** GRE MATH *** Calculus, Linear Algebra, диффуркы, алегбра, топология, логика, теория множеств, функциональный анализ *** Probability *** TODO [#A] Optimizaton https://class.coursera.org/optimization-003 [0/6] ** Proglang *** Haskell **** TODO learn Haskell EDX **** TODO learn Haskell For Great GOOD *** C++\Java *** Python *** Scala **** [#A] Scala cookbook **** TODO Programming scala [1/24] ***** DONE Programming Scala 1 chapter :scala: CLOCK: [2015-04-04 Сб. 20:10]--[2015-04-04 Сб. 20:35] => 0:25 CLOCK: [2015-04-04 Сб. 19:02]--[2015-04-04 Сб. 19:40] => 0:38 Tried pdf mode in emacs, but it has bad resolution. And im on 18 page only, coz the begining is boring. **** TODO ScalaZ *** TODO SICP [1/24] http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-science/6-001-structure-and-interpretation-of-computer-programs-spring-2005/video-lectures/ **** DONE 1 lecture: Intro and Lisp :sicp: CLOCK: [2015-04-04 Сб. 20:48]--[2015-04-04 Сб. 22:08] => 1:20 ** TODO Mathematics for CS: http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/electrical-engineering-and-computer-science/6-042j-mathematics-for-computer-science-fall-2010/ ** Algorithms *** Algo Stanford [14%] https://class.coursera.org/algo2-004 - [X] week 1 - [ ] week 2 - [ ] week 3 - [ ] week 4 - [ ] week 5 - [ ] week 6 - [ ] exams **** DONE Video :algo: CLOCK: [2015-04-04 Сб. 13:54]--[2015-04-04 Сб. 14:24] => 0:30 CLOCK: [2015-04-04 Сб. 13:07]--[2015-04-04 Сб. 13:44] => 0:37 CLOCK: [2015-04-04 Сб. 12:36]--[2015-04-04 Сб. 13:03] => 0:27 **** DONE Problem Set (4/5) :algo: CLOCK: [2015-04-04 Сб. 16:32]--[2015-04-04 Сб. 17:08] => 0:36 Sounds like i was really stupid with the question about deadline. I created 3 examples where each of greedy approaches do not work. But somehow ordering by deadlines is a good idea. Although my example (deadline, processing time) = [(1, 4), (3, 2)] shows that ordering of deadlines gives: 3 + 3 =6 and ordering of processing times gives 0 + 5 = 5. The second result is better. **** DONE Assignment :algo: CLOCK: [2015-04-04 Сб. 17:49]--[2015-04-04 Сб. 18:25] => 0:36 I cheated a little bit and used the already provided solution in the last task. Just do not wanna implement sophisticated solution and naive approach as simple as the first task - my excuses **** TODO Video :algo: CLOCK: [2015-04-05 Вс. 13:31]--[2015-04-05 Вс. 14:37] => 1:06 **** TODO Problem Set :algo: **** TODO Assignment :algo: *** TODO Cormen read the book [0/35] *** https://www.coursera.org/course/algs4partII Robert Sedgewick ** Computation Theory *** TODO Sipser: http://www.amazon.com/Introduction-Theory-Computation-Michael-Sipser/dp/113318779X ** TODO Math logic and set theory: Enderson ** TODO Compilers https://lagunita.stanford.edu/courses/Engineering/Compilers/Fall2014/info [0/12] ** TODO Architectures Hennessy ** Advanced Data Structeres *** TODO Osaki ??? ** Operating Systems ** Databases *** TODO stanford course: https://lagunita.stanford.edu/courses/DB/RDB/SelfPaced/info ** TODO AI Norwig ** Machine learning *** Bishop *** TODO http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD0F06AA0D2E8FFBA [0/160] *** TODO http://cs229.stanford.edu/ *** TODO recommender systems ** Computer graphics ** Computer networks ** Distributed systems *** TODO [#A] reactive programming COURSE