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I got scammed trying to get a ipad on craigslist

I thought I would post this here to warn anyone who is thinking about trying to get a ipad on craigslist. If something is too good to be true then it probably is.

I have been browsing on craigslist and the prices here in Houston for a 64gb have been anywhere from 800 to 1200 bucks!!! I really don't have 800 to drop on a ipad but I came to a interested post. Basically, there was a guy that wanted to trade his 16gb ipad for a BJ. I called him and offered him 350 for the it but he said that all he wanted was the BJ and I could have the ipad after that. I've never given a BJ before and when I told my wife about it, she thought it was disgusting. I later got her to let me do it since she knew how much I wanted the ipad and plus there is nothing but apple products in my home. The guy seemed pretty legit so I decided to go along with it.

We met at the Starbucks across from the Galleria and he showed me the ipad in his car. The ipad was in mint condition and he had the box with all the accessories. We agreed that I would give him the BJ in the starbucks bathroom and I would get the ipad afterward. He seemed to be a pretty honest guy. He was a white caucasion male that was somewhere in his 40's. Anyways, I gave him the BJ and it lasted about a good 5 minutes. I was kind of scared because it was my first time doing anything like this but he made me really comfortable because I think he could tell it was my first time. I was relieved when we finished and he congratulated me on the whole thing. I think that fact that I was finally getting my mitts on a ipad totally clouded my judgement.

The guy started to act all wierd and said that it would seem odd if we both walked out of the bathroom at the same time so he said that he should go out first while I get cleaned up and then I could meet him at his car to get the phone. I did what he said and when I got outside, he was long gone!!! I am so pissed up. I've been calling his phone all day and he won't even answer. My wife is pissed because I don't have the ipad even though I gave him the BJ. I thought I would file a police report about the whole thing but I figured I would have probably looked like a idiot doing so. So I'm just venting here to let everyone know that craigslists scams are real and I was the victim of one. I will continue my quest to get a ipad and hopefully I will have one soon.


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