно, что думали японцы, когда делали эту ерунду.
>> No.287155 Reply
File: macro-anal-rape-1...
Png, 338.21 KB, 640×480
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File: macro-жди-сука-на...
Png, 356.56 KB, 640×480
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File: macro-ах-ты-ж.png
Png, 351.19 KB, 640×480
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>> No.287157 Reply
File: macro-ви-гойвогит...
Png, 512.38 KB, 1110×720
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File: macro-иди-сюда-мо...
Png, 508.98 KB, 809×480
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File: macro-хватит-слуш...
Png, 188.15 KB, 498×384
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File: macro-в-попке-све...
Png, 383.95 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

Ну вроде не самое банальное
>> No.287161 Reply
File: Секрет_такой_секр...
Png, 238.00 KB, 600×404
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File: Battlefield_1918.jpg
Jpg, 155.36 KB, 800×600
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>> No.287162 Reply
File: macro-а-власти.png
Png, 328.09 KB, 600×404 - Click the image to expand
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Ужос то...
>> No.287163 Reply
File: macro-набегъ.png
Png, 902.06 KB, 800×600 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.287166 Reply
File: macro-набигатъ.png
Png, 895.86 KB, 800×600 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.287172 Reply
File: macro-наркоман-штоле-сука.png
Png, 676.32 KB, 1280×720 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.287175 Reply
File: macro-наркоман-штоле-сука.png
Png, 983.02 KB, 1280×720 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.287178 Reply
File: macro-наркоман-штоле-сука.png
Png, 422.06 KB, 640×480 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.287182 Reply
File: macro-наркоман-штоле-сука.png
Png, 396.48 KB, 640×480 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.287183 Reply
File: macro-наркоман-штоле-сука.png
Png, 410.00 KB, 640×480 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.287187 Reply
File: macro-наркоман-штоле-сука.png
Png, 573.19 KB, 640×480 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.287188 Reply
А другие фразу, кроме "наркоман штоле сука?" знаешь?
>> No.287190 Reply
Старо, уныло, не смешно.
>> No.287191 Reply
> другие

>> No.287216 Reply
File: macro-наркоман-штоле-сука.png
Png, 304.01 KB, 663×720 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.287220 Reply
Евгений Ваганыч, ну что же вы?
>> No.287229 Reply
File: macro-ты-наркоман-штоле-сука.png
Png, 515.02 KB, 640×423 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.287455 Reply
File: [Henshin]_Denpa_T...
Jpg, 46.93 KB, 856×480
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File: [Henshin]_Denpa_T...
Jpg, 33.14 KB, 856×480
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File: [Henshin]_Denpa_T...
Jpg, 62.90 KB, 856×480
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File: [Henshin]_Denpa_T...
Jpg, 49.06 KB, 856×480
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File: [Henshin]_Denpa_T...
Jpg, 29.52 KB, 856×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

Penguin Musume Heart
Уныленькая няшная жевачка, от уныленькой студии

Пики анрилейтед
>> No.287461 Reply
File: sweet.jpg
Jpg, 59.28 KB, 637×470
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File: sweet army.jpg
Jpg, 58.65 KB, 450×680
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
sweet army.jpg

Навеяно соседним няшко-тредом:
>> No.287474 Reply
File: macro-попизди-мне.png
Png, 398.91 KB, 567×453 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.287514 Reply
File: macro-smile-mathe...
Png, 290.69 KB, 720×480
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File: macro-воот-такой-...
Png, 281.77 KB, 720×480
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File: macro-боженька-уб...
Png, 269.32 KB, 720×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

немного хуиты
>> No.287517 Reply
а) Ты быдло - mOtherfucker
б) соус первой ки второй картинок?
>> No.287519 Reply
И третьей тоже. :3
>> No.287522 Reply
Овашки хеллсинга. Алсо, третья тоже оттуда.
>> No.287525 Reply
File: 126385113743971.jpg
Jpg, 79.64 KB, 657×900 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
> Навеяно соседним няшко-тредом:
во второй пониже подпись сделай, так не смотрится
>> No.287526 Reply
И он еще быдло? Бескультурье, ОВА Хеллсинг же.
>> No.287528 Reply
Я быдлоанимешник - почувствуй разницу.
Да и я же с добром это сказал.:3
>> No.287545 Reply
File: Kenichi - 02 - (D...
Jpg, 60.81 KB, 640×480
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Kenichi - 02 - (DVDrip,720x480,AVC,AAC) [aniboters][(003490)23-37-44].JPG
File: Kenichi - 03 - (D...
Jpg, 55.20 KB, 640×480
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Kenichi - 03 - (DVDrip,720x480,AVC,AAC) [aniboters][(017481)00-08-22].JPG
File: Kenichi - 02 - (D...
Jpg, 54.38 KB, 640×480
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Kenichi - 02 - (DVDrip,720x480,AVC,AAC) [aniboters][(019587)23-48-58].JPG
File: Kenichi - 03 - (D...
Jpg, 33.92 KB, 640×480
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Kenichi - 03 - (DVDrip,720x480,AVC,AAC) [aniboters][(004789)23-59-32].JPG
File: Kenichi - 01 - (D...
Jpg, 77.75 KB, 631×1212
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Kenichi - 01 - (DVDrip,720x480,AVC,AAC) [aniboters][(014883)23-18-51].JPG

>> No.287549 Reply
File: motivator-мопед-не-мой.png
Png, 845.10 KB, 710×546 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
тестовый вброс хуиты
>> No.287550 Reply
File: 47a072e34f12.jpg
Jpg, 83.99 KB, 640×598 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.287552 Reply
File: macro-сука.png
Png, 477.39 KB, 1280×720 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.287554 Reply
File: macro-щито-7.png
Png, 654.96 KB, 640×598 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
> Напоминаю, макросы и демы можно делать прямо на доброче, нажав рядом с пикчей на кнопку Edit.
>> No.287561 Reply
Кстати, я вижу, что скриптец добрача увеличивает размер пикчи после добавления на неё простого слова примерно кратно 8, вот это реально былинный отказ, ё-моё. :(

Ах да, sfx
>> No.287563 Reply
Он просто переводит ее в png. Это неудачный формат для фотографий.
>> No.287570 Reply

Ну, тут всяко бывает, когда-то лучше пнг, когда-то джипег. Прозреваю, что Мод-тян добрача есть красноглазик и невозбранно фапает на пнг, и это, в целом, простительно. Я же впредь буду делать всякие демотиваторы и проч. фотошопом, со своими нестандартными шрифтами да, я против уравниловки, рамками и т.п. и оптимизировать результат под наименьший размер — не все тут на жирных интернетах сидят же.
>> No.287598 Reply
File: молодец.jpg
Jpg, 66.69 KB, 496×333 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.287700 Reply
File: macro-неси-добро-быдло.png
Png, 468.98 KB, 640×480 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.287722 Reply
File: Cowboy_Bebop_TV_R...
Png, 385.26 KB, 640×480
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File: Cowboy_Bebop_TV_R...
Png, 379.82 KB, 640×480
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File: Cowboy_Bebop_TV_R...
Png, 346.84 KB, 640×480
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File: Cowboy_Bebop_TV_R...
Png, 420.57 KB, 640×480
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>> No.287781 Reply
>> No.287788 Reply
File: macro-кто-ковбой-ты-ковбой-ёпт.png
Png, 481.47 KB, 640×480 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.287790 Reply
File: коржаков.jpg
Jpg, 10.55 KB, 340×255 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.287795 Reply
File: l1048753240.jpg
Jpg, 28.90 KB, 280×359
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File: l1048753241.jpg
Jpg, 77.98 KB, 280×359
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>> No.287798 Reply
File: macro-небось-дрочишь.png
Png, 142.05 KB, 340×255 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.287899 Reply
File: износ2.jpg
Jpg, 46.21 KB, 365×480 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.287932 Reply
File: synmonoplane.jpg
Jpg, 26.85 KB, 600×338 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.287970 Reply
File: 66be9e36952aebc9e...
Jpg, 242.83 KB, 1600×2400
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File: 66be9e36952aebc9e...
Jpg, 86.21 KB, 841×774
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File: 1240082221751.gif
Gif, 2.55 KB, 194×159
Your censorship settings forbid this file.

Кто-нибудь ещё видел кулфейс ирл?
>> No.287977 Reply
File: Цой троллфейс.jpg
Jpg, 21.55 KB, 262×319 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Цой троллфейс.jpg
> кулфейс ирл?
>> No.287986 Reply
File: macro-problem-icarus.png
Png, 166.46 KB, 262×319 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.287993 Reply
Мне бы стоило отсосать у тебя за этот макрос
>> No.288000 Reply
File: screen1.png
Png, 206.14 KB, 800×640 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.288003 Reply
>> No.288008 Reply
File: f544e6c8d1159f8779f347331becef3d.jpg
Jpg, 45.49 KB, 720×480 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Не дам!
>> No.288091 Reply
File: snapshot_1.jpg
Jpg, 295.94 KB, 720×720
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File: snapshot_3.jpg
Jpg, 406.10 KB, 720×720
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Jpg, 332.85 KB, 713×713
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Jpg, 275.55 KB, 720×720
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File: snapshot_6.jpg
Jpg, 335.96 KB, 720×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

Смотрю Соул Итер, просто кладезь для макро.
>> No.288093 Reply
File: 125462130695629.jpg
Jpg, 22.13 KB, 704×400
Your censorship settings forbid this file.
Ты СОВСЕМ не то скринишь.
>> No.288094 Reply
Там можно скринить всё подряд.
>> No.288099 Reply
File: 1256456709629.jpg
Jpg, 88.55 KB, 720×576
Your censorship settings forbid this file.
>> No.288103 Reply
   Так и вижу там кубу77
>> No.288106 Reply
File: macro-time-to-stop-posting.png
Png, 626.78 KB, 720×720 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.288108 Reply
File: snapshot_7.jpg
Jpg, 285.97 KB, 720×720 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Ах тыж ебаный ты нахуй, Златоуст ™ ты наш всезнающий...
>> No.288111 Reply
File: macro-куба77.png
Png, 743.51 KB, 720×720 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.288114 Reply
File: macro-куба77.png
Png, 1068.08 KB, 720×720 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.288115 Reply
File: macro-куба77.png
Png, 881.44 KB, 720×720 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.288124 Reply
Хватит пятерками, моар же! В ДужеЖрателе дохера годных фейсов и жестов.
>> No.288127 Reply
File: snapshot_8.jpg
Jpg, 243.00 KB, 719×719
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File: snapshot_9.jpg
Jpg, 318.90 KB, 716×716
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

Пока я посмотрела всего несколько серий, по мере обнаружения буду выкладывать и да вот еще парочка О_о
>> No.288130 Reply
File: macro-ты-почему-т...
Png, 585.91 KB, 820×466
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File: macro-i-want-to-t...
Png, 518.23 KB, 854×480
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File: macro-извини-бро-...
Png, 498.15 KB, 854×480
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>> No.288133 Reply
File: macro_наркоман_шт...
Jpg, 32.93 KB, 439×400
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File: macro_fffuuu_01.jpg
Jpg, 52.93 KB, 609×394
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Jpg, 54.01 KB, 453×453
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File: macro_спасибо_нах...
Jpg, 53.69 KB, 520×520
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>> No.288136 Reply
File: macro_omgwtf.jpg
Jpg, 39.19 KB, 620×434
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: macro_ах_ты_ж.jpg
Jpg, 42.40 KB, 620×434
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>> No.288155 Reply
File: macro-ммммммммм.png
Png, 306.30 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: macro-годная-теор...
Png, 545.49 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

Не обращайте внимания
>> No.288234 Reply
File: macro_notthisshit...
Jpg, 51.75 KB, 499×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: macro_sudenbuttse...
Jpg, 57.15 KB, 764×398
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File: macro_tellmemore.jpg
Jpg, 40.95 KB, 497×358
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File: macro_няша.jpg
Jpg, 42.85 KB, 497×358
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File: macro_ахтыж.jpg
Jpg, 59.15 KB, 604×396
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>> No.288235 Reply
File: macro_всемдобра.jpg
Jpg, 45.93 KB, 640×360
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File: macro_добрее.jpg
Jpg, 47.48 KB, 640×480
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File: macro_доброеутро.jpg
Jpg, 46.00 KB, 612×343
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File: macro_забратьдомо...
Jpg, 45.78 KB, 660×421
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File: macro_идисюданяша...
Jpg, 67.27 KB, 800×433
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>> No.288238 Reply
>> No.288239 Reply
File: macro_моарбыстра.jpg
Jpg, 69.78 KB, 673×450
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File: macro_нанахепта.jpg
Jpg, 75.33 KB, 800×449
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File: macro_небесаотвер...
Jpg, 42.15 KB, 512×381
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File: macro_неной.jpg
Jpg, 66.35 KB, 640×465
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File: macro_охнеты.jpg
Jpg, 32.89 KB, 400×440
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>> No.288244 Reply
File: macro_покормите.jpg
Jpg, 70.71 KB, 614×382
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File: macro_продолжай.jpg
Jpg, 76.77 KB, 621×425
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File: macro_пройдёмте.jpg
Jpg, 66.20 KB, 640×480
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File: macro_слышработат...
Jpg, 64.72 KB, 800×446
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File: macro_щито.jpg
Jpg, 45.99 KB, 492×384
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

Detroit metall city
>> No.288254 Reply
File: 126392505641673.jpg
Jpg, 100.26 KB, 640×480
Your censorship settings forbid this file.
>> No.288265 Reply
File: FMPanic__The_Seco...
Jpg, 72.57 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: FMPanic__The_Seco...
Jpg, 71.93 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: Haibane_Renmei_[0...
Jpg, 54.35 KB, 1280×720
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File: Haibane_Renmei_[0...
Jpg, 61.45 KB, 1280×720
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File: Haibane_Renmei_[0...
Jpg, 64.41 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

>> No.288270 Reply
Соус предпоследней в студиюпохоже на эксель сагу
>> No.288273 Reply
В >>288244 посте третья оттуда же.
>> No.288278 Reply
File: Genmukan.cd1.DVDR...
Jpg, 56.29 KB, 1280×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: Elfina_-_1_-_Disg...
Jpg, 28.42 KB, 640×480
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>> No.288283 Reply
File: macro-сдохни-неймфаг.png
Png, 237.38 KB, 512×384 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Соус обоих пикч же.

Пик анрилейтед
>> No.288290 Reply
File: e30_0.jpg
Jpg, 240.24 KB, 800×600 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Первая - Genmukan
>> No.288410 Reply
Великолепно, сирсли. Схоронил чуть менее, чем все. Продолжайте, прошу же.
>> No.288413 Reply
File: 2] The.Big.Bang.T...
Jpg, 25.23 KB, 640×362
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
2] The.Big.Bang.Theory.S03E13.The.Bozeman.Reaction.HDTV.XviD-2HD.avi_20100119_212704.jpg
File: 2] The.Big.Bang.T...
Jpg, 22.06 KB, 640×362
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
2] The.Big.Bang.Theory.S03E13.The.Bozeman.Reaction.HDTV.XviD-2HD.avi_20100119_213110.jpg
File: 2] The.Big.Bang.T...
Jpg, 14.55 KB, 640×362
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
2] The.Big.Bang.Theory.S03E13.The.Bozeman.Reaction.HDTV.XviD-2HD.avi_20100119_213327.jpg
File: 2] The.Big.Bang.T...
Jpg, 17.87 KB, 640×362
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
2] The.Big.Bang.Theory.S03E13.The.Bozeman.Reaction.HDTV.XviD-2HD.avi_20100119_213336.jpg
File: 2] The.Big.Bang.T...
Jpg, 19.57 KB, 640×362
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
2] The.Big.Bang.Theory.S03E13.The.Bozeman.Reaction.HDTV.XviD-2HD.avi_20100119_213347.jpg

>> No.288417 Reply
File: 2] The.Big.Bang.T...
Jpg, 21.42 KB, 640×362
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
2] The.Big.Bang.Theory.S03E13.The.Bozeman.Reaction.HDTV.XviD-2HD.avi_20100119_213354.jpg
File: 2] The.Big.Bang.T...
Jpg, 23.83 KB, 640×362
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
2] The.Big.Bang.Theory.S03E13.The.Bozeman.Reaction.HDTV.XviD-2HD.avi_20100119_213401.jpg
File: 2] The.Big.Bang.T...
Jpg, 9.55 KB, 640×362
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
2] The.Big.Bang.Theory.S03E13.The.Bozeman.Reaction.HDTV.XviD-2HD.avi_20100119_213431.jpg
File: 2] The.Big.Bang.T...
Jpg, 16.39 KB, 640×362
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
2] The.Big.Bang.Theory.S03E13.The.Bozeman.Reaction.HDTV.XviD-2HD.avi_20100119_213443.jpg
File: 2] The.Big.Bang.T...
Jpg, 14.32 KB, 640×362
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
2] The.Big.Bang.Theory.S03E13.The.Bozeman.Reaction.HDTV.XviD-2HD.avi_20100119_213501.jpg

>> No.288421 Reply
File: 20] Gintama 191.m...
Jpg, 14.19 KB, 640×480
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20] Gintama 191.mkv_20100117_020321.jpg
File: 20] Gintama 191.m...
Jpg, 15.10 KB, 640×480
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20] Gintama 191.mkv_20100117_020351.jpg
File: 20] Gintama 191.m...
Jpg, 17.96 KB, 640×480
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20] Gintama 191.mkv_20100117_020522.jpg
File: 20] Gintama 191.m...
Jpg, 27.67 KB, 640×480
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20] Gintama 191.mkv_20100117_020555.jpg
File: 20] Gintama 191.m...
Jpg, 22.56 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
20] Gintama 191.mkv_20100117_020636.jpg

>> No.288424 Reply
File: 20] Gintama 191.m...
Jpg, 24.02 KB, 640×480
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20] Gintama 191.mkv_20100117_020640.jpg
File: 20] Gintama 191.m...
Jpg, 23.48 KB, 640×480
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20] Gintama 191.mkv_20100117_020648.jpg
File: 20] Gintama 191.m...
Jpg, 21.84 KB, 640×480
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20] Gintama 191.mkv_20100117_020651.jpg
File: 20] Gintama 191.m...
Jpg, 29.52 KB, 640×480
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20] Gintama 191.mkv_20100117_020702.jpg
File: 20] Gintama 191.m...
Jpg, 18.91 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
20] Gintama 191.mkv_20100117_020740.jpg

>> No.288426 Reply
File: 20] Gintama 191.m...
Jpg, 14.27 KB, 640×480
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20] Gintama 191.mkv_20100117_020804.jpg
File: 20] Gintama 191.m...
Jpg, 22.31 KB, 640×480
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20] Gintama 191.mkv_20100117_020825.jpg
File: 20] Gintama 191.m...
Jpg, 20.90 KB, 640×480
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20] Gintama 191.mkv_20100117_020915.jpg
File: 20] Gintama 191.m...
Jpg, 20.40 KB, 640×480
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20] Gintama 191.mkv_20100117_020927.jpg
File: 20] Gintama 191.m...
Jpg, 21.12 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
20] Gintama 191.mkv_20100117_020942.jpg

>> No.288430 Reply
File: 20] Gintama 191.m...
Jpg, 22.67 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
20] Gintama 191.mkv_20100117_020944.jpg
File: 20] Gintama 191.m...
Jpg, 16.75 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
20] Gintama 191.mkv_20100117_021132.jpg
File: 20] Gintama 191.m...
Jpg, 21.59 KB, 640×480
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20] Gintama 191.mkv_20100117_021317.jpg
File: 20] Gintama 191.m...
Jpg, 23.22 KB, 640×480
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20] Gintama 191.mkv_20100117_021427.jpg
File: 20] Gintama 191.m...
Jpg, 23.41 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
20] Gintama 191.mkv_20100117_021450.jpg

>> No.288434 Reply
File: 20] Gintama 191.m...
Jpg, 21.07 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
20] Gintama 191.mkv_20100117_021516.jpg
File: 20] Gintama 191.m...
Jpg, 23.03 KB, 640×480
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20] Gintama 191.mkv_20100117_021557.jpg
File: 20] Gintama 191.m...
Jpg, 22.09 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
20] Gintama 191.mkv_20100117_021547.jpg
File: 20] Gintama 191.m...
Jpg, 21.29 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
20] Gintama 191.mkv_20100117_021620.jpg
File: 20] Gintama 191.m...
Jpg, 19.04 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
20] Gintama 191.mkv_20100117_021853.jpg

>> No.288436 Reply
File: 20] Gintama 191.m...
Jpg, 28.18 KB, 640×480
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20] Gintama 191.mkv_20100117_021918.jpg
File: 20] Gintama 191.m...
Jpg, 21.38 KB, 640×480
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20] Gintama 191.mkv_20100117_022036.jpg
File: 20] Gintama 191.m...
Jpg, 24.77 KB, 640×480
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20] Gintama 191.mkv_20100117_022103.jpg
File: 20] Gintama 191.m...
Jpg, 19.58 KB, 640×480
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20] Gintama 191.mkv_20100117_022204.jpg
File: 20] Gintama 191.m...
Jpg, 18.01 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
20] Gintama 191.mkv_20100117_022218.jpg

>> No.288438 Reply
File: Fullmetal Alchemi...
Jpg, 26.00 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - 40 (848x480 H264 AAC)[(006459)23-44-50].JPG
File: Fullmetal Alchemi...
Jpg, 30.17 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - 40 (848x480 H264 AAC)[(021862)23-58-48].JPG
File: Fullmetal Alchemi...
Jpg, 31.45 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - 40 (848x480 H264 AAC)[(021870)23-58-51].JPG
File: Fullmetal Alchemi...
Jpg, 32.20 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - 40 (848x480 H264 AAC)[(021899)23-58-59].JPG
File: Fullmetal Alchemi...
Jpg, 34.84 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - 40 (848x480 H264 AAC)[(022169)23-59-17].JPG

>> No.288439 Reply
File: Fullmetal Alchemi...
Jpg, 38.45 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - 40 (848x480 H264 AAC)[(015264)23-53-48].JPG
File: Fullmetal Alchemi...
Jpg, 39.95 KB, 640×480
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Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - 40 (848x480 H264 AAC)[(016000)23-54-26].JPG
File: Fullmetal Alchemi...
Jpg, 25.86 KB, 640×480
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Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - 40 (848x480 H264 AAC)[(017329)23-55-29].JPG
File: Fullmetal Alchemi...
Jpg, 34.80 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - 40 (848x480 H264 AAC)[(020426)23-57-33].JPG
File: Fullmetal Alchemi...
Jpg, 36.03 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - 40 (848x480 H264 AAC)[(021427)23-58-14].JPG

>> No.288440 Reply
File: Fullmetal Alchemi...
Jpg, 28.83 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - 40 (848x480 H264 AAC)[(026638)00-02-06].JPG
File: Fullmetal Alchemi...
Jpg, 38.38 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - 40 (848x480 H264 AAC)[(027006)00-02-31].JPG
File: Fullmetal Alchemi...
Jpg, 37.85 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - 40 (848x480 H264 AAC)[(027105)00-02-39].JPG
File: Fullmetal Alchemi...
Jpg, 33.17 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - 40 (848x480 H264 AAC)[(027116)00-02-49].JPG
File: Fullmetal Alchemi...
Jpg, 42.36 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - 40 (848x480 H264 AAC)[(027135)00-02-52].JPG

>> No.288448 Reply
File: macro-срать-кирпичами.png
Png, 271.00 KB, 640×480 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.288450 Reply
File: motivator-срать-кирпичами.png
Png, 672.68 KB, 710×660 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Хотя так лучше
>> No.288463 Reply
File: macro-butthurt.png
Png, 283.31 KB, 640×480 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.288467 Reply
File: macro-oh-hi-wait.png
Png, 163.39 KB, 481×362
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: macro-вах-какой.png
Png, 307.89 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: macro-love-piece-...
Png, 154.59 KB, 355×315
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: macro-превозмогай...
Png, 308.94 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: macro-фаллометрия...
Png, 219.18 KB, 640×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

Перефразируйте, если хуита.

Алсо этоже Стойкий Кот, лучший друг Смелого Волка
>> No.288477 Reply
Спасибо ^_^
Наберу годных скринов и запилю моар.

%% >>288155 не моё :) %%
>> No.288479 Reply
File: macro-располагайся.png
Png, 336.17 KB, 640×480 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.288493 Reply
Соус ?
>> No.288503 Reply
Пламеннный лабиринт.
>> No.288594 Reply
File: 3.jpg
Jpg, 48.46 KB, 600×450 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.288595 Reply
File: macro-я-капитан-команды.png
Png, 295.86 KB, 411×383 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.288742 Reply
File: macro-proceed.png
Png, 779.49 KB, 1280×720 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.288786 Reply
File: bmp.JPG
Jpg, 27.54 KB, 465×384 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Тред-то в бамплимите уж.
А я хомяк.

Вот картинка, украл сюжет из популярного блога.


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