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No.40239 Reply
File: 1386471043168.jpg
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Well, what is it?
>> No.40240 Reply
И зачем? Здесь русскоязычный сайт, для англоязычных есть шрайнмейден, например.
>> No.40241 Reply
File: 665338.jpg
Jpg, 195.24 KB, 429×600 - Click the image to expand
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What is this "what"?
>> No.40244 Reply
File: 1387203807728.jpg
Jpg, 400.78 KB, 631×893 - Click the image to expand
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There are some touhoufags, who want to learn English through communication.
What we have here?
>> No.40248 Reply
Nothing interesting. Wanna to play fighting.
>> No.40260 Reply
do пропустил
to лишнее

Зачем это нужно, когда есть столько активных англоязычных коммьюнити
>> No.40263 Reply
File: sample-de6b9dd871a018d337b001965af8.jpg
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They are native speakers, I'm afraid to embarrass myself in front of them.
>> No.40266 Reply
Talking with native speakers is the best way to learn language, I guess. Or, at least, fastest...
>> No.40268 Reply
File: 2dde1808a37e36d9ed5c53b79edfb11b.jpg
Jpg, 898.51 KB, 1260×772 - Click the image to expand
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Well, I propose to make a conf in a skype to talk. As for me, it's easier way to learn English. And forget about your shame, there is nothing special.
When you download images from somethingbooru, don't download samples. Download full images.
>> No.40269 Reply
File: Fujiwara_no_Mokou_by_FullMetalNinj4.png
Png, 490.01 KB, 542×924 - Click the image to expand
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They use spoken language and slang, it's too difficult.
Sorry, I do not have a microphone.
I found this picture in Google Image Search, and it is the maximum resolution from all possible.
>> No.40270 Reply
You will not learn anything this way. Nobody will correct your mistakes
The fastest way is to read books a lot to begin thinking in english with complete phrases instead of dorky per-word translation
>> No.40272 Reply
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>> No.40273 Reply
File: screen.jpg
Jpg, 44.02 KB, 926×344 - Click the image to expand
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There are no results.
>> No.40274 Reply
>> No.40275 Reply
File: 4931fe0cb9c054faddc56a2e260d09e2.png
Png, 458.87 KB, 792×1100 - Click the image to expand
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I dunno why my link is such...
Write "fujiwaranomokou rating:safe"
Rating:safe remove hentai picks
>> No.40276 Reply
File: b473ee4680ac471bea6d5ae387000a34.jpg
Jpg, 395.92 KB, 600×900 - Click the image to expand
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In name between fujiwara and no and between no and mokou write "_"
>> No.40277 Reply
Clearly. Thank you.
>> No.40278 Reply
File: ecd95ef5a0dd2fd010dc78021e31192b.jpg
Jpg, 207.37 KB, 726×1025 - Click the image to expand
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Well, OP, how long are you in 2hou?
>> No.40279 Reply
Oh, sorry. I thought that "reading books" should be in your "how-to-learn-something" list by default. Well...

I've seen numerous cases when people had some real-time IRC channels or skype confs, just in order to train their skills in chatting, at least. So, why can't we set up something like these examples?
>> No.40281 Reply
File: ed481d46d845509bf90fad1ff6e6a0a3.png
Png, 2151.45 KB, 1000×1300 - Click the image to expand
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I can make the Skype conf. If you, OP or someone else wants it, tell it.
>> No.40282 Reply
File: 6bd9cfc29e3550c507dc2e0faec698e60240334c.jpg
Jpg, 147.79 KB, 500×709 - Click the image to expand
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It would be nice.

Why are you (all of you) posting pictures of Mokou? Is there some kind of english Mokou-club?..
>> No.40283 Reply
She's so cute :3
>> No.40284 Reply
File: 7673f05a2431bf505dadabb5e84a3ba0.png
Png, 589.15 KB, 800×1024 - Click the image to expand
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Ok, I'll create a conf, add me in Skype.
Mokou is my favorite Touhou character. That's all.
>> No.40286 Reply
> add me in Skype.
I've suspected that. Since my nickname is Haedes, i'm already in your list. It's better to await someone else, then.
>> No.40300 Reply
File: 250px-Sanae_2.jpg
Jpg, 57.71 KB, 250×375 - Click the image to expand
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Хэллоу, май найм из Санаэ. Ай ам а гуд гёрл.
Хау дую ду?
Ай ам файн. Рашн ис э биг колд кантри виз Владимир Путин анд Смокинг айлендс. Ве ар лайк дринк водка, дуумать анд квакать афтер зем. Ве ар дислайк бед гэйс, фашистс анд блекс. Ай хопе ю нот ван оф зем.
Май ворк ис прист оф Рашн Ортодокс Черч. Супреме приест оф РОЧ кол митрополит. Хи ис а грандест лидер оф Ортодоксал Черч ин а ворд. Я лайк май ворк, фемели анд кантри. Санк ю. Коме ту Раша ту ме, анд ви вил лове май кантри тогезер.
>> No.40301 Reply
File: 902006daef1efdec57fa01cbc72c8733.png
Png, 510.88 KB, 727×1037 - Click the image to expand
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Sanae, you have such Russian name, yeah.
>> No.40306 Reply
File: 112612-sanae_kochiya_256_large.jpg
Jpg, 15.67 KB, 300×300 - Click the image to expand
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Май нейм ис нот типикал бекоз май дистант анцестор ис айну фром Камчаткас край. Фазер каллед ми ин хонор оф зе греат греат-грандмазер. Сач каузес.
>> No.40307 Reply
File: 3feb9da9917bb3a9e0fd9678e576033f.png
Png, 1800.99 KB, 1500×840 - Click the image to expand
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Well, let it be. Do you want to join the club?
>> No.40308 Reply
File: sana2j.jpg
Jpg, 85.48 KB, 488×488 - Click the image to expand
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Соу сорри, бат ай вил би компеллед ту рифжуз. Бекоз... Хау ит ис коррект то телл? Мой английский это кровать.
>> No.40333 Reply
эта ок, бикоз потому что их английский совсем трахать кровать
>> No.40464 Reply
File: Сейдзя-1.JPG
Jpg, 106.68 KB, 596×1000 - Click the image to expand
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sʞɔns pɐǝɹʇ sıɥʇ


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