WakabaMarklink references edit close
WakabaMark is a very simple markup code for doing simple formatting of posts. It's designed to be intuitive to use, and look good even when not parsed. It is heavily inspired by MarkDown.
The basic features are as follows:
Surround text with * or _ to make <em> tags. Like this or like this. This makes the text italic.
Surround text with ** or __ to make <strong> tags. This makes the text bold.
Make an unordered HTML list by beginning each line with *, or -. You can add line breaks in list entries by breaking the line and indenting the next line with one or more spaces.
Make ordered HTML lists by beginning the first line with "1.", and the following lines with further numbers. It actually doesn't matter what numbers you use, as long as the first one is 1.
Make <blockquote> sections by beginning each line with ">".
Make <code> sections by indenting each line by four spaces or one tab. Code sections get shown in a monospaced font, and are not otherwise formatted.
Make short spans of code in normal text by enclosing the code in backticks, like so
. To display code that contains backticks, use several backticks to surround it, like so
Make external links by just typing the URL you want to link to. Post references like >>1 are also automatically turned into links.
Do no leave empty lines in the middle of lists or quoted blocks, as this turns them into separate blocks.
Note: There's a small bug in the wiki code that'll hit if you try to edit this entry, so don't. I'll remove this notice when it's fixed.