>>3753 Листая англоязычные сайты, убедился, что вопрос "кто именно пел в Big Sleep" так и не имеет однозначного ответа:
Did Andy Williams dub Lauren Bacall's singing?
According to legend, Andy Williams sang for Bacall in To Have and Have Not. However, according to Bogart, by Sperber & Lax, "Some later accounts alleged that the actual singing was done by a very young Andy Williams, dubbed in for Bacall. But studio memos and production reports make it clear that the voice in the film is her own."
According to the Wikipedia article on To Have and Have Not:
There is a persistent myth that teenage boy Andy Williams, the future singing star, dubbed the singing for Bacall. According to authoritative sources, including Hawks and Bacall, this was not true. Williams and some female singers were tested to dub for Bacall, because of fears that she lacked the necessary vocal skills. But those fears proved groundless, and she did the singing herself.
However, the same article adds:
Andy Williams says he sang the song and that it is his voice you hear.
And on NPR's "Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me!" broadcast of December 19, 2009, Williams says he sang How Little We Know and it's his voice we hear in the movie [thanks to Susan Harrison for bringing this to my attention]. However, he made no mention of the other song Marie/Slim sang with Cricket, Am I Blue, which sounds to be the same voice, as does And Her Tears Flowed Like Wine, sung by Bacall's character Vivian in The Big Sleep.
So did Bacall do her own singing or not?