anon@anon ~ $ cat /etc/mpd.conf | grep -v "^#" | grep -v "^$" music_directory "/mnt/music" playlist_directory "/var/lib/mpd/playlists" db_file "/var/lib/mpd/database" log_file "/var/lib/mpd/log" state_file "/var/lib/mpd/state" user "mpd" bind_to_address "localhost" bind_to_address "/var/lib/mpd/socket" port "6600" auto_update "yes" input { plugin "curl" } audio_output { type "alsa" name "My ALSA Device" mixer_type "software" # optional } replaygain "album" replaygain_preamp "1" filesystem_charset "UTF-8"
> Ньюфаги не знают
> device "hw:0,0"
> PulseAudio
> If your card has a number of stereo sub-devices that operate synchronously, you can join them into one virtual multichannel device.
> А oss стухся, хотя там давно был годный, мультиканальный микшер и прочие ништяки. Печаль.
> Проблемы ресемплирования решаются так:
> Ой ли? Вроде отлично работает.
- hanabira 0.6.1320- + wakaba + futallaby + futaba -