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Смотрите что нашёл: Jewish Wrap Up 3 Years of Jewish Bankers, and terrible money,
We've starved under economies, and we're about to flee,
The Food we've stored is running out, And we need a new leader,
Germany has lost it's pride, We have the need to fear, The time has come for a new Reich,
With no Arabs and no kikes,
And It's also time to say goodbye, to the jews with our pikes,
How do I help a Reich you see,
What does everybody do?
How do I fit in without weapons,
I haven't got a clue Jewish wrap up,
Jewish wrap up,
Let's finish our Kristallnacht cheer, Jewish Wrap up,
Jewish Wrap up,
'Cause tomorrow Hitler's here,
'Cause tomorrow Hitler's here, Bringing home the Aryans,
A Nazi's Job Begins,
And Clearing all the inferiors,
To let eugenics in,
We Kill the Jews and we tell them to go,
When the Fuhrer comes his tyranny will flow Jewish wrap up,
Jewish wrap up,
Let's finish our Kristallnacht cheer, Jewish wrap up,
Jewish wrap up,
'Cause tomorrow Hitler's here, Jewish Wrap up,
Jewish Wrap up,
'Cause tomorrow Hitler's here,
'Cause tomorrow Hitler's here, Little Russians Hibernate like the bears they are,
We wake up all their sleepy heads, So Violently with cars,
We help them gather up their young,
Fix their homes for more,
We welcome back the Aryans,
So their families can grow Jewish wrap up,
Jewish wrap up,
Let's finish our Kristallnacht cheer, Jewish wrap up,
Jewish wrap up,
'Cause tomorrow Hitler's here, Jewish Wrap up,
Jewish Wrap up,
'Cause tomorrow Hitler's here,
'Cause tomorrow Hitler's here, No easy task to clear the land,
Plant our seeds of hate,
With propaganda and demand,
Every Nazi manned,
Blitzkrieg Airplanes, panzerschreck, The Luftwaffe too,
Me must fight so very hard,
There's just so much to do, Jewish wrap up,
Jewish wrap up,
Let's finish our Kristallnacht cheer, Jewish wrap up,
Jewish wrap up,
'Cause tomorrow Hitler's here, Jewish Wrap up,
Jewish Wrap up,
'Cause tomorrow Hitler's here,
'Cause tomorrow Hitler's here, Now that I know what they all do,
I have to find my rank,
And help with all of my part,
Whatever Jews I tank, How will i do without my freedom,
Help the Aryan way,
I wanna kill so must do my best today,
Do my best today, Jewish wrap up,
Jewish wrap up,
Let's finish our Kristallnacht cheer, Jewish wrap up,
Jewish wrap up,
'Cause tomorrow Hitler's here, Jewish Wrap up,
Jewish Wrap up,
'Cause tomorrow Hitler's here,
'Cause tomorrow Hitler's here,
'Cause tomorrow Hitler's here,