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No.2497 Reply
File: [AniDub]_Denpa_Te...
Gif, 1575.03 KB, 320×180
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[AniDub]_Denpa_Teki_na_Kanojo_OVA_01_[3df_&_noir] (1).gif
File: 12. H2O.gif
Gif, 1995.43 KB, 352×288
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
12. H2O.gif

запиливаем сюда годные аниме гифы
сразу от меня два только с конвертера
>> No.2499 Reply
File: [Zero-Raws] K-On!! - 08 (TBS 1280x720 x264 AAC).gif
Gif, 438.17 KB, 151×266 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[Zero-Raws] K-On!! - 08 (TBS 1280x720 x264 AAC).gif
Вот такая самоделочка.
>> No.2500 Reply
File: _DTB_2_.gif
Gif, 2653.85 KB, 500×350
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: _Yumichika_Eat_22...
Gif, 2418.02 KB, 600×460
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: 00a8b5ad3ceb7b063...
Gif, 420.28 KB, 480×270
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: 1261076007216.gif
Gif, 1268.04 KB, 320×180
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: 0c262863797692c8d...
Gif, 670.80 KB, 600×338
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

кстати, бро, какой прогой пользуеш чтоб обрезать гифы под требуемый размер?
очередные /а/-гифы (это уже не мои, но вполне годные)
>> No.2501 Reply
File: 0f1a05f09a5bcadb8...
Gif, 634.41 KB, 246×480
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: 0f5bd585ea1434074...
Gif, 297.72 KB, 197×137
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: 0ffa3352ebafabe09...
Gif, 2637.91 KB, 427×240
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: 0cfb2f29379b8ad9d...
Gif, 394.18 KB, 640×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: 0f05aafd69f3cde45...
Gif, 47.36 KB, 240×260
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

>> No.2502 Reply
File: 1ce943e4399013b3b...
Gif, 1445.68 KB, 232×132
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: 1c71f605eefac7cf5...
Gif, 47.60 KB, 320×180
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File: 01bba0c4.gif
Gif, 372.84 KB, 400×225
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File: 1d7d6928.gif
Gif, 444.64 KB, 500×281
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: 1de67202ba1c5954b...
Gif, 544.73 KB, 704×400
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

>> No.2503 Reply
Гифы полностью делаю в virtualdub. Для обрезки использую фильтр null transform (идет в комплекте), может быть есть и более годные фильтры, я не знаю.
>> No.2504 Reply
File: 1f304823f9d252313...
Gif, 942.49 KB, 480×360
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: 2a1e5c60de09feb45...
Gif, 353.40 KB, 320×180
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: 2b4582d7dad2fe97d...
Gif, 628.61 KB, 360×270
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File: 2b20761de30a7dc85...
Gif, 1948.87 KB, 338×192
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: 2bb76de7ae50e30a2...
Gif, 1626.01 KB, 400×400
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

>> No.2505 Reply
File: stab2.gif
Gif, 5928.71 KB, 320×180 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
спасибо, добра тебе
>> No.2508 Reply
File: 5ef8b6c5878e.gif
Gif, 697.47 KB, 800×450
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: nyanko2.gif
Gif, 237.82 KB, 300×290
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

я тоже подключусь
>> No.2509 Reply
File: 7410626c62b670cc41e84155dbb5d61c.gif
Gif, 3614.84 KB, 500×300 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.2510 Reply
File: 2fef4b73dec605842...
Gif, 1133.50 KB, 448×252
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: 2jg5kid.gif
Gif, 610.11 KB, 200×112
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: 2q8bsxy.gif
Gif, 1159.31 KB, 250×142
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: 2uiasfa.gif
Gif, 600.67 KB, 200×113
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: 2v2ukiw.gif
Gif, 835.14 KB, 200×114
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

ок, няшя, тебе будем только рады
>> No.2511 Reply
File: 1244649597987.gif
Gif, 311.80 KB, 400×225
Your censorship settings forbid this file.
File: 4a328a2ffc0d2fead...
Gif, 488.44 KB, 416×234
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: 2yy49om.gif
Gif, 604.44 KB, 200×113
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: 3e5d3aac8fae25545...
Gif, 1133.34 KB, 512×288
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: 3c39fd8bae08e40d7...
Gif, 482.83 KB, 320×180
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

>> No.2512 Reply
> 2uiasfa.gif
Няша, подскажи соус?
>> No.2513 Reply
Bleach: Diamond Dust Rebellion
>> No.2514 Reply
File: 4Chan-Execution.gif
Gif, 953.75 KB, 253×190
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: 4chan-eva.gif
Gif, 1911.77 KB, 320×240
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: 4d7ce97b6844ee36a...
Gif, 468.88 KB, 360×182
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: 4f7ea05e7a6bf9394...
Gif, 618.98 KB, 350×262
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: 4f6799d16b2cfbfb7...
Gif, 490.56 KB, 204×153
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

но имхо там кроме как на махач вообще неначто посмотреть
первый и третий мувики гораздо смысловее и драмоты там больше
>> No.2516 Reply
File: 1287147561099.gif
Gif, 175.43 KB, 300×169
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: 4fdb74acc2172759b...
Gif, 752.00 KB, 420×250
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: 5e4cbc9567c57cea8...
Gif, 1025.29 KB, 160×87
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: f239cff68ad02e179...
Gif, 497.98 KB, 290×166
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: 6ccd17e85c3eb9077...
Gif, 419.25 KB, 468×260
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

соус онегай шимас
>> No.2517 Reply
File: NEEDLESS_[01.gif
Gif, 1406.95 KB, 320×180
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: NEEDLESS_03.gif
Gif, 534.69 KB, 320×180
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: NEEDLESS_01.gif
Gif, 709.64 KB, 320×180
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: NEEDLESS.gif
Gif, 1215.48 KB, 320×180
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

анон, специально для тебя запилил с утра на конвертере Needless так как gif к этой аниму днём с огнём не сыщешь в паутине
по ходу ещё буду допиливать следуйщие серии
потом возьмусь за Hellsing Ultimate
>> No.2528 Reply
File: 6eb58d13d23ddcbfb...
Gif, 497.80 KB, 240×180
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: 12470915847.gif
Gif, 52.34 KB, 250×250
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: 4ad2f611b924601ba...
Gif, 494.05 KB, 416×234
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: 6c391ec959be902c9...
Gif, 1807.14 KB, 300×200
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: 7ec8ddacdc28a6d6c...
Gif, 210.29 KB, 400×225
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

продолжаю заливать gifs
>> No.2531 Reply
File: 1262742087702.gif
Gif, 495.10 KB, 512×288
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: 1262750217128.gif
Gif, 407.04 KB, 264×150
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: 8f60b358aecf04750...
Gif, 460.88 KB, 704×396
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: 9d1a7fb17f4c8bd67...
Gif, 491.63 KB, 260×195
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: 9f23db4caa70e050b...
Gif, 340.37 KB, 500×281
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

>> No.2532 Reply
Можно соус третьей?
>> No.2533 Reply
File: 10cd69654f26c1842...
Gif, 701.93 KB, 480×270
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: 1243610155598.gif
Gif, 1094.80 KB, 528×360
Your censorship settings forbid this file.
File: 11e3da60aea9b31fe...
Gif, 214.33 KB, 256×288
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: 14.gif
Gif, 102.81 KB, 310×233
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: 0012s.gif
Gif, 48.53 KB, 176×99
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

Bakuman, если я не ошибаюсь (лично этого тайтла не смотрел - как-то сюжет глупо завязывается,имхо)
>> No.2535 Reply
Значит нафиг. Но рисовка вроде красивая.
>> No.2536 Reply
File: 1291662274735.jpg
Jpg, 24.23 KB, 364×344 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
да, с этим не поспоришь
>> No.2539 Reply
File: Seitokai_no_Ichiz...
Gif, 854.72 KB, 320×170
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: [Zero-Raws] K-On!...
Gif, 349.47 KB, 320×180
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
[Zero-Raws] K-On!! - 21 (TBS 1280x720 x264 AAC).gif
File: Kodomo_no_Jikan_N...
Gif, 1543.22 KB, 320×252
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: Nyan_Koi!_01_[Per...
Gif, 3148.06 KB, 320×180
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

>> No.2546 Reply
File: 1267221031552.gif
Gif, 493.29 KB, 704×396
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: 24d23225fd8a8fad8...
Gif, 488.62 KB, 396×220
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: 25dbf2e1a40f9baf7...
Gif, 305.66 KB, 400×230
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: 1237574061780.gif
Gif, 1133.81 KB, 320×180
Your censorship settings forbid this file.
File: 15baa856a22574cec...
Gif, 213.39 KB, 240×135
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

бро, очень годно получилось
>> No.2547 Reply
>> No.2549 Reply
Ну вот, теперь и здесь.
>> No.2556 Reply
> смотри 2533
>> No.2560 Reply
File: 33oiaer.gif
Gif, 948.91 KB, 420×236
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: 34g8yur.gif
Gif, 789.37 KB, 200×113
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: 1236897736707.gif
Gif, 177.49 KB, 400×450
Your censorship settings forbid this file.
File: 45bc68e147f4082a4...
Gif, 909.37 KB, 275×155
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: =exehint=Rozen Ma...
Gif, 620.46 KB, 293×409
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
=exehint=Rozen Maiden_Suisei Seki_Gif=67.gif

итак запиливаем дальше

P.S. империум я просто оставлю здесь
>> No.2564 Reply
File: 55e4ba0d83c23ff70...
Gif, 480.79 KB, 300×195
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: 47f06fa655007c62c...
Gif, 683.26 KB, 447×385
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: 71e4dac05804623cf...
Gif, 553.69 KB, 704×396
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: 1237450244130.gif
Gif, 735.31 KB, 312×279
Your censorship settings forbid this file.
File: 70a0b5f90b37c29aa...
Gif, 549.48 KB, 320×240
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

>> No.2570 Reply
File: 1243754837310.gif
Gif, 491.33 KB, 470×353
Your censorship settings forbid this file.
>> No.2573 Reply
File: e8abab73661a07e6043214da985995fd.gif
Gif, 1228.03 KB, 640×360
Your censorship settings forbid this file.
>> No.2577 Reply
>> No.2578 Reply
>> No.2580 Reply
Последнее тоже?
>> No.2581 Reply
Нет, последняя вроде не кейон.
>> No.2582 Reply
Но печенку есть весьма няшно.
Ответь Доброанон, кто это?
>> No.2583 Reply
Darcrows - Episode 2

EPName: The Undercurrent
JPTitle: ダークロウズ
Not Specified
>> No.2584 Reply
>> No.2585 Reply
File: Hellsing Ultimate...
Gif, 930.52 KB, 320×180
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Hellsing Ultimate OVA 02 [DVDRip(HQ)_848x480][AAC_jpn-eng-ger-fre][Sub_fre-eng-ger-spa-dut].gif
File: Hellsing Ultimate...
Gif, 663.19 KB, 320×180
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Hellsing Ultimate OVA 02 [DVDRip(HQ)_848x480][AAC_jpn-eng-ger-fre][Sub_fre-eng-ger-spa-dut] (1).gif
File: Hellsing Ultimate...
Gif, 4298.09 KB, 320×180
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Hellsing Ultimate OVA 02 [DVDRip(HQ)_848x480][AAC_jpn-eng-ger-fre][Sub_fre-eng-ger-spa-dut] (2).gif

склепал только что
пусть здесь полежит
>> No.2587 Reply
Хуиту какую-то клепаешь, лучше бы полезными делами занимался.
>> No.2588 Reply
File: 1291111775984.jpg
Jpg, 73.92 KB, 1280×720 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
кому нужны полезные дела? тебе нужны? ты ими и занимайся
>> No.2589 Reply
Вспомнилось из ДДЦ:

мудрый живет себе спокойно, свободный
   от необходимости заниматься делами,
действуя, руководствуется "знанием без слов".
Жить в покое, вдали от дел - вот то,
чего избегают люди,
но только так и можно приблизиться
к истинному Пути...

и т.д., там про это много :)
>> No.2595 Reply
хм... довольно любопытно, бро
>> No.2596 Reply
File: shiki.gif
Gif, 3160.38 KB, 1024×576 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.2597 Reply
I came
>> No.2621 Reply
File: 6497ee39154cd6dc216483808bcbddd9.gif
Gif, 3905.33 KB, 700×400 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Бамп Аской.
>> No.2622 Reply
File: d74fab50bc32da96a57987a5e4805d3d.gif
Gif, 3063.04 KB, 322×182 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.2654 Reply
Эва же
>> No.2658 Reply
Гугль выдает Евангелион при гуглении "Эва".
>> No.2660 Reply
File: 3th-001.jpg
Jpg, 232.55 KB, 1280×2156 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.2662 Reply
Сам попробуй, коль не веришь.
>> No.2681 Reply
File: 0732.jpg
Jpg, 18.69 KB, 220×220 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Гифка порадовала. В манге есть похожий эпизод, но с Синдзи вместо Аски. и с зубочистками вместо соломинки
Откуда это, из ребилда что-ли?
>> No.2682 Reply
это и есть Евангелион
>> No.2683 Reply
из новых мувиков
>> No.2702 Reply
>> No.2738 Reply
File: 7410626c62b670cc41e84155dbb5d61c.gif
Gif, 3614.84 KB, 500×300 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.2740 Reply
File: tumblr_lgbo4z5SDj1qzm4kwo1_500.gif
Gif, 280.58 KB, 500×269 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.2853 Reply
File: e1_p3.gif
Gif, 366.66 KB, 300×170
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: gsk_e4_p3.gif
Gif, 295.97 KB, 300×170
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: yumekui_e6_p1.gif
Gif, 555.75 KB, 302×170
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

>> No.2879 Reply
File: smashcar1dz.gif
Gif, 887.42 KB, 180×134 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.2891 Reply
File: tumblr_l8pg9dEwsP1qdtj3jo1_400.gif
Gif, 415.40 KB, 360×240 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.2898 Reply
File: 1298027900750.gif
Gif, 349.58 KB, 480×270 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.2899 Reply
File: 1298027900750.gif
Gif, 349.58 KB, 480×270 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.2919 Reply
File: i-p_o_GIFSoup.com.gif
Gif, 791.20 KB, 300×240 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Сам запилил, не судите строго.
>> No.2920 Reply
File: puella.gif
Gif, 1590.93 KB, 640×360 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.2921 Reply
File: 2aec047ec81b6e5c5c4c8e14a0eae043.gif
Gif, 4157.66 KB, 480×360 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.2931 Reply
скачай последний Total Video Converter - там gif в довольно годном качестве/размере можно клепать
>> No.2933 Reply
File: henshin.gif
Gif, 6523.48 KB, 356×200
Your censorship settings forbid this file.
Не качай, любого экстрактора с пропуском кадром mplayer например плюс imageready или gimp-а достаточно.
>> No.2934 Reply
File: 1253873836083.gif
Gif, 1012.30 KB, 487×526
Your censorship settings forbid this file.
File: 12889860726164.gif
Gif, 1897.21 KB, 192×98
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: d109ba4675ab36a81...
Gif, 1234.76 KB, 200×149
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: 0_4263d_5fbb97eb_...
Gif, 1226.01 KB, 300×173
Your censorship settings forbid this file.
File: 6c546d35ac81afeac...
Gif, 525.43 KB, 550×400
Your censorship settings forbid this file.

Очень знакомый кадр, не могу вспомнить в какой аниме это было... Анон, подскажи!

> Файл: 6ccd17e85c3eb9077...
Кто есть няша в шлеме? Какая анима? Это я точно не видел!
>> No.2935 Reply
это Хоро в шлеме, лол
>> No.2936 Reply
File: 7e1a168c3010634e4acce98c0fb42638.gif
Gif, 1789.42 KB, 300×169 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
няша перед монитором из псевдоНаучного Рейлгана
>> No.2946 Reply
Можно немножко соуса?
>> No.2947 Reply
To aru boku no pico
>> No.2949 Reply
>> No.2950 Reply
Toaru Majutsu no Index
>> No.3119 Reply
Анон, доставь гифок с плачущими анимешными тян.
>> No.3144 Reply
File: 16c43cda7370061e2...
Gif, 1258.10 KB, 352×288
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: 1234910903985.gif
Gif, 301.04 KB, 205×154
Your censorship settings forbid this file.
File: 1235167443026.gif
Gif, 2765.73 KB, 352×264
Your censorship settings forbid this file.
File: osaka.gif
Gif, 140.01 KB, 320×240
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

>> No.3147 Reply
File: d74fab50bc32da96a57987a5e4805d3d.gif
Gif, 3063.04 KB, 322×182 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.3148 Reply
>> No.3155 Reply
File: 1228681625881.gif
Gif, 895.43 KB, 231×130 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.3157 Reply
она лижет её хвост? 0_о
>> No.3163 Reply
Да, а что?
>> No.3170 Reply
File: mikuru-beamm.gif
Gif, 233.24 KB, 454×360 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.3171 Reply
File: pumpumpum.gif
Gif, 1876.86 KB, 350×350 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.3172 Reply
просто это как-то необычно, да и извращенски...
>> No.3173 Reply
хммм... ...а от куда?
>> No.3176 Reply
File: c326b0a2074f48829459d0e9cd57fe32.gif
Gif, 263.44 KB, 640×360 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko
>> No.3206 Reply
File: nekobump.gif
Gif, 2346.12 KB, 840×702
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: nekobump-ride.gif
Gif, 4043.87 KB, 1018×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
File: WOK.gif
Gif, 952.00 KB, 1080×720
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb

>> No.3214 Reply
File: tumblr_lkqxgqq1la1qexcnlo1_400.gif
Gif, 66.65 KB, 350×343 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.3223 Reply
File: 684644.gif
Gif, 6539.10 KB, 320×180 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.3250 Reply
>> No.3289 Reply
File: sunshine.gif
Gif, 5009.59 KB, 320×180 - Click the image to expand
edit Find source with google Find source with iqdb
>> No.3294 Reply
File: ToLoveRu.swf
Swf, 2.80 KB - Click the image to open file
>> No.3309 Reply
Ну дайте соус же наконец!
>> No.3326 Reply
File: 3249cf17b8c799957...
Gif, 1275.20 KB, 960×720
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File: 69aace04cabd6dc5f...
Gif, 358.09 KB, 960×720
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File: 5cda1c3aed05723ca...
Gif, 979.97 KB, 960×516
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File: 1be2d1b8f9c3e2bf4...
Gif, 527.99 KB, 623×720
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File: e56764de2ec02ddbe...
Gif, 337.91 KB, 960×720
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>> No.3327 Reply
File: 1cdfd78beead5fabe...
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Gif, 295.06 KB, 344×436
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Gif, 1369.65 KB, 550×344
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>> No.3351 Reply
>> No.3352 Reply
File: 394c6ca87ecc70318b6b00ead9dfceb5.jpg
Jpg, 85.33 KB, 500×600 - Click the image to expand
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Нашёл по тегам на гелбуре. Это Softenni.
>> No.3359 Reply
File: 2221 - animated_g...
Gif, 1304.06 KB, 350×210
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2221 - animated_gif asahina_mikuru dance hare_hare_yukai koizumi_itsuki kyon nagato_yuki suzumiya_haruhi suzumiya_haruhi_no_yuuutsu the_melancholy_of_haruhi_suzumiya.gif
File: 1299303884262.gif
Gif, 1753.87 KB, 264×150
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>> No.3361 Reply
File: tumblr_ll8qoqLQEe...
Gif, 250.06 KB, 500×280
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File: tumblr_llltasasXZ...
Gif, 496.89 KB, 500×282
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File: tumblr_lkjdlllcHr...
Gif, 454.91 KB, 450×168
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File: tumblr_lllrn0Iqx3...
Gif, 387.63 KB, 500×281
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File: tumblr_llski0Sl4B...
Gif, 448.27 KB, 500×248
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С меня A No Exorcist и няшека - Менма. =3
>> No.3488 Reply
Можно соус 1299303884262?
>> No.3489 Reply
Kara no Kyoukai/The Garden of Sinners/Сад грешников
>> No.3490 Reply
Пятая серия, смею добавить.
>> No.3492 Reply
хочу исходник
>> No.3495 Reply
File: 1319389555803.gif
Gif, 2801.07 KB, 320×180
Your censorship settings forbid this file.
>> No.3548 Reply
File: 1307029356899.gif
Gif, 1470.96 KB, 384×216 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.3551 Reply
Файл: 1299303884262.gif
>> No.3552 Reply
Уже спрашивали. >>3489
>> No.3554 Reply
>> No.3555 Reply
angel beats вроде
>> No.3557 Reply
Maria Holic Alive Ending: Матцурика бежит по коридорчику...
Запилите гифку, кто может? :3
>> No.3558 Reply
Он самый.
>> No.3559 Reply
File: 30jlis3.gif
Gif, 79.18 KB, 297×195 - Click the image to expand
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Кто знает, где найти больше таких гифок из Куска?
>> No.3577 Reply
File: Ranma ½ - Nightma...
Gif, 2269.36 KB, 320×240
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Ranma ½ - Nightmare! The Incense of Spring Sleep_2.gif
File: Ranma ½ - Nightma...
Gif, 2434.46 KB, 320×240
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Ranma ½ - Nightmare! The Incense of Spring Sleep_3.gif
File: Ranma ½ - Nightma...
Gif, 2460.52 KB, 320×240
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Ranma ½ - Nightmare! The Incense of Spring Sleep_4.gif

Запилил две гифки.
>> No.3578 Reply
File: Ranma ½ - Nightmare! The Incense of Spring Sleep_5.gif
Gif, 862.17 KB, 320×240 - Click the image to expand
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Ranma ½ - Nightmare! The Incense of Spring Sleep_5.gif
Черт, только сейчас заметил какого большого размера они вышли.
Вот еще одну сделал.
>> No.3625 Reply
File: k-on-azusa-cake-scene.gif
Gif, 8328.37 KB, 480×360 - Click the image to expand
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>> No.3627 Reply
Кого он пиздит?
>> No.3630 Reply
File: b70260d4a1ccb8e587b4b6c5fea1bac0.swf
Swf, 8.00 KB - Click the image to open file
>> No.3633 Reply
Это прекрасно.
>> No.3634 Reply
>> No.3639 Reply
Саске, который из наруто? Вроде бы у него другая одежда была.
>> No.3640 Reply
это из шиппуден, через два года после обычного наруты.


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