Hi pls,
Here's some tribesinput shit that I use / have laying around.
Bindings=(Name="L",Command="Show BSP | Show COLLISION | Show SKELMESHES | Show FOG | Show DECALS | Show LEVELCOLORATION",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False,bIgnoreShift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)
This script lets you see the collision meshes (is that the right term?) of surfaces while in free roam. This is useful for finding rock routes and inventory blocks. Altimor found this (I love you). I used this to find mines. Here are screenshots of the Arx stand, here & here are examples of mine faggotry (the green box is the mine hit box). This does not work in multiplayer.
Bindings=(Name="MouseX",Command="Count bXAxis | Axis aMouseX Speed=1.6 DeadZone=0",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False,bIgnoreShift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)
Bindings=(Name="MouseY",Command="Count bYAxis | Axis aMouseY Speed=1.6 DeadZone=0",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False,bIgnoreShift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)
Bindings=(Name="C",Command="PressedZoom | setsensitivity 2 | OnRelease DemagnifyZoom | OnRelease ReleasedZoom | OnRelease setsensitivity 5",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False,bIgnoreShift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)
This is my mouse sens stuff. Zoom will be overly sensitive (you can fix this w/ a zoom sens bind, but your input will be rly inaccurate, I think, so don't use this to snipe) and you won't be able to change sensitivity while in game, but I really like the feel of this. Tim helped me w/ all of this and he can probs explain it further. Here is a pastebin that explains it use / reasons to use further.
SwitchWeapon1",Command="EquipPrimary | SetBind F GBASwitchWeapon2",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False,bIgnoreShift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)
SwitchWeapon2",Command="EquipSecondary | SetBind F GBASwitchWeapon1",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False,bIgnoreShift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)
Bindings=(Name="Tab",Command="NextWeapon | OnRelease PrevWeapon",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False,bIgnoreShift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)
Be sure to remove the following lines from your TribesInput.ini
Weapon switch binds. If I understand it correctly, Tribes delays your weapon switch if you use prevweapon or nextweapon (scroll wheel / Q) by your ping. It is faster to use equipprimary / secondary (pressing 1 and 2). This binds F to switch weapons using equipprimary / secondary. For this to work, you have to press 8 one time after joining the server to get the script going. I have no idea why. I'll probably need someone to correct me on all of this (calling /u/dukranger).
Tab is bound to switch weapons on press then switch on release. This is really useful for animation canceling, especially on the Twinfusor.
Bindings=(Name="Z",Command="GBA_DropFlag | onrelease StartFire | OnRelease stopFire",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False,bIgnoreShift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)
This is a punt script Dukranger made the other day. Press to throw flag, release to shoot. I don't use it, but one of you 'tards may like it.
Here is my current (11/20) Tribes.ini & here is my current (11/20) TribesInput.ini
Edit: I bound the individual commands of the free roam xray vision to 6 - Minus, here is the config, here is a look of one of the modes (probably the most useful one).
Shoutout to dukranger, timmy, altimor, and sebacious for helping doing all of this.