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No.84622 Reply
Поможете с переводом, аноны? В общем смысл текста понятен, однако нужна его читабельность, а с построением грамотного перевода есть большие проблемы.

After the assassination of her Arch-Duke in 1914, the Austrian ultimatum to Serbia set off a chain of alliances that would ignite the Balkan, and then the world. Across the Empire, school children are taught how Austrian foresight to attack the crippled Entente led to their glorious victory in the Weltkrieg and etched the Habsburg name into world history.
The truth, however, is far less glamorous. The Austro-Hungarian Army collapsed rapidly against advancing Italian and Russian forces, and was only saved by a complete German takeover of her general command. Even though victorious in the end, the Weltkrieg revealed the former Austrian Empire as a deeply corrupt and inept state, on the brink of complete dissolution.
In 1938, the various governments of Austria-Hungary have promised a new, sweeping Ausgleich negotiation which will rewire the federal state to it's core. While weakened, Emperor Karl I remains a powerful symbol of Austrian hegemony. A renewed military buildup of the Common Army, loyal only to the Emperor of Austria, foreshadows Karl's ambition to do away with the scheming Hungarians and once again stretch his absolute power from Vienna to Budapest.
An increasingly unstable Ottoman Empire on her borders is shifting the balance of power in the balkans. Italy, while crushed in the Weltkrieg, cherishes revanchist politicians plotting over South-Tyrol. In the meanwhile, even Germany, ancient ally of the Austrians, no longer hides it's contempt for it's weakening neighbour. Faced with enemies within and without, will Austria-Hungary finally wither and die? Or will the struggling empire stand up and reclaim it's legacy as a leading power in Europe?


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